A tractor drives by itself into a garage door, breaks it, and rolls into the garage. Security footage.
A father starts a tractor with his young son's sled attached to it, but the boy falls on his butt in the snow as soon as it moves.
A man cleans the gutter while he stands on the bucket of a tractor. The woman in the driver's seat accidentally hits the lever and drops the man. He falls, gets back up and stares at the woman who holds her hands over her face. Security footage.
A man on a tractor tries to unload his tractor off a trailer. He flips backwards onto the front yard and says, "That's something you watch on TV." before he continues to back up the tractor. Security Footage.
A man drives a tractor and uses it to clear a field and the tractor crashes and falls into a sink hole.
A man drives a tractor up to a ramp and tries to get it into a pickup truck on a driveway, but it gets stuck, then he and the tractor both fall off the ramp. Security footage.
A man drives a lawnmower through his backyard but accidentally drives it into a lake. Security Footage.
A man rides a snow blower in his backyard. He accidentally runs into a bird feeder and knocks it down. Security Footage.
A man drives a sit down lawn mower in circles while another man holds on to the back with a rope and swings around until he flies away
A man drives a lawnmower tractor in the yard. He drives onto a covered pool and falls through into the water. Home security camera
Horse follows large bale of hay on back of tractor, puts front legs on top of hay.
A tot boy waves his arm outside, and a woman asks if he waves to a tractor. He says "yeah," then the woman asks him if he thinks the tractor can see him, and he says "no."
A man on a farm tries to load a tractor onto a trailer, but the brakes let loose and the truck and trailer roll down a hill into some trees. The man jumps off and tries to catch up to the truck but falls.
A woman laughs and says "oh no" while she stands on a sled that a man drives through snow with a tractor, but she falls off of it into a yard. Selfie video.
A baby boy grunts while he watches a woman roll a toy tractor in a living room, then he farts and falls over backward.
A tot boy falls asleep at the wheel of his toy tractor and then crashes into a metal object and scares himself awake.
A young girl tells her dad that a boy in her class wants to marry her, and he says "you tell him that he has to ask me first, and I have a tractor and lots of ways to make him disappear."
A family sings "Jingle Bells" using the cheek re-tractors from the Speak Out Game.
A woman rides on a seat attached to the back of a truck until it hits a ditch and the seat detaches and the woman falls off into the dirt
A man drives a lawnmower tractor up a hill and then loses control when he gets to the top and drives it into a pond.
A senior man approaches a man on a tractor in a field and the tractor suddenly starts and the man gets startled and falls backwards.
A man uses a tractor to drop a hay bale on top of a snowman in the yard to destroy it in the winter snow.
A tot boy walks over to a Christmas tree, pulls his baby brother off a new toy tractor and drops the baby on the floor so the boy can sit on the tractor.
A young boy holds onto the back of a wagon attached to a tractor as it drags him and a dog pulls his pants off.
Tot and bulldog ride in the back of child's toy John Deere tractor. Tot girl drives it and dumps the other kid & dog out.
Man rides a lawnmower that is pulled / towed by a dune buggy / ATV. Sand and dirt get kicked up into man's face, covering it. Mess. Short clip (:10).
Man rides an inner tube pulled by red ATV. Man hits the snow bump & flies very high into the air, falls down. Winter. No recovery - man is still on ground when camera cuts.
Two teen boys ride a lawn mower and try to do a wheelie. Boy's leg gets stuck on the tractor and he gets dragged across the grass.
Human sled: Dog hops on boy being pulled by tractor through snow.
Young boy rolls down hill on a toy tractor with helmet on. He hits a ramp & flips over, falls on his head. With recovery. Stunt.
Man riding a small tractor, rides in a ditch and flips it over onto himself.
Woman on ATV tries to tow / yank bush out of ground in back yard, bush finally comes out and woman runs over fence on. Mishaps. Tractor
2 men ride tractors in the yard. Tractors crash into each other & they both tip over.
2 men ride tractors in the yard. Tractors crash into each other & they both tip over.
Little boy rides small tractor, pulls off steering wheel, hits himself in the face with it. Boy falls off the tractor while it's moving.
Man riding small lawn mower flips backwards, falls off. Smoke come from engines, bursts into flames. Fire. Man restarts tractor smoke pours out everywhere. Long for edit.
A tractor drives down a path in the snow outdoors and it reaches the end of the path beside the road when a snow plow drives down the road and covers the tractor in a cloud of snow. Security camera footage. No sound.
A teen boy drops a bucket of a tractor and hits a man on the head outdoors. fail. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
A tot boy drinks water out of a plastic bottle while sitting on a toy tractor outdoors. He leans forward to set the water bottle down when he loses his balance and smashes his head into the tractor steering wheel while simultaneously crushing the water bottle. Vine/instagram.
On a snow covered farm field, a man backs a snow blower tractor over a snowman, knocking it over, and spraying the snow man's snow into the air.
A man rakes outdoors as a border collie dog rides across on a tractor lawn mower.
A girl rides a toy tractor down a hill. She goes over a ramp and lands on her face.
A young woman rides a toy tractor outdoors with a boy tot in the back seat. She looks at her reflection in the camera not realizing the boy has fallen off the back of the tractor. She finally notices and goes to help him.
In a snow covered front yard, man drives an ATV with a small tractor buckets on it, crashes into a snowman and destroys it. Winter.
A dog in boots sits on a tractor as it mows the lawn outdoors. (the dog's fur is dyed to look like boots)
A boy drives a tractor over a pumpkin Jack-o-lantern and crushes it outdoors.
A man drives back and forth with a tractor, trying to pull 2 trees out of the ground and the trees keep smacking him in the head. Finally, he pulls the trees out and drives off. Short heads. Short tails.
Man on a lawn mower pulls another mower over a small dirt pile. The tractor lands rough. Man pulls steering wheel off and crashes into wall
A man rides a tractor lawn mower outdoors when it tips backwards in a ditch, flips over, and drives away without him.
A shirtless man stands in front of a tractor loader bucket outdoors. The tractor dumps the water inside of the bucket over him and the water knocks the man over. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
A man sits in a lawn chair outdoors and explains he's going to do an ice bucket challenge while a teen boy and a young man stand on a tractor behind him with a large metal tub of water. The man in the lawn chair pretends to read a newspaper as they struggle to tilt the tub of water, but when they do, it crushes the man and the camera cuts away but cuts back to show the man drenched on top of his broken lawn chair.
Work - Tractor back flips going down ramp as it gets unloaded off cart
Two men sit on garden tractors/lawn mowers on a front yard sidewalk with the tractor fronts head to head. The two tractors push into each other, and push up onto their hind wheels. Both men fall off. One man's tractor smokes as the camera woman says "You blew it up."
Dad on lawnmower tractor pulls boy in a trailer who plays rock band drums. Trailer breaks off from tractor, boy and drums fall out
A man drives a tractor outdoors and it flips when it overbalances.
A.A. Destroy a snowman Man runs over snowman with huge snow blower on tractor
A pumpkin jack-o-lantern with fangs is crushed by a tractor shovel outdoors.
Two snowmen were built in the woods. Tractor comes out of nowhere and knocks them down.
Senior man pulling 4 wheeler on the trailer, pulls and falls off the other side.