A man takes a dog out to go bathroom when lightning strikes and thunder claps. The man runs back to under the awning for cover. Security footage.
A woman in the house panics as she struggles to catch a frog. Once she does catch it, her family doesn't open the front door for her. She opens the door herself to let the frog out.
A man outside throws a baseball to a young boy. The son doesn't even move to try to catch it. He then sighs, drops his mitt, and walks away as the dad says, "OK?"
A mom tries to get her baby to say "mama." The baby doesn't say a word, but the dog sitting next to it says it multiple times.
A man in his garage tries to manually close the garage door but he doesn't let go of the handle, is pulled off the ladder, and falls into the door. Security Footage.
A young boy on the front yard jumps on a pump and launches a toy rocket in the air. His baby brother doesn't see it come down and leans all the way back to look for it in the sky.
A woman tells a young girl, "They said you remind them of an owl." The daughter says, "Who?" but doesn't get the joke.
A young girl warns her mom about a spiderweb on a front porch, but the mom doesn't pay attention and runs into it as she shrieks and flails in a front yard. The girl then says, "I told you so!" Security footage.
A woman tries to run through a ribbon finish line but it doesn't break and she snaps back and falls to the ground.
A grandfather breaks a playground slide and falls down when he slides on it after a young girl tells him to.
A boy sits on one end of a log and a man stomps on the other side to break it and it doesn't break. He jumps on it and the boy gets launched up and the man trips and falls backwards.
"Tot Can't Find Mail Slot" A woman tries to direct her young daughter to put card in her grandmother's mail slot. The little girl wanders back and forth in the driveway but can't find it. .
A woman in a yard tries to run through a homemade obstacle course and she doesn't get over the first obstacle which is a table on its side and she crashes and falls.
A man falls on his butt on the grass in the backyard after he doesn't jump high enough to clear a hurdle and it breaks apart. Featured talent cleared (man making the failed hurdle)
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
A man headbutts a watermelon and it doesn't break.
A boy's parents and grandparents hold up a paper banner for him to run through on his first day of kindergarten but on the first try, he runs too low and doesn't rip it, and on the second try, he crashes into it and falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the four adults holding the sign and the child).
A man and a woman call a woman on speaker phone and tell her that there is a bear in their yard. The bear stands up to chew on her bird feeder as the woman on the other line tells the man she doesn't believe him.
A man attempts to swing on a swing into pool and doesn't make it and falls back.
A man bounces on a diving board. Then he jumps in the swimming pool and the diving board breaks.
A man and a woman pull the strings on a gender reveal piñata but it doesn't deploy. The man punches it and it hits the woman behind the camera in a yard. Featured talent cleared only (man and woman at the piñata)
In the backyard a woman zip lines down from one tree and doesn't stop so she collides into the other tree.
Two men hold a wooden plank and run at a tree in an attempt to break the plank but it doesn't break and it hits one of the men in the face and he falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two men holding the board).
A young girl walks down her front steps with an iPad and doesn't see the bush in front of her and trips and falls. Doorbell security camera.
A tot girl and boy search for eggs in the backyard. Their grandfather watches the kids but doesn't watch where he steps. He falls into the pool.
A hesitant woman rides a rope swing down a hill and over a lake. When she does not jump into the lake, she swings back towards the hill, then slips on mud and then falls into the water.
A goat repeatedly screams and bays at a dog wearing a sweater. But the dog doesn't react at all and a woman laughs.
A young girl and her tot brother hold one end of a wishbone while their father holds the other as they all pull. When it doesn't break, their father takes it and it breaks when he pulls on it gently. The girl cries and walks out of the kitchen, then her brother does the same. Thanksgiving.
A young girl gets her eyebrows waxed in a salon for the first time. She says it doesn't hurt but then she screams.
A young boy colors a picture of a young girl "pooping on the floor" and the girl explains she is mad about it and she doesn't have short hair like the girl in the drawing.
A young boy puts unseparated chop sticks to pinch his nose so that he doesn't have to "smell any farts from me"
A man and woman call for a Maltese dog to leave his open playpen in a yard but the dog is confused and doesn't understand he can walk through a large opening behind him.
