A man uses a Pogo stick to try and break up an icy front porch when he gets mad and throws it but it bounces up and hits him and he slips and falls. Security footage.
A man tries to climb down a tree with his head facing down but when he falls, his pants catch on the tree and hold him up. He asks someone to take a picture. Music rights not cleared.
"time lapse camera trick" A pregnant woman in bikini does a split & covers herself with blanket. When she removes the blanket, her pregnancy bump is gone and she has a newborn baby. Music rights not cleared.
A woman films a gazebo and a pool in a yard while a storm blows them around, then she yells when a trampoline flies up and out of the yard.
A man in the dining room wears a blindfold and struggles to put any marshmallows into a bowl with a spatula. His family pretends he's doing well and says he must be cheating. The man is disappointed when he takes the blindfold off and realizes he only got one.
Young boys stand next to a 6 foot tall dancing Santa Claus decoration when it falls apart.
Three young boys play baseball outside. One boy pitches and then runs after the ball after it is hit. He picks it up but when he runs back, he gets caught on a swing and takes down the whole swing set. Security Footage
A young boy dribbles a basketball in a basement then attempts to do a backwards dunk when the hoop topples over.
A man stands on a stool to get into a cabinet above a refrigerator, when his foot slips and he takes a major fall onto the kitchen floor. His young daughter asks if he's okay then says, "We don't stand on chairs." Security footage.
A cat jumps up on the kitchen counter where tin foil is laid out. When its paws touch the foil it bounces up into the air landing on the opposite counter. Security footage.
A man outside cuts a large hole out of the wall of his house and when it drops, it falls into a puddle of mud. The mud goes everywhere and makes a mess.
A man builds a dive board out of a ladder and a plank of wood, then falls into the backyard swimming pool when the plank breaks.
A young boy climbs into the back of a power wheels car and falls to the ground when his sister drives forward
A woman attempts to move a kids playhouse on a patio deck when it falls apart and collapses. Security footage.
A man plays tee-ball with a young boy and when he tells him to "run home" the boy runs back to his house.
A young girl sees a Halloween decoration by the front door and says "I'm not scared of that witch," then screams when a mechanical spider jumps at her. Security footage.
A man falls through a broken joist when he repairs a wooden deck. Security footage.
A young boy and young girl ride on a sled pulled by a vehicle through a field of snow, when a dog knocks them both over.
Two dogs tilt their heads simultaneously when they listen to a person's razor buzz in the bathroom.
A young girl swings on a swing in the backyard, then falls down when the swing breaks in half. Slow motion.
A cat leans over the back of the dining room chair when a dog walks towards it, then the chair falls over.
"Silly Willy Salts the Chili" A mother and her young son make a pot of chili. The woman gives two tablespoons of salt to the boy to pour into the mix. When her back is turned, the boy dumps the entire jar of salt into the pot.
A senior woman opens a door and freaks out, exclaiming "you made me pee all over myself" when she sees her grandson home from the military.
A boy stands beside his snowman outdoors and starts to say that he's going to Karate chop it when his dog stands against the snowman and knocks it over first.
A young boy gets busted as he tries to get Halloween candy off of the kitchen counter with a duster. When a man asks him what he's doing, he says "cleaning," as he starts to dust the hardwood floor.
A man attempts to jump in the air with a letter "D" sign when he trips and takes a tumble on a driveway.
A teen girl hydro-slides behind a boat when a twenty pound fish flies up and hits her in the face and she falls into the water.
A man attempts to reverse his four-wheeler from a trailer onto the back of a truck when one of the ramps falls and he and the four-wheeler topple off to the driveway. Security footage.
A teen girl calls her father into a bedroom, and he enters and asks her why. There is a large witch Halloween decoration next to the door, then he turns and screams when he sees it.
A man in the kitchen puts a funnel in his pants a drops a crumbled piece of paper into it. When a woman tries to do the same, the boyfriend pours a cup of water into the girlfriend's pants.
A man jumps and throws his phone in fear when he sees a snake skin that hangs on light on porch.
A woman adjusts a rug on the front porch, then she stops and frowns when a male voice says "what are you doing lady?" through the doorbell camera. Security footage.
A woman tells a man in the kitchen that something went into his sink. When the boyfriend investigates, the girlfriend uses a string to pull a fake snake out of it.
A baby girl is wide-eyed with shock when she gets startled by a Jack in the Box toy on a living room floor.
A young boy rides a scooter out of the garage in the rain when he runs into a fence, making a surprised face.
A man trips and falls when he leaves a house. Security footage. Featured talent cleared only (the man who falls).
A young boy at a bowling alley runs down the lane, trips and faceplants when he rolls the ball, yet still gets a strike.
A man walks up to the front door then screams with fear when a snake wrapped around the doorframe lunges at him. Security footage.
A man jumps and attempts to do a backflip on a trampoline when the frame of the trampoline bends and he falls on his back.
A teen girl reacts with fear when she pulls the string on a self-inflating life jacket.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A woman rushes to get his trash can out on trash day, when she yanks at the bin and it falls on top of her and pours rain water all over her while she sits in a yard. Security footage.
A woman buys resistance bands for her husband who had a recent stroke. She attempts to show him how to use them, when they snap back at her and hit her in the mouth. Security footage.
A man attempts to hang an acoustic panel on the wall at his wife's office, when the ladder slides and he falls onto a desk then to the floor. Security footage.
"Accidental Accident Re-Enactment" A man hops out of a front door onto his knee scooter after an injury, then topples over onto a sidewalk when he tries to step down. Security footage.
A woman runs down the driveway to try and catch her husband before he drives away when she stumbles and face-plants onto the driveway. The man gets out to help her but forgets to put the vehicle in park. Then the car starts to roll down the street with their kids inside of it, as he runs to jump in and stop it." Security footage.
A young girl is asked "what's the opposite of" questions. When she's asked "what is opposite of papa" she replies "Brad Pitt."
A man uses his phone when his dog puts her paw on his phone because she wants him to put it down.
A man delivers mail to a house's front porch, then he farts loudly and trips over a railing when he turns to leave. He laughs and waves at the camera.
A pizza delivery driver offers to open the front door to a man's house when he accepts multiple pizzas. The man says "no, I got it," then he trips and falls, but he catches the pizza. Security footage.
A man at the dining room asks a young boy what he wants to be when he grows up. The son answers a ninja-paleontologist-engineer- scientist-teacher. When the dad asks a tot girl the same questions she says, "A candy cane."
A man and woman wash their dog in a bathroom, then he gets away when the man tries to dry him. The woman falls back into the bathtub and takes the shower curtain down with her.
A woman attempts to open a bag of salad when it breaks and lettuce flies everywhere in kitchen. Security footage.
"Why Dad Werewolf?" A man in a werewolf mask greets a teen boy when he gets into the car after school, and the adolescent groans and asks if his teachers saw him.
A woman in the kitchen claims she saw something move in the kitchen and her husband jumps onto a chair. After some time, the man cleans the kitchen and screams and runs away when he sees the mouse.
"Laughably Long Lash Lady" A mother holds up a mirror in her adult daughter's salon and gasps when she sees that she's wearing large fake eyelashes. Then her daughter removes the top layer to reveal regular eyelashes.
A young girl and boy crank a jack-in-the-box in the living room and scream when it pops open.
A young boy gets stuck when he tries to jumps off of a rope swing, then flips and falls into a lake.
A man jumps off of a dock and falls when he tries to land on a raft.