A man and woman chase a pickup truck while it rolls down a driveway, then it crashes into a wall, and the woman falls down.
A young girl dances on a hoverboard then zips across the living room and crashes into the wall.
A young boy rides a dirt bike and crashes into a fence and breaks a section out.
A young boy plays with a baseball when his pet dog jumps up and pushes him to the ground.
A woman hits a wall with a sledgehammer when a lamp falls off of the ceiling and breaks on the floor.
A teen boy tries to balance on the hand rails of a staircase and one of the rails breaks and he crashes and falls and knocks down picture frames off the wall.
A teen boy rides a bike from a parking lot and down some stairs into a building. He goes too fast and crashes into a wall at the bottom of the stairs.
A tot girl uses a remote control to drive a toy car in reverse in a yard while she sits on the hood. Then she turns around and drives the car forward while she faces backwards. She crashes into a wall in the yard and falls off the hood.
A young boy rides a hoverboard with a blindfold on in the living room, and then he rides into the kitchen backwards and crashes into the counter.
A young boy does a vlog while he rides a hoverboard in the living room. He crashes into the wall and falls. A painting on the wall falls too. He stands up and says "cut."
A man drives a lawnmower in a garage that lurches repeatedly until he crashes it into the wall. Looks like he is riding a bucking bronco.
A senior man trips and falls into a wall while he plays soccer with his grandson in a gym.
A young boy rides a scooter on the porch and crashes into lattice fence and falls down while large boards fall on him as well. He says "it's not funny" when mom laughs.
A man drives a seated motorized scooter down a hallway inside of a building. He screams and crashes into a wall, then spins around uncontrollably, and crashes again. He leans backward, and crashes into a door. Multiple videos put together. Slow motion video at 00:40.
A baby boy leans against the outside of his tot brother's crib pen in the bedroom and the tot boy climbs up on the top of the wall and flips over and falls out.
A person drives a snowmobile into the wall of a snow drift.
Two teen girls fall off of a hoverboard when one jumps on the other's back and they crash into a wall.
A teen girl rides a laundry basket down the stairs. When she gets to the bottom, the basket tips over and she hits her face on the wall.
A teen girl stands in an office room and a teen boy jumps over her back and does a hurdle roll on the ground but crashes into the wall.
A man sits on a wall in the yard to hold up a pinata while a boy swings a bat at it and eventually, the man loses balance and falls backwards off the wall.
A man falls into a stranger's backyard when he crashes into a wall while he paraglides.
A man backs a snowmobile off a trailer in the driveway, the trailer closes on him, then he drives forward and crashes into one of its walls.
A young girl pulls down on a shelf in the living room and it falls off the wall and crashes on her.
A senior man runs to break a wall in the kitchen for a home demolition and he crashes through the drywall and falls down the stairs on the other side.
A man plays a virtual reality game and runs into a wall.
A man loses balance and falls into the wall after he swats at a moth in the driveway.
A young girl in a virtual reality headset runs into a wall.
A young woman pole dances in the living room and the pole falls over and crashes into the wall and knocks the curtains down.
A man jumps on a mattress in the living room which pushes up his young son who flies right into the wall and falls down to the couch.
A man jumps on a mattress in the living room which pushes up his young son who flies right into the wall and falls down to the couch.
A man rides down a bounce slide and bounces at the bottom by the kiddie pool and crashes through the wall and runs through the yard and crashes into the fence and breaks it.
Boy in a red helmet rides in a red bucket on top of a skateboard. He rides downhill and hits a wall. Bonehead.
2 girls ride sled down a snow hill and hit the wall of a house. Good recovery. Winter fun.
Two boys play basketball in a living room and one of them gets his bottom stuck in a wall after making a hole in it. They laugh.
Two men repeatedly run through a wall of drywall in a basement while demolishing it. One runs into the wall, it doesn't break, and he falls down at :41. He says he bit his tongue.
A teen girl does a handstand against a wall in the living room, but falls into and then falls down instead.
Black cat sits on top of a sideways mattress in the living room. Gray white cat tries to join, but the mattress tips and falls over onto the gray cat. The black cat stays on top of the mattress. Bed.
Kid tries to lift mom, mom whacks head into wall behind her; hit
Cat has half its body stuck in a plastic bag. Cat freaks out & runs across the couch, crashes into a wall & falls down. Cat runs through the kitchen & up a flight of stairs into a bedroom.
A teenage girl spins another girl on a rolling chair, causing her to hit her head on a garage door wall.
A shih tzu dog stands on the armrest of a couch indoors and prepares herself to jump out a window that is closed. When she finally jumps she crashes into the wall and falls down.
Young girl stands on a bed against the wall, she falls backwards onto the bed and bounces up, hits her head on the wall. Not much tails.
An English bulldog dog holds a cardboard box in his mouth that blocks his face and he crashes repeatedly into walls and cars outdoors as his owners call him to them. His owners try to take the box from him but he won't let go.
Man on a lawn mower pulls another mower over a small dirt pile. The tractor lands rough. Man pulls steering wheel off and crashes into wall
Teen boy tries to jump from trampoline into above-ground pool in back yard. Boy crashes into pool wall, and gets hurt / bloody.
A boy runs on the porch to jump into an above ground pool and he slips and falls off the porch and into the wall of the pool.
Young boy running down stairs to open Christmas presents hits head on the wall and hits the ground, hard.
Teen girl flips from 1 bed to another in hotel and hits her head on the wall.
Teen girl flips from 1 bed to another in hotel and hits her head on the wall.
2 men break through wall of house (twice, 2 angles)
Tot girl in overalls plays w/ her black kittens - girl runs right into kitchen wall; INT. KITCHEN - HOUSE Cat.
A man rides a bike down the stairs into the basement and when he gets to the bottom, he gets stuck and the back of the bike lifts up and he flips over the handle bars.
Backdrop wall falls on boy's head as he sits talking into a microphone
Security footage in a store of a woman and her son playing with an electric bike. It moves forward, pulls the boy over, and crashes into a display on the wall. No audio.
A man fails at jumping onto a high box in a gym indoors and falls after he crashes into the box and wall.
Boy dancing in hallway hits 2 walls like a pinball.
A teen boy runs in the yard and jumps to get into an above ground pool, but he hits his stomach right against the wall.
2 men spin on a bat, jump on bikes dizzy and one crashes into the fence.