"Curling Iron Commute" A woman drives to work and reveals that her curling iron is stuck in her hair but she left it because she doesn't want to be late for work.
When a backyard awning is blown away by the wind, a man mowing the lawn does not react continues his yardwork. Security footage.
A young boy in a kitchen opens a kitchen drawer with his voice and a man tries it and it doesn't work. A woman tries and it doesn't work for her either. It only opens for the young boy. The woman opens the cabinet under the drawer and another young boy crawls out and they all laugh.
A man stands on some logs and talks on the phone, then falls over and doesn't miss a beat in the conversation in the backyard. Security footage. Ring.com.
A tot girl holds a dog's leash and pulls on a West Highland terrier dog indoors but the dog doesn't move. She sits on the floor and pulls at the dog but the dog won't move.
At 2:00 a woman sees a bird in her house and runs out of the room. Her boyfriend comes in to investigate and when he doesn't find anything, he thinks the woman is imagining things. At 6;45 the bird flies out of the kitchen and scares the woman.
A woman is confused and a man and woman off camera laugh at her in a living room. She doesn't realize the diaper she just took off the baby is attached to her shorts. She asks at 1:00 where the diaper is. She never discovers it in the video.
A woman tells a tot girl at a kitchen table not to eat candy until she gets back. The tot girl puts one in her mouth but doesn't eat it. She looks at the camera, giggles and puts her finger her to her lips and says "Shhh".
In a kitchen, a young girl starts to do dishes but doesn't realize the nozzle is pointed at her. It splashes all over her face.
Two young boys try to trick a senior man in a yard with the water is coming out of the bathroom prank. The senior man doesn't fall for it and says "We might be old but we watch YouTube!"
A man picks up dumbbells to sit on a workout bench. A tot boy behind him changes the incline of the bench and the man doesn't see him. So when the man sits, he falls over. Security Camera Footage.
A tot girls tells woman about how a tornado will blow away their house but says "tomato" instead of tornado. She then tells the woman that she doesn't love tomatoes but she does love them on her sandwich.
A man in construction clothes holds a wooden slat across other slats in a building and another man tries to run and break through the slat but it doesn't break and he bounces off and his hard hat falls off.
A teen girl in a car tells a woman that the dentist took her tongue, lips, and throat instead of her wisdom teeth, then she says "I thought I was going to get a boob job." Her mom says she doesn't need a boob job and she says "They're saggy like grandma's."
A cat sleeps on its back on a bed in a bedroom and a young girl plays a trombone and the cat doesn't wake up.
An umbrella flies out of a patio table and a man doesn't catch it in a yard. Security camera footage.
A tot boy runs in his backyard toward a play house. He jumps through the open window of the play house and doesn't use the door.
A man jumps over a baby gate in a living room. Then he tries to jump back over the gate but he doesn't make it all the way over and falls. Security camera footage. No audio.
A young boy rides a bike across the backyard onto a ramp that goes into a lake, but he doesn't get enough speed and face plants into the water. The footage then reverses and replays in slow motion.
A dog jumps up and down in front of an open door because he doesn't realize he can't walk in.
A tot boy sits in the car and tells his mother that he doesn't want her to walk into school with him. She tells him she'll be sad, and the boy furrows his brow then says "awe fine, you can go in with me. Fine, I guess".
A man tries to jump from the trampoline into the above-ground pool but he doesn't make it all the way and he lands on the pool wall with his groin.
A man sets a cup full of water on top of a door in the bedroom and calls his son to the room to prank him. The boy opens the door, but the cup doesn't fall on him.
A tot boy crashes a power wheels car into a slide at a playground park while he doesn't watch where he drives.
A man takes a selfie video of himself and sings happy birthday to his aunt in front of a goose. The goose bites his finger and doesn't let go in a yard.
A dog in a home is scared of a cat and turns around and walks away backwards so it doesn't have to make eye contact with the cat.
A young girl in a living room talks to the camera as she holds a balloon with a piece of sticky tape on it. She pushes a nail through the tape and the balloon doesn't pop and she is surprised. She says to try it yourself and the balloon pops and startles her.