Two teen boys pretend to throw their tongues back and forth and their Golden Retriever tries to catch it but doesn't realize it is a prank.
A man offers a dog in a living room a chip and it doesn't want it. He offers the dog the same chip with dip on it and the dog eats it.
A teen girl recovers from wisdom teeth surgery as she rides in a car and thinks that the needle mark from her blood draw is a tattoo. She then tells her mom about her blood clot in the mouth during surgery. Her mom then tells her that maybe the doctor took her blood to clone her and the girl says that she doesn't want that and cries. She also says that the doctor took her lips.
A tot girl tells her mom that she doesn't want a butt crack in a kitchen. Her mom tells her that everyone has one, then the girl asks if her dad has one too.
A tot boy has cheese on his face and he babbles that he doesn't want his mother to check the kitchen. His mother walks into the kitchen and finds their dachshund dog covered in parmesan cheese and he babbles that it needs a bath, then wipes it with a napkin.
A woman tells her young daughter to wash her hands so she doesn't get Coronavirus and the girl gets wet from the sink sprayer prank on April fools.
A woman pranks a man when she chews raw pasta as he cracks her back in the living room. He backs away when he hears the sound, and says he doesn't want to do it again.
A teen boy in a road attempts to do a kick flip on a skateboard and he doesn't land the trick and the skateboard flips up and hits him in the face.
A young boy cries in a living room because summer is over. The woman with the camera says she doesn't have control over that and he has to call Mother Nature. He says "What's her number?"
A cat jumps in slow motion and does a flip to catch a toy in the living room, but it doesn't catch the toy and falls off the couch.
A teen girl pulls on the laundry string in a shower in a hotel bathroom. Her mother tells her it is a "pull to start". She continues to pull on the laundry string and doesn't realize that it's wrong.
Two girls jump on a trampoline in the yard with a camera under the trampoline and a dog takes the camera and runs away with it. The girls chase the dog to get the phone back, but it doesn't stop for them.
A young boy opens the front door of a house and sees a new bike that a woman got him on the stoop. He says that he doesn't like bikes and then closes the door and goes back inside.
A woman teaches two dogs to sit to get treats in the living room, but one of them doesn't listen, so the other dog pushes it down to get it to sit.
A tot girl lies in the snow outdoors and her mom tells her to make a snow angel by moving her arms and feet back and forth and she moves them in the air. Her mom tells her to move them against the ground and she doesn't understand.
A man holds a baby girl in his lap while he rides down a kid's slide in the yard and the slide bends and he falls off the side, but doesn't drop the baby.
A young boy repeatedly says "leave me alone," in the backseat of a car each time his tot brother yells, but the younger brother doesn't listen and continues to annoy him. Sibling rivalry
A woman explains that she left her dog on the porch and then looks out the window to the porch and doesn't see the dog. She goes to the next room over and sees the dog with a broken screen door around its neck and starts to scold it.
A man tells his tot daughter that she is beautiful and she yells at him and says that she is not, even though she doesn't know what beautiful means. He tells her that he will give her a snack if she says that she is beautiful and she says it.
A teen girl tries to do a back flip into a swimming pool, but doesn't jumps far enough and hits her head on the side of the pool in slow motion.
A tot boy holds an ice pack on his head and his mom tells him that he doesn't have a boo boo so he knocks his head against the wall then puts back on the ice pack.
A woman stands at the bottom of the stairs and does the what the fluff challenge for her dog and it runs down the stairs to find her. A young girl does it next, but the dog doesn't pay attention. Then a tot boy goes, but drops the blanket on a second dog and then runs away.
A tot girl tells her mom that she wants to be a "wombie" for Halloween in the living room. Her mom asks her what that is and the girl says it's from the "Walking Dead." Her mom asks her when and why she watched that show and the girl says that she doesn't watch it and that she watches Mickey Mouse.
A woman tries to pull down a tree with an ATV, but the rope doesn't pull the tree. The rope pulls the ATV back and it flips over onto its top.
A teen boy calls himself an idiot after three bagel pizza fall when he doesn't put a tray all the way on the rack in an oven. Text edited in to the video that reads: "I can't make this shit up".
A small dog unwraps a Christmas present, which is a ball. The ball rolls away, but the dog doesn't notice and he looks around for his gift.
