A young girl records herself saying she just did her Grandma's makeup and her grandma is "kinda ugly and sometimes she just has to have make-up on."
A woman tells her little girl to wish her grandpa a Happy Father's Day on the porch outdoors and she refuses to because she says that he's not her dad. She tells her mom that she should wish her dad happy father's day since he's her dad, and that she's being ugly if she won't do it herself.
A teen girl passes out as she rambles to her mother after a wisdom teeth surgery in the car. She asks if she looks like Kylie Jenner, then looks at her reflection and says she's ugly then passes out again and says "Stay alert Rylee, my gosh you're better than this come on!"
A young boy face swaps with a baby doll and says that it is ugly.
A man calls his dog ugly. The dog whines and knocks the camera down.
A man shows off the ugly sweater he made. The camera holder tells the man his lights aren't plugged in. The man plugs the sweater in and all the lights turn off. A man and woman yell from another room and the man knocks something over in the dark.
A man and a young boy go back and forth and call each other ugly. Another young boy swings in a chair behind them. He chair swings too far and he falls over in a yard.
A man and a young boy go back and forth and call each other ugly. Another young boy swings in a chair behind them. He chair swings too far and he falls over in a yard.
A young boy whines that his teachers will laugh at his dad's sweater when he drops him off at school. He asks his dad to change before they go to school. The man films his ugly Christmas turtleneck sweater and the boy whines that his dad looks awful.
Boy is bet $50 bucks to eat a cap full of cinnamon. Boy puts it in his mouth and spits it out right away. Boy runs around with an ugly look on his face. It was gross. he drinks a soda.
A man and his young son face swap and his dad says that he is ugly. AA: Face swap.
A really ugly hairless chinese crested dog sits in a kitchen wearing a blue wig and sticking its tongue out.
Boy with a picture of an ugly old lady that turns into a pretty princess when turned upside down.
AA Ugly Pet: A pot belly big with a lot of hair and extremely large teeth.
A teen boy and teen girl, both recovering from wisdom teeth surgery, ride in a car and talk to each other. The girl says that her brother is ugly and she cries and then the teen boy says to her "Man up, soldier!"
Scary looking baby bird makes strange crying sounds when being fed by woman. Ugly pet.