A father chases his young son's sled as it slides down a snow covered sled. He stomps on the back to stop it, and the boy slides off of it, traveling several feet on his stomach.
A young boy lies down in the shallow end of a swimming pool and slides into the deep end while it fills with water in a yard, then a man tries to follow him, but he falls on his stomach.
A young boy tries to slide down a snowy hill on his stomach but he flips over onto his back. Featured talent cleared only (young boy, young girl and their mother)
An adult male scratches a large black dog's stomach while in a living room before he gets a swift kick in the groin.
A woman scratches a dog's belly, and the dog pulls her hand back each time she stops.
A puppy dog barks in a dream in his sleep and his entire stomach shakes.
A young girl opens a cardboard box of blue balloons at a gender reveal and she looks down into the box and says, "no brothers are in there." Then, her dad explains to her that the color balloons means that there is a brother in "mommy's tummy" and the girl says, "I think it's going to be a sister."
A woman shows her tot boy son an ultrasound picture of him in her tummy. He starts crying and says he doesn't want her to eat him and end up back in her tummy.
Little boy says hi to baby sister on the floor in front of him, then boy says "She has a big tummy just like you mom." Kids say.
Tot boy talks to baby sister lying on the floor. Boy says the baby has a big tummy just like mom.
"You Ate The Baby?" A woman is getting an ultra sound. Her four year old niece is there. The woman explains that they are taking pictures of the baby in her "tummy" and the girl exclaims "you ate the baby?!" at 0:32.
X-mas: 2 men play jingle bells on a piano with their stomachs
A young girl has just found out that her mom is pregnant with a baby. She asks her mom if the baby wears diapers in her tummy and says 'The baby just poops in your tummy.' Action 1 minute to 2 minutes.