A young boy rides his toy motorized car through the garage, then crashes it into a toilet and breaks it.
A woman falls down when she tries to run away from two young girls in toy motorized cars in the backyard.
A man pushes a young girl on a toy roller coaster on the back deck, but the car flies off of the track, and she falls off. Slow motion.
A young girl climbs over a toy car outside with a ball. Then she drops the ball and the car falls over and she falls to the ground.
A boy and girl ride down a hill in toy cars/tricycles and the boy runs into the girl, causing them both to crash into a pile of leaves.
A man tries to dunk a basketball, but he misses and it bounces onto a tot boy in a toy car.
A young boy is pushing his young brother on a toy rocket ship and says "blast off" before pushing his brother along the floor directly into the wall and the boy hits his head.
A young boy is in a toy car on a ramp in a backyard. A man holds onto the car and then lets it go down the ramp. The car falls forward and breaks. A woman off camera laughs along with the man.
A yellow Labrador retriever dog jumps on a young girl's toy car and knocks her over in a yard.
A man rides a kids stroller down a large hill, and his feet catch at the bottom and he flings into the air and faceplants.
A woman rides on top of a toy car down the driveway and goes into the grass and falls off and faceplants in the back yard.
A tot boy drives a Power Wheels Gator Truck. His brother rides up on a tricycle and grabs onto the back of the truck. He drags behind the truck for a bit before he lets go. Toy car.
A tot girl uses a remote control to drive a toy car in reverse in a yard while she sits on the hood. Then she turns around and drives the car forward while she faces backwards. She crashes into a wall in the yard and falls off the hood.
A tot girl drives a toy car back and forth and laughs but then she crashes into a parked van on a driveway.
A young boy rides a Little Tikes toy car down a driveway, and he crashes into a bush and flips over but lands upright.
A tot girl crashes her toy car into a play house.
A tot boy crashes his toy car at the bottom of the driveway, and falls off onto his stomach.
A woman rides on top of a toy car down the driveway and goes into the grass and falls off and faceplants in the back yard.
A young man carries a tacklebox and other items as he walks up a sidewalk. He slips and falls down, dropping all the items. Then he looks up at the security cameram smiles and gives a thumbs up. Security footage.
A tot girl sits on a car shaped cart at home while her father pushes her. The girl cries when a large dog chases her and bites her arm. Dashboard camera.
A young woman in Christmas pajamas opens a gift of keys in the living room and runs to the driveway, screaming, to see her new car. The car is a gift from her sister.
A man ties off a remote control toy car to his young son's loose tooth then he drives the car forward which pulls out the boy's tooth but then the car crashes into the Christmas tree and knocks it over.
A man holds a toy car and it falls down a staircase and the siren wails in the stairwell.
A cat chases a toy car around a track, and he falls off of the table and drags the track with him.
A woman and her son look at four toy police cars in their driveway and the boy says "I only ordered two". His mom asks him how he ordered them and he explains it was through her phone.
A tot girl steps out of her toy car in the street and her mother tells her she can't stop there. The tot says "no, I'm too busy!" and slams the car door.
A tot boy and tot girl kiss and as they sit in a toy car and the tot boy laughs indoors.
A man rides a motorcycle through a yard and tows another man in a kids toy car, but then a wheel flies off and the man in the car flips over and crashes and a woman says "I'm gonna pee my pants."
A woman sits in a toy car as her family pulls her behind the real car, and drive down the street. The toy car crashes into a satellite dish, and falls apart.
A young boy drives a remote control car up to a curb and runs over his younger brother's legs with it, and the boy falls.
A tot girl in a living room is mad that her mom is making her get a haircut. Her mom with the camera asks her to show why she needs a a haircut and the tot girl turns around and she has two toy cars stuck in her hair.
A tot boy rides a toy car down a driveway and rolls over himself when he falls into the grass.
A young girl sits backwards on a toy car at the top of a ramp in the yard. Her older sister pushes her too hard down the ramp and she flips over and falls backwards when