A teen girl in a car tells a woman that the dentist took her tongue, lips, and throat instead of her wisdom teeth, then she says "I thought I was going to get a boob job." Her mom says she doesn't need a boob job and she says "They're saggy like grandma's."
A teen girl on anesthesia thinks she will lose forty pounds after she has her wisdom teeth out, and says "I feel like that had a little weight to them" and "Maybe that's what Jenny Craig did."
A teen girl asks her heart rate monitor if it wants to fight with her after a wisdom teeth removal at the dentist. When the monitor skips a beat she says "That's what I thought. Step back."
Two teen boys touch each other's numb tongues after a wisdom teeth surgery at the dentist's office.
A teen boy under anesthesia asks a woman in the car if he is dumb now after they took out his wisdom teeth.
A teen girl passes out as she rambles to her mother after a wisdom teeth surgery in the car. She asks if she looks like Kylie Jenner, then looks at her reflection and says she's ugly then passes out again and says "Stay alert Rylee, my gosh you're better than this come on!"
A sedated woman wonders if Mr. and Mrs. potato head are still married because the divorce rate is 50 percent. The nurse tells her Ken and Barbie are separated and she starts to cry in a dentist's office.
A teen girl talks about the gauze in her mouth after a wisdom teeth removal in the car and says "God is in my mouth I have to be real careful not to chew him up because then he can't help us." Her mother tells her it's "gauze" not "God" and the girl asks if that's God's brother then says "apparently Janette is not doing a good job at Sunday school."
A teen girl recovers from wisdom teeth surgery as she rides in a car and thinks that the needle mark from her blood draw is a tattoo. She then tells her mom about her blood clot in the mouth during surgery. Her mom then tells her that maybe the doctor took her blood to clone her and the girl says that she doesn't want that and cries. She also says that the doctor took her lips.
A teen boy gets his wisdom teeth pulled out and dances to the beeps of his heart rate monitor.
A teen boy recovers from dental surgery and thinks that an ice pack is a juice box. He then also thinks that the ice pack is a phone and talks to his friend. anesthesia
A teen girl loopy on medication in the living room pulls gauze out of her mouth and thinks they're her ears, then looks at the blood on them and says, "Look at all that ear wax".
A woman in a car cries after wisdom teeth surgery because the hospital's scale said she weighs 165 not 155.
A teen girl rides in a car after wisdom teeth surgery and cries because there's holes in her mouth and she holds a milkshake and says to her mom "AND ALL I GET IS THIS?! MY TEETH GRINDED UP?!"
A teen girl loopy on pain medication cries in the car when her mother tells her she didn't get a sticker after her wisdom teeth surgery.
A teen girl sits in a car in a driveway after wisdom teeth surgery. She looks at her mom and doesn't recognize her and says "You're not my momma!" She slides out of the car and says her feet don't work and she doesn't have legs.
A teen boy sits in the backseat of a car after dental surgery and gets upset and says his eyes are stuck open. His mom tells him to close them and he does and tells his eyes "good boys".
A teen boy after wisdom teeth surgery tells his mom that he is so in control that he can say his alphabet backwards, then proceeds to say them perfectly in a car. At the end he crosses his arms and says "boom".
A teen girl rides in a car after wisdom teeth surgery and gets upset when her mom tells her spring break trip is cancelled. She says "I have my passport and everything, it's so cute, it's the best one in the family!"
A teen girl is upset in the car after her wisdom teeth were removed. She yells, "I need some chap stick my lips are dry like the Sahara Desert!"
A teen boy, recovering from dental surgery, rides in a car and says that he feels like a girl because he is crying. His dad tells him that women cry because of men and he asks what men did.
A teen girl talks to 'Santa' on a remote and thinks her two cats are lions after wisdom teeth surgery.
A teen boy and teen girl, recovering from dental surgery, ride in a car and talk about ice cream. The gauze fall out of the teen boy's mouth and he screams in horror because he thinks that it is his tongue.
A teen boy after his wisdom teeth removal says that his dentist punched him and knocked him out.
A teen girl cries after dental surgery to remove her wisdom teeth because her grandma mentions the anesthesia and the girl says that she promised her mom that she would never do drugs then she looks over and sees her mom and says "she was here the whole time."
A teen girl cries on her way home from her wisdom teeth removal. She thinks they took her tongue and says "Now I can't kiss."
"Babbling Battling Brothers" Two teen boys, recovering from dental surgery, argue in the back of the car about whether or not one of them is strong. One says that the other hits like a girl and then they argue about who had the better wisdom teeth. One says he doesn't want to lose gains by not going to the gym. Brothers. Sibling rivalry.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
A teen girl wakes up from getting her wisdom teeth out and gets upset when her mother attempts to keep her awake and makes very odd faces. Before telling her mom there's shit in her mouth.
Teen girl in car had her wisdom teeth removed, she's disoriented from the drugs and talks funny. She loved the doctors, her parents, & everyone. She wants a milkshake, & to take her pants off. Very long for edit.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.
A teen girl in a car rambles about girls being pretty and Prince William being hot while drugged after getting her wisdom teeth pulled.
"Anesthesia Amnesia" A woman, recovering from dental surgery, rides in a car and a man has to explain to her that she has kids and she hates their initials and learns that she doesn't like her last name.
A teen boy, recovering from dental surgery, rides in a car and says that his tongue feels bigger than his future.
A teen boy and teen girl, both recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, ride in a car and talk to each other. The girl says that her brother is ugly and she cries and then the teen boy says to her "Man up, soldier!"
"A Giant Leap for Womankind" A teen girl whines that her spaceship is out of gas after she gets her wisdom teeth out. Her mom tells her to put her seatbelt on but the girl insists they need to get gas to go to the moon. At 1:05 She says "Two small steps for man, one giant leap for womankind" then talks about how not everyone on the planet is a man before she cries about gas for the spaceship again.
Young woman who just had her wisdom teeth taken out / removed lies on a couch, hiccups, and says "ow" over and over.
A sedated teen girl cries in a car because she thinks the dentist took her dimples when they took out her wisdom teeth. At 01:50 she says that she'll be a crazy cat lady because her dimples were her "only chance of mating with someone."
"Wisdom Tooth Cherry Challenge" A young man cries in the car after getting his wisdom teeth out because he can't eat a cherry out of his frozen drink. He chews it before it falls out and he cries again, thinking that his tongue fell out.