Adults offscreen sing "Happy Birthday" to a young boy who sits in a chair with a cake in front of him. He blows out the candle and falls out of his chair.
A young man says "this piece right here," then pulls one log out of a stack of firewood and knocks it over as the entire wood pile collapses.
A young boy, a man, and a woman ride a roller coaster at the Disney World theme park. The young boy's eyes go wide and he clenches his jaw as soon as the ride starts to go upwards. Featured talent cleared (the boy and the adult sitting next to him).
A woman tells a young man to blow out his birthday candles while he is on a FaceTime call. Then she blows on the candles at the same time to blow them out.
A young woman jumps up and sits on a man's shoulders at an outdoor music festival, then they both fall over backwards. Featured talent cleared only (the man and the woman on his shoulders who falls over).
A family plays curling in front of house in the snow. A man pushes a young girl in an inflatable tube and two other adults push her with brooms towards a spray painted target.
A young man lists off some safety tips before he zip lines in a yard, then the rope breaks, and he falls down.
A young woman holds food up to a seagull bird on a beach, then screams and runs away while it chases her into the water. Featured talent cleared only (woman scared of the seagull and the man seated beside her).
A young man asks a young woman to hand him a screwdriver when he blows pressurized air at her, and she falls off the bed.
A young woman sits down on a hammock in a living room, but it flips over, and she falls out.
A young girl is cooking with an adult woman when she sees the camera and tries to pose, but falls off of the stool she is standing on.
A young woman sprays herself with a fake freckle makeup product in a car, and it comes out as a thick gray spray paint over her eyes. She opens her eyes and gasps.
A young woman runs up a flight of porch stairs and trips and falls, then says that she needs to pee. Security footage.
A young woman does a handstand in a bedroom, but she falls, and she breaks a lamp with her foot.
A young woman jumps off the side of a boat and onto a raft, then she flips backwards off of it and falls in the water.
A young boy asks his parents about a cake mold in the shape of a penis. The man and woman argue over who should answer. Eventually they tell him it is a penis and he says "eww" as he puts it away quickly.
A young woman cracks an egg into a pan and talks about how she did not even get shell fragments into it in a kitchen, then she cracks a second egg onto the counter and gasps.
A young woman throws an egg in the air and tries to catch it in her mouth in the kitchen, but she catches it in her hand and falls over the open dishwasher. No audio. Screen recording. Facetime video.
A young man dances to music while a pug dog watches him and wags in a living room.
A group of young adults form a pyramid in a yard, and one young woman climbs to the top but immediately falls down, and a small dog jumps out of the way.
A young boy and girl bite into chocolate Easter bunnies that are filled with mustard. The children spit it out and dash the prank Easter bunnies on the ground. They break and mustard covers the back-porch. Adults laugh and a woman says "April Fools day!"
A young man puts boxes into a recycle bin in a yard, then he stands on a chair and pushes the recycle down with one leg, but he falls down when the chair breaks. Security footage.
A young man slips on ice and slides down a flight of porch stairs on his butt, losing a shoe. Security footage.
A young woman slips and falls into a split position while she stands on snow outside, then she slides down a steep hill. Produced video.
A young man says that he likes to ride his hoverboard backwards in a yard, then he falls off of it, and the hoverboard falls into a swimming pool.
A young man talks about how he loves to swim in the rain, then he jumps into a swimming pool, and yells when lightning strikes next to the pool.
A young woman stands outside and says that she left her truck unlocked with the keys inside, but it was locked when she got back, then she shows that a cat locked the truck from the inside.
A young woman laughs in a car with cupcakes and cupcake frosting all over her face and shirt, and she says that she had to quickly stop her car while she opened the box to eat a cupcake.
A young girl tells her mother what she want for her adult birthday. They will drink wine an beer, eat pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Her mother asks how old the girl will be when this happens. The girl says 5. Her mother tells her she has to be 21.
A young woman runs up the half-pipe at a skate park after a rain storm, but she slips and falls when she runs back down.
Two adults prank a young boy with a magic trick where they make him disappear. After a while of pretend searching and a fake photo of the invisible boy, the kid believes that he is actually gone. The boy cries and throws a tantrum when the man says he's gone forever and then the woman magically summons him back to the room.
A man talks about the Christmas decoration inside the cardboard box he holds. He asks his tot daughter to help him put it together. He dumps out the box and a second young girl slides out onto the floor.
A young girl waves a balloon on a stick in a car. The balloon comes off the stick and goes behind the girl. The girl cries until she gets her balloon back and it immediately goes out the car window and the girl cries again.
A young girl brings her mother to her bedroom to show the woman where the girl's sister is stuck between a wall and a bed.
A young boy screams excitedly when he gets a present he wants for Easter and asks his dad "Am I gonna cry right now?!"
A young boy stands in front of an adult man and falls backwards into his arms for a trust exercise. A tot girl then stands in front of the man, but instead of falling backwards, she falls forwards and face plants on the floor indoors.
A young boy and girl ask for more snow videos. Their father shakes a tree to make snow fall on them. AA: Hey, Alfonso
A young boy throws his shoes to prove that they land right side up each time. When he throws the second shoe it lands upside down but then slowly rolls right side up.
A young boy sleds an inflatable tube down a snow covered hill and runs in to the side of a house.
A young boy plays basketball indoors and the goal falls on him.
A young boy inhales soap when he holds a funnel up to his mouth to blow a bubble.
A young girl hops onto her dad's shoulders to put the star on top of a Christmas tree but falls down.
A young girl bites a balloon that pops in slow motion. The girl's hair and cheeks show a visible burst of air from the balloon.
A young boy watches a tablet computer that is wedged into the motorcycle helmet on the boy's head.
A young man lies on his stomach indoors as a remote controlled car runs at his head. Adults off camera laugh.
A young girl blows in a tot boys ear as a group of adults and kids sing Happy Birthday to him and, when she blows for a third time, the tot boy shoves her out of the chair that she is sitting in indoors.
A woman pretends to smell her daughter's foot. Her daughter hooks her toe into her mother's nose and pulls her face forward.
"What Would Cheez-Its Do?" A tot girl tells her mother she learned about "God and cheez-its" Her mother asks if she means Jesus and she says "No, cheez-its"
Young adult man plays prank on his teenage brother by making him put a funnel,made out of newspaper, in his pants as he attempts to balance a penny on his nose. PRACTICAL JOKE
Wrestler's sister comes from crowd and whacks referee
Odd: Man has milk come out of his nose after he drinks it... like he's milking his nose
Kids and young adults ride dirt bikes outdoors on a one way ramp. One boy goes the wrong way, colliding with another dirt bike. Short tail.
A young boy rides around a grassy yard on an ATV. A tot boy chases after him. The young boy crashes into the back of a middle age man's leg, who falls to the ground. Very jerky camera zooms. Kids. Adults. Action in first 20 seconds.
Five young girls stand around a table waiting to compete in a pie eating contest. When it starts, the girl in the pink shirt slams her head into the table and falls to the floor.
An adult man and young boy each open a Christmas present, the young boy getting a pair of baby shoes and the adult man getting a baby onesie. The adult man understands right away, but the young boy takes a minute to understand that his mom is pregnant and they are both very excited indoors.
"Fake-Sleeping Santa Fan" A tot girl in a high chair pretends to fall asleep at home. Her mother accuses her of pretending and laughs. Another woman says, "Here comes Santa Claus" and the girl perks up suddenly.
A tot boy climbs on a rolled up mattress in his room at home. His parents tell him to get out of the way and the boy refuses to move until the mattress suddenly unrolls, knocking him over.