understanding ...
A man holds up a retractable leash and his dog approaches him to go for a walk. The man then picks up a different leash and the dog walks away, no longer interested.
A woman hands a senior man and a senior woman sweatshirts in the living room that subtly say she is pregnant. The senior woman understands quickly and hugs the woman. The senior man has no idea what the sweatshirt means. Everyone in the room tries to explain it to him. Eventually he understands and hugs the woman.
A man and woman call for a Maltese dog to leave his open playpen in a yard but the dog is confused and doesn't understand he can walk through a large opening behind him.
A tot boy sits with his hand in a cup of refried beans. His mom tells him to take his hand out, but he pretends not to understand her. He finally takes his hand out of the beans, but he immediately puts it back in.
A woman tells a Shiba Inu dog to say "I want one" and it sounds like he says it back in a living room.
A Jack Russell terrier dog comes out of his cage in the living room every time a teen boy says that it's time for a walk, but turns around and goes back when he tells him that he will get a bath.
A dog places a tennis ball in a woman's lap, then she says "I can't reach that" and he places it directly in her hand in a living room.
Two pug dogs asleep on a couch lift and tilt their heads every time a woman says the word "walk" in a living room.
A woman tells a tot girl to wipe her feet when she stands on a mat at the front door. The tot then bends over and wipes off the top of her shoes.
A woman repeatedly asks a goat if it likes to be at the barn. It sounds like it responds and yells "no".
A young girl walks up to a mailbox with a letter in her hand and struggles to understand how to place it inside.
A man asks a dog if it wants treats and it stands up against a pen. The man says "how about, why did you pee on my floor?" and it walks inside of a crate in a living room.
A woman asks an Australian Shepherd dog if it wants to go for a ride and it jumps up high. She asks it if it wants to take a bath and it sits back down in a living room.
A man tells his tot girl not to put a guitar pick in the hole of a guitar, and asks her if she understands. The girl says yes and then puts the pick in the hole.
An English Bulldog dog chews on food on a couch in a living room. A woman asks "what are you eating?" and it instantly closes its mouth.
A woman tells duck puns to a duck and it quacks in response in a yard.
A tot girl lies in the snow outdoors and her mom tells her to make a snow angel by moving her arms and feet back and forth and she moves them in the air. Her mom tells her to move them against the ground and she doesn't understand.
A young girl holds a VHS tape and tries to open it and doesn't understand what it is.
Two twin baby girls scream back and forth with each other from two separate rooms. Their mom screams along at the end, then the twins go silent.
A teen boy in a living room convinces a senior woman she has 11 fingers by using a trick when counting them. She seems confused and can't figure it out and starts to wonder whether she has 11 fingers.
A Boxer dog paws at a dog door and doesn't understand that he is supposed to go through it.
A woman tries to get a young boy to look into a bottle of water. The boy pretends he doesn't understand what she wants him to do and the sprays water on her when she looks into the bottle. Practical joke backfires.
A senior woman does not understand that her granddaughter is pregnant.
Two small dogs watch a man repeatedly reach for a door, then walk through it because there is no glass, but the dog's don't understand that there is no glass.
A woman talks on Facetime video chat, and shows a man a bun inside of an oven in a kitchen. He asks "is that a biscuit?" and does not understand. A woman joins him on the call, and they figure out that "bun in the oven" means she is pregnant, and they are excited.
A little boy tot plays hide and seek with a teen boy and he clearly does not understand the subtlety required when hiding. Funny part starts at 43 seconds.
Tot girl has gum stuck in the front of her hair. Tells mom she just touched one. Mom says "It was a no no, Capeesh?" Girl repeats "Capeesh" back to her.
A tot boy holds a toy golf club indoors and when his dad asks what's in his hand, he opens his hand to look at it. His dad asks what's in the other hand and the boy switches which hand the golf club is in to look at his other hand because he doesn't understand what his dad is asking about.
"Babbling Boy Boss" A tot boy babbles to his uncle and the man argues with the boy about the measurements the man is making. The have a fake argument although the little boy's babbling is not understandable. Cute
"Oblivious Bun In The Oven" A man struggles to understand why his wife put a bun in their oven.
Twin little boys play with toy guns outdoors as the man behind the camera gives them direction. The boys freeze when they don't understand the word 'draw.' They do a drawing motion with their hands as if drawing a picture
An adult man and young boy each open a Christmas present, the young boy getting a pair of baby shoes and the adult man getting a baby onesie. The adult man understands right away, but the young boy takes a minute to understand that his mom is pregnant and they are both very excited indoors.
A boy locks a combination lock around a metal bar in his braces. His mom can't understand when he says the combination for the lock. He write it down and his dad struggles to put it into the lock correctly due to the lock and the boy's spit making it slippery. Finally at 4:10, the man gets it off his mouth and holds it up as spit drips off of it.
"The Boy In The Babble" Tot boy is angry at grandma for taking away his toy airplane. Boy yells at senior woman but you can only understand "Plane," "Stupid," & "I want." Long for edit.
A dog does not understand that he can walk through a door with no screen and instead stands at the door in a house.
A woman tells a man the 30 cows, 20 ate chickens riddle. He doesn't understand what she is saying and repeatedly says "how many didn't what?" and guesses 2. She repeats the riddle multiple times until he finally answers 10. AA: Tell someone a riddle.
A dog tries to play fetch as a man throws a frisbee toy. The dog goes to the other side of a sliding glass door, not understanding that the frisbee can't go through it.