A tot boy sits in a car and tells his mom he doesn't want to be married, he wants to be happy. She tells him he can be happy if he is married but he says he can't, and he just wants to be happy.
A mom gets a package and gets surprised and her tot boy tells her he ordered toys from Amazon. She shows his dad and he gets surprised and laughs but tells the boy that he can't order toys because he doesn't have a job. He tells the boy to work and earn the toys and he agrees and his family laughs.
A tot boy plays with a toy dog, but the batteries are dead. A woman leaves twice to fix the batteries, but it still doesn't work. She leaves a third time and comes back with a real puppy dog and the boy is scared of it, but also excited.
A tot boy finds a stuffed bear and then he says that he doesn't like it and throws it down on the floor.
A tot girl cries because she doesn't want to be a grown up because she doesn't want to eat salad.
Two women stand behind a swing set to do a burpee exercise at a playground outdoors. They push the swings and one woman jumps down and ducks under it and lifts her head up and gets hit by the swing when it comes back. The other woman doesn't move after she pushes the swing and it comes back and hits her in the face and she falls down.
A teen girl in a living room hits a Jenga piece that slides out from the middle of the tower and the tower doesn't fall over and her family goes crazy.
A baby boy presses a button in a children's book to make it play Christmas music, then he screams and cries. The boy's mother says if he doesn't like it he shouldn't press the button and he continues to do it anyway.
A boy jumps from a playground structure to monkey bars but doesn't grab the bars and falls outdoors.
A tot girl is excited to get zero cookies if she runs up and down the stairs three times. The girl cries when her father tells her that zero means she doesn't get any cookies.
A tot boy cries because he doesn't like his mom's new haircut because it is too short and wants her to apologize.
A woman in a restaurant pretends to pull money and a credit card from behind a young girl's ear and the girl looks surprised and says she doesn't know where it came from.
A teen girl on anesthesia speaks with a southern accent, and her mom asks her why she talks like that and the girl cries and says she wasn't and asks why she would talk in a southern accent, then she says she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her because she is amazing.
A young girl holds a VHS tape and tries to open it and doesn't understand what it is.
A teen girl sits in a car in a driveway after wisdom teeth surgery. She looks at her mom and doesn't recognize her and says "You're not my momma!" She slides out of the car and says her feet don't work and she doesn't have legs.
A dog hits another dog in the face with his tail repeatedly in the living room.
A man repeatedly drops food on a glass table and a dog doesn't see the table and looks for the food on the floor.
A teen boy does the What the Fluff challenge to his dog and after the boy disappears the dog lays down.
A dog sits outside of a door and waits to be let in, but she doesn't realize that the other half of the door is open.
A dad stands in a kitchen and asks his tot boy who his best friend is and the tot says his dad. He tells his dad to whisper so his mom doesn't hear.
A man flies a remote control airplane above a wide open field then tries to land it but it doesn't slow up in time and hits the cameraman who then falls over.
A tot boy doesn't slide on a slip and slide when there isn't enough water on it as his father throws him at a group of plastic bowling pins.
A man talks to his mom on the phone but hides in her house to surprise her. She walks past him and doesn't see him and sits on a couch and he stands in front of her. She gets surprised and screams and her family laughs.
A young girl and tot girl sit on a kitchen table. A man tries to smash a gingerbread house but when he punches it the house doesn't break and he hurts his hand.
A woman runs into her garage and hits her head on the door as she doesn't look ahead.
A cat tries to jump from a chair to a counter, but doesn't jump far enough and falls.
A young boy runs into a screen that he doesn't see at the front door.
A woman runs across a beach and tries to jump over two inflatable rafts and doesn't make it flips and falls on her head.
A tot girl says she is old enough to go on a date to the zoo, but her mom doesn't want her to because she is still her baby. She says she will be back in six months and comforts her mom.
A man doesn't see a fake rat on the floor even when he kicks it. As soon as he notices it he yells and runs out of the room.
A man tries to crush a can on his head, but the can doesn't crush and the man just hurts himself.
"Oblivious Gift Getter" - A tot boy looks for his Christmas gift and walks around a large toy car with a bow on it. He doesn't see what is right in front of him.
A young girl asks her mother how old she is repeatedly and doesn't believe that her mother is 45. The woman asks the girl how old she looks and the girl says 50.