"Romance at First Glance" A woman has a bunch of pink and red balloons above her head. She says her husband is the sweetest and got her all the balloons to ask her to be his Valentine. Then she lowers the camera and says she is just kidding and is at the dollar tree.
On Valentine's Day morning, a woman walks out the front door of a house and slips on winter snow and ice on the sidewalk. Her husband walks after her and he slips and falls too. His coffee tumbler bounces off the ground and hits him on the head. Ring home security camera
A woman asks her tot son if he got her flowers for Valentine's day. He says he wanted to get her roses but his dad told him they were too expensive.
A woman poses with a cow in a field and wishes a happy Valentine's day to people and the cow jumps up and knocks her down.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A man watches football as he holds a tot girl but when his team wins he shoves the girl aside and jumps towards the TV. He then bends downs an slams the floor with his hand which causes some of the Valentines decorations to fall down.
A senior woman sings Happy Valentines but ends the song with , "I wish that men over there will shut the f*** up". after dark?
A man pranks his wife with Valentine's Day chocolates filled with live crickets.
A boy in his car talks to the camera about getting his first kiss and describes his emotions, saying "It goes to my brain, it goes to my heart...it goes Kablooie!"
A man wears a giant Valentine's Day card over his head. He tries to open the giant card so that there's a hole for his face and he can sing a love song to his wife as he plays the guitar. The card keeps closing over his face so he can't sing. Weird.
On Valentine's day, a young boy gives a young girl a flower and chocolates. She gives him a hug and they both fall off a step into a lower level room. They cry and a woman hugs the boy. Love. SAME VIDEO AS 667534
A man outside in the snow records a love message for his wife on Valentines Day, saying "My heart still burns for you, and so does his," he then turns to show a snowman holding a heart shaped box and proceeds to incinerate the snowman with a flamethrower until it's nothing but a blackened pile of snow and a flaming heart shaped box.