A woman drives her SUV up a long driveway and gets out, and it rolls back down and crashes into a tree, which then falls on the car. Security footage.
A woman accidentally knocks over a wall of cans in a warehouse causing a domino effect. Security footage.
A woman wears a horse mask at a stable and neighs at real horses. One horse stares at her then she snorts and it runs away.
A teen boy tosses a baseball up and catches it in his glove, and then he tosses it again but the ball lands on a car's back windshield and breaks it. Security footage.
A man on the phone carries a turkey up to the front door and trips on a step and slams into the house, but manages not to drop the turkey. Security footage.
A woman walks up to a door to a house and accidentally hits her face on the glass screen door when she looks in. Security Footage.
A woman slips and falls on an icy driveway three times while she tried to get into her car before she gives up and walks back inside home. Security footage.
A man sleeps in a chair in his house. When an alarm goes off he wakes up and screams while a woman offscreen laughs.
A young boy and girl cry and complain that "dad picked up all the poop and now there's nothing for us to pick up!"
A woman steps on a wood plank on a front porch and it snaps up and hits her in the face. Security footage.
A dog jumps into a pile of leaves and bounces up and down in the backyard.
A man trips and falls up a porch step, then a board of wood falls on him. Security footage.
A man backs up his van and hits a parked car, and when he gets out to assess the damage, the van rolls and hits the car again in the driveway. Security footage.
A man uses a shop-vac to vacuum his car in the driveway and a raccoon sneaks up behind him. The man gets scared when he notices the raccoon and chases it away.
A young boy lifts a light saber toy up to a ceiling fan and it's knocked out of his hands and crashes into a window. Security footage.
A woman pulls a small fish out of a bucket while on a dock. She dangles it above the water when a pelican comes up behind her and snatches the fish from her hand. Featured talent cleared (the woman with the fish).
A woman walks up to the front door of a house when she trips and falls. Security footage.
A man walks towards a front door and rings the doorbell. He dances in front of the doorbell. Another man sneaks up behind him. The first man screams. Security footage.
A squirrel climbs on a flagpole but slips. It claws at the cloth and tries to get back up but falls to the ground.
A dog looks around on a front porch, then he picks up a package on the door step and runs away. Security footage.
A young boy screams loudly when he gets a video game for Christmas. He gets up and dances beside his sister while she sits on the floor.
A man is doing pull ups on a doorway bar. The bar becomes dislodged and he falls.
A teen girl tries to lift up a young girl and flip her over her head at a dance studio, but she drops the young girl on her face.
A man walks outside of his home where there is snow on the ground. He falls backwards down the stairs and his slipper flies off his foot. Security footage.
An elk walks around on a golf course and picks up a golf ball. A man says, "Hey! That's mine!" so the elk drops it.
A woman eats a sandwich on the beach when a seagull swoops down and snatches it away. She screams and laughs. Featured talent cleared (the three women in beach chairs in the foreground).
A dog sits in a chair at a mechanic's shop. A man walks up to the dog and tell her that all four of her tires are unfixable, so he will sell her new ones. He says, "Deal?" and holds out his hand. The dog shakes his hand.
A dog bounces a ball up and hits a man in the face.
A large dog walks through the yard with a snow shovel in his mouth, and a woman and kids laugh. He drops it down a hill, then runs after it to pick it back up.
Dogs squeal and whine as they sit behind a gate when climbs up, topples and flips over to the other side.
A young woman in a car looks for her phone. Another woman helps her look for it. Then she realizes it's on the dash and is filming them and they both crack up laughing.
A man picks up a bench full of decorative pillows that has been knocked over in a yard, then a gust of wind blows it back over, and pillows tumble through the yard while the man goes back into the house. Security footage.
Two dogs in the house sit on the couch but one of them is too afraid to jump off. The other picks it up by the collar and drops it off the couch.
A man climbs up a tree and tries to jump to a path on the other side of the creek but he loses his footing and falls into the water below.
An off-camera father calls his young son out to the garage and tells him to hustle and the boy runs into a piece of tape stretched across the door and it wraps around his head.
A man gets pulled on his wakeboard by a boat in a lake when he glides up to the camera, on the beach, for a smooth landing.
A man slowly walks up an icy path to his house with drinks in his hand. He falls and slides down the driveway. Security footage.
A man attempts to sit back into a folding chair in a living room and topples backwards to the floor. He says "who put this together" and his daughter says she did. He says "I don't think you set it up right." Security footage.
A man drives a lawnmower onto a driveway then stops the mower and gets off to move a potted plant and with the man's back turned the mower moves by itself, traveling in a circle leaving a trail of dirt. Security footage.
A woman gives her mom a birthday present and tells her that she is pregnant. Her mom screams repeatedly and jumps up and down.
A Dachshund stands at the edge of an aboveground swimming pool. Another dog jumps up behind him and pushes him into the pool.
A woman hangs upside down by her legs on a pull up bar at the beach, she tries to swing herself onto her feet when she lets go but she falls on her face instead.
A young boy rides a scooter up a driveway and crashes into a garage door at full speed, then he falls down and cries. Security footage.
A husband tries to pick up his wife to carry her to bed from a living room couch, when he stumbles and drops her into a wall. Security footage.
A young boy runs up to the house and yells "Mom open up, I have to go poop! OH, I already went," and then the door opens and his mother lets her son into the house. Security footage.
A woman driving an SUV accidentally backs up over a bicycle lying in the driveway. She exits the vehicle to investigate but fails to put the car in park, causing it to roll backwards into the street and hitting a parked car at a neighbor's house. Security footage.
An off-camera mother tells her three young children "Oreo says no one can eat a whole cookie in less than ten seconds" and challenges them to and they each grab and bite a cookie and spit it out and wipe their tongues and she says she filled them with toothpaste in the kitchen.
A teen boy sleeps on the couch and an off-camera woman squirts shaving cream on his forehead and he tastes it thinking it is whipped cream and makes a grossed out face.
A man stands at a front door. Another man sneaks up behind him and says "hi" in his ear and scares him. Security footage.
A young boy opens his lunch box at a preschool and there is plastic food inside and he makes a surprised face and bangs an apple and orange together and says "what the heck? I can't eat these" and empties the fake food out onto the table.
A grandmother sits at a dinner table and a teen boy and his mom sing her "happy birthday". The older woman blows out the candle on her cake but a dog jumps up next to her and starts to eat it but she laughs and pushes him away.
A young girl in a bedroom holds a rock up to her ear and tells her grandmother that she's talking to someone named Ellie on the phone, and Ellie has told her that she is good. Then she stops and says "this is a rock, not a phone."
A woman uses her bundled-up young daughter in a winter jacket to clean off the snow on her vehicle in a snowy driveway. Security footage.
A dad climbs up a ladder to retrieve toys from the rooftop, but when he climbs back down he loses his balance and falls into a swimming pool.
A young boy runs with a boogie-board and tries to jump and slide into a flooded backyard but the nose of the board digs into the ground and he flips over and falls in the water.
A young girl makes cookies with an electric mixer when the whisk attachment gets caught in her long hair.
A man climbs up a ladder outside of his house but it tips over and he falls with it. Security Footage.
A woman knocks over a large set of shelves with plates and dishes on it in a restaurant kitchen, and they all crash and break. She picks up the shelf and swears, then another plate falls. Security footage.
A turtle wears a party hat and walks up to a cake make of fruit while a woman sings "Happy Birthday" to him. Then the turtle jumps on the fruit.