A woman screams and laughs in a hotel room when she takes the covers off of a bed in a hotel room and finds her friend hiding under the bedding.
A young boy swings at a baseball, then it bounces under a fence and hits a man in the leg in a field. Slow motion. Featured talent cleared only (the boy who swings the bat and the man who is hit).
A man takes a dog out to go bathroom when lightning strikes and thunder claps. The man runs back to under the awning for cover. Security footage.
A cat hiding in a cabinet opens the door and pulls on the tail of a second cat, startling it and causing it to be wedged between the cabinet door and the floor.
A man and a woman trick a senior woman into thinking that the silverware drawer can be opened and closed through voice activation. Finally, a young boy comes out from under the cupboard and reveals he was behind it.
A man walks along the roof of a house that is under construction, but he steps on a loose board and crashes through the roof. Security camera footage.
A woman closes the garage door and tries to run under the door but also jump over the sensor but she bangs her head and falls and the door opens back up. Security footage.
A woman finds her dog with a fish in his mouth in her bedroom. She tries to get him out of the house, but he walks into another room and hides under the bed.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A man attempts to pull a table cloth out from underneath a birthday cake. He fails but still catches the cake with his hands.
A teen boy tries to ride an inner tube but it rips out from under him on the dock.
A man exits a camper at a campground and another man emerges from under the camper and hisses at him. The first man jumps. Social media video. Music rights not cleared.
A young boy pushes a garage door button inside a truck and runs to the door to get under it before it closes. He mistimes it and hits his head hard on the door and falls flat on his back.
A young boy hits a baseball on a driveway, then it hits him in the face. Slow motion.
A man and woman drive an ATV into a mud puddle, and it sinks almost entirely under the water. Featured talent cleared only (the man and woman on the ATV who sink into the mud).
A young girl lays on stomach on skateboard and rolls under 2 porch chairs and a dog.
A bulldog dog grunts while it tries to reach a ball under a chair.
A woman dressed in an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur costume falls when an office chair slides out from under her when she tries to sit in it in the slippery costume.
A young boy runs and flips on a jungle gym bar. A dog runs under the young boy and the boy lands on him and is dragged by the dog. Slow motion.
A man hides under a tarp in a kiddie pool in the yard while his girlfriend rakes leaves nearby . He tries to scare her but she hits him with a rake causing him to fall to the ground. Social media video.
A young boy rides a tricycle pulled by a dog. The dog runs too fast and pulls the tricycle out from under the boy.
A Labrador retriever in a pool jumps on a woman's head, pushing her under.
A groomer brings out two large dogs out who run towards their owner, knocking the groomer to the ground. Security footage.
A bear climbs onto a bird bath and sits in the water. It breaks under his weight and he jumps off. Security footage.
A man jumps up onto an exercise ball in a gym and it slips out from under him and he falls.
A mouse evades a dozen mouse traps set around its hiding spot under the refrigerator.
A senior man holds a dachshund puppy in a backyard and says that she will go to the bathroom in a fenced enclosure that he made. He puts the dog into the enclosure and she immediately squeezes through the posts in the fence.
A woman makes a basketball shot at sunset. A young boy stands under the hoop, and gets hit in the head. Shot in slow motion.
A young girl climbs onto a man's shoulders, and he tries to zip line with her but falls immediately when the handle snaps under their weight (featured talent cleared only: man and young girl on zipline)
A lizard lays on a toy train and rides it in circles on a track under a Christmas tree in the living room.
A dog sits on a patio chair and when a large puppy under it bites his tail he falls in a backyard.
A dog pulls a sled out from under a young girl when the dog pulls the string tied to the sled.
A young boy attempts to walk from a living room chair onto a stool, before it collapses under him and he falls. Security footage
A man tries to get a bat off a wall under a patio outside. The bat flies over the man's head. The man falls. Then the man jumps into the pool to get away from the bat.
A young boy walks under a man who does squats with a heavy weight on his shoulders at the gym, and he falls down when the man's butt bumps him, but the man does not react.
A woman struggles to climb up a bounce slide in the yard. The slide tips over under her weight and falls to the side while she is still on it. Security footage.
A cow walks in and out of a house under construction. Security camera footage.
A young boy in a garage closes the garage door and tries to run out before it closes and as he ducks under his backpack hits the door and he falls down. Security camera.
A man tries to snowboard under a cloth sign on a mountain but hits his face and falls in the snow.
A woman dances to a rap version of "Simon Says" while she stands on a mat in a living room, then the mat slides out from under her feet, and she falls.
After the printer prints out a stack of papers, the cat grabs them and puts them under a woman's work desk. The woman thinks him for delivering the paper.
A woman stands under a large amount of snow hanging over a roof and hits it with her shovel. The snow collapses on top of her.
A cat has wedged himself under a low bar between table legs at home, and he lies on his back and wiggles his legs but cannot free himself.
A young boy pulls a tablecloth out from under dishes on a kitchen counter, and the dishes stay on the table, but then he does it again with water in a cup, and he looks at the camera when a plate breaks on the ground.
A young girl in the kitchen says "Hey Alfonso, I wanna see more food sneaking videos," then puts a tub of candy under her shirt and walks away.
A man tells a dog "come on lets go" and a dog lays under a blanket on the bed and sticks it's nose out and howls in the bedroom.
A man plays hide and go seek with his tot son, who only hides his head under a mattress pad. His dad asks if he is hiding in various spots and the tot boy answers no.
A man throws a tiny ball towards a door. A cat paw from under the door hits the ball back. They continue to play with the ball back and forth several times before the cat grabs the ball with both paws from under the door and takes it under the door away from the man.
A young boy holds a squeaking horn under a party hat that he wears on his face. He honks the horn in the face of a puppy dog sitting in a living room. The dog bites at the hat; pulls on it and the hat snaps back, hitting the boy in the face. The boy laughs.
A woman walks on a beach and reaches for a bucket on the ground and gets scared when she sees a buried young boy's head under the bucket.
A young girl starts to do a handstand in a living room, then a yellow Labrador retriever dog walks under her and carries her away on his back.
A tot boy eats spaghetti pasta in a dining room, and a dog's tongue comes up under the table to lick food off of the boy's shirt.
A man stands on a stepladder and uses a shovel to remove a shutter from the exterior of a house. When the shutter falls away, a colony of bats to fly out from under it. The man steps back and falls off the ladder and onto the driveway, rolling toward the front lawn.
A man and woman (bride and groom) run under the arms of their groomsmen and bridesmaids. The bride's hair gets caught on one of the groomsmen's buttons and pulls her hair out.
A dog runs underneath a kiddie pool, moving it through a yard while a tot girl chases after it. The dog then runs out as the girl gets under the pool, as if they swapped places. TikTok.
"His Mudder's Butter Joke" A teen boy under anesthesia says his lips are numb and laughs in a dentist office. Then the woman tells a joke about butter and the teen laughs very loudly and explains why the joke is funny. Then he says, "We need some of this at home, mom."
A tot girl recites the Pledge of Allegiance in a kitchen, but she says "one nation, under dogs, for the witches."
A man rushes to move backyard furniture during a storm. He runs to put a chair under a porch but he slips and falls. Then a basketball hoop game falls over and hits him in the head. Security Camera
A teen girl in a forest walks under a waterfall and slips on the rock and crashes and lands on the rock.