A teen girl climbs a tree outdoors and hangs from one of the branches. Her older sister walks behind her as the climbing girl says "It's gonna break" and asks her sister "You gonna catch me?" before the branch breaks and she screams as she falls to the ground.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A man cuts a string at the bottom of a fresh Christmas tree in the living room and the branches fall to the floor. The man insists he did "nothing."
A tree branch falls on top of a man in the yard when he jumps with a rope attached between him and the tree to make it break.
A teen boy tackles a tree in the forest and it falls, but part of the tree falls on his head.
A teen girl walks around a branch across a small stream. The tree branch cracks and the girl falls into the water.
A young boy walks across a creek on a tree branch and it breaks and he falls into the water.
A bear stands on its back legs and pulls on a bird feeder that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. It pulls the feeder off the branch and then carries it back to the woods.
A man uses a pool net to smack a beehive off a tree branch in a yard. The hive falls to the ground, then a swarm of bees attack the man and he jumps into the pool and yells. Security footage.
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
Two men are sledding down a snowy hill when they go over a jump. They fly into a tree branch and crash and fall.
A man chainsaws a tree down outside then tree falls and a piece of branch hits man behind camera and he drops phone.
A teen girl tries to jump onto a tree branch but she falls to the ground.
A woman stands in the front yard with a Halloween decoration, and talks about hurricane Zeta as rain whips around her. The wind picks up, then a branch breaks off a tree and knocks her over.
A construction vehicle cuts tree branches in the yard and a large branch falls on the roof of the breezeway and the roof collapses.
A teen girl sits on a swing attached to a dead tree branch, then it collapses and she falls down in the backyard.
A teen girl pours gasoline all over tree branches outside, then she lights it on fire, but the fire takes a second to spread, and she jumps back when she gets too close to it. Dangerous.
A woman climbs a tree but grabs a dead branch and falls to the ground.
A woman pulls on a tree vine, scared to swing on it. A man then swings on the vine and it breaks.
A young boy climbs on a tree branch above a river and his mom tells him it is not sturdy. The branch snaps and he hangs onto another branch but it breaks and he falls into the water.
A man shakes a tree branch covered in winter snow in the yard and the branch breaks and falls on him.
A teen boy pushes a woman on a swing that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. The rope snaps and the woman falls on the ground.
A man burns small tree branches in a barrel in a yard and it explodes and a burning branch lands on his head. Short head. Security camera.
A person films off the side of a boat until a tree branch hits the camera.
A young boy and young girl stand in a large tree, and the boy tries to jump to a lower branch. He jumps and lands, but slips off, and hangs upside down.
A young boy jumps onto a tree branch, and it hits him in the groin.
A teen boy walking across a piece of wood over a creek falls and lands on his groin.
A man climbs a tree on a trail in the woods and says that the branches are strong and then multiple branches break and he falls out of the tree.
A man stands on a roof and saws branches off a tree, then a branch hits him and he falls.
A man hangs from a tree branch while a woman laughs at him. The branch breaks and the man falls onto his back. Short tail.
A man cuts open his Christmas tree in the living room, and the bottom row of branches breaks off and falls on the floor.
A man hits his leg on a chain link fence in the yard as he jumps of the roof of a house and falls while he tries to grab a tree branch.
A man drives an ATV attached to a tree with a band. A tree branch snaps over his head in a yard.
A young girl hangs by her dress from a tree branch in the yard and repeatedly yells "get me down" while the woman behind the camera laughs at her.
A man stands between trees on a hill off the side of a golf course to hit a golf ball. He hits the ball and it bounces off a tree and goes backwards and hits the man with the camera.
A young girl falls out of a tree as she climbs it. Short tail.
A squirrel climbs onto a bird feeder in the yard and the bird feeder spins in circles to throw the squirrel off. The squirrel holds on, but eventually, the squirrel falls off.
A man stands on a tree branch hanging over a river. He plans attempt to jump from the branch to a bridge next to the tree. Before he can jump the branch breaks and he falls into the water below. The men and young boys with him laugh at him.
A man rides a rope swing at a lake and falls on the ground when the tree branch breaks. Snaps
A man stands on a ladder as he cuts a tree branch. The branch falls, hits the ladder the man is standing on and the ladder falls down, taking the man with it.
A teen girl climbs a tree in the yard and slips and falls into a deep pile of winter snow and disappears into it.
A man pushes a girl on a rope swing in the yard and she smashes into a snowman to knock it down.
A man curses in a field when his dog hits him in the groin with a large tree branch.
A man jumps on a tree branch trying to pull down a tree in a yard. A second man attempts it and pulls the tree down on top of him.
A woman sits on a tree branch in the woods and then the branch breaks and she falls on the ground.
Two men and two women pose on a large tree trunk over a river and a branch breaks and one woman falls in.
A man lays on a platform swing and rides it in the yard and a young boy with a blanket over his face walks in front of him and the man hits him and knocks him down.
A grandmother stands on a tree branch and holds onto a rope swing and tries to swing into a lake but gets dragged across the ground and lands on her face in the water.
A bear cub is stuck on a tree branch at a zoo and jumps to climb a tree, but can't.
A man jumps towards a tree branch and falls into a river instead.
A teen girl and two boys sit on a fallen tree branch to pose for a picture at the beach. Their dad joins them and the log breaks and they all fall down.
A senior man cuts down a tree branch with a chain saw. When it falls down it takes him down with it.
A teen girl holds a tree branch on a soccer field and throws it to play fetch with two dogs, but the branch spins around and hits her in the head as she throws it.
A young woman takes the binding off a Christmas tree. The branches burst open when she snaps the last twine.
A man gives his daughter hot and cold clues to find an Easter egg in the yard. Eventually, it falls out of the tree branch above her and hits her in the head.
A man stands on a porch railing outdoors and cuts a branch from a tree. The branch falls and swings back, knocking the man over onto the porch.
A dog pulls a tree branch back in the woods and snaps it into a tot boy's face. The dog then pushes the tot over.
A pit bull dog growls/ screams while dangling from a tree branch by its teeth outdoors. What's that sound?