A man opens the back seat of a station wagon car and nine full grown Great Dane dogs come out, clown car style.
A toy wagon latches onto the back of a truck by itself and man drives off with it still trailing behind him. Security footage.
An adult male is pulled behind a car in a metal wagon, before he inevitably falls out and onto the outdoor grassy lawn.
In the backyard, a woman drives an ATV hooked to a wagon with a young boy and girl. The woman drives all over the lawn until she takes a sharp turn and the wagon tips over and the children fall out.
A Husky dog pulls a girl in a wagon by his leash and a man tries to pull her out as the wagon passes him but he trips and crashes over her.
A Bulldog puppy dog bites the handle of a toy wagon and pushes it until it falls off of the back porch and she falls.
A woman films a school lesson in the backyard and she sighs and gets annoyed when her husband walks behind her as he pulls a loud wagon.
A man pushes his tot boy up a road in a toy wagon and then gets to the bottom of a staircase. He leaves the boy there as he walks up the stairs, and then the boy rolls away and he chases after him. Security footage.
A dog pulls a young boy around a yard in a wagon until he falls out.
A woman puts a puppy dog on a tot girl's lap as she sits in a toy wagon in the house. She makes a face and hands the dog back to the woman.
A young boy rides in a toy wagon down a hill and hits a tree. He laughs and says that his "wiener" didn't hit it.
A tot girl screams and falls into a wagon when a mouse runs past her in the garage.
A young boy holds onto the back of a wagon attached to a tractor as it drags him and a dog pulls his pants off.
Teen boy rides down a hill in a wagon, jumps over a ramp and knocks into snowman.
A teen boy pulls another teen boy in a wagon full of fishing equipment from a garage to a gravel driveway. The wagon tips over and crashes in the gravel.
2 boys ride down a small hill in a red wagon and fall over.
Tot boy and a young boy stand on a wagon playing electric guitars. Another boy dances between them. Tot boy playing guitar falls out of the wagon. Performance problem.
Senior man is pushed in a little red wagon by 2 men. He rides off a small dock and falls into the lake.
Driving test: Car backs out of garage, does about face when it spins on ice, but ends up facing the proper direction
A woman falls down and disappears behind a pillar while pulling her friend in a wagon. Vine/Instagram
2 dachshund dogs pull tot girl in a wagon down the street like horses pulling a carriage. Funny visual.
Mom lets kids drive red wagon down steep street wearing helmets. Kids go crashing into curb, they all fly out.
A kitten cat climbs in a small wagon and a dog tips the wagon over with its nose.
Boy rides over a skateboard ramp in a child's pink wagon. He flips over the front of the wagon & rolls down grassy hill. With recovery.
Teen girls ride in wagon pulled by golf cart, they scream when the wagon comes loose and they fall out. Shot from a distance. Short tails.
"Tail Waggin' Wagon" Large dog is playing in a big yard with 2 boys. Dog pulls the younger brother in a small wagon very fast & boy screams.
Boy goes down a small hill on a wagon. He flips out of it and laughs.
Tot boy pulls wagon down hill, falls down, wagon rolls over him.
Man pulls his wife in a toy wagon across the driveway. He lets go of the handle, the wagon hits the grass & throws the woman out onto the ground hard.
"Crash and Slow Burn" (RS) - boy wearing helmet crashed off toy wagon, dad (off camera) laughs, boy screams "It's not funny!"
A woman and a baby boy roll down a grassy hill in a red Little Tike wagon. The wagon hits a bump and flips over, causing the woman and the wagon to fall over the crying boy.
A boy drives around a yard in the woods on ATV and pulls another boy around in a wagon as a dog chases after them. After stopping, the boy on the ATV speeds away making the boy in the wagon fall out and land on his head on the grass. Very big hit.
A boy instructs his tot sister on how to drive a power wheels car while he rides behind her in a trailer wagon, then hops into the car to push the gas for her when she can't figure it out. He steps back into the wagon when she hits the gas and he falls out and gets run over.
A woman runs around a yard and pulls her two daughters in a wagon until the wagon tips over and they fall out.
AA: Pet costume Dog in paddy wagon, bulldog dressed as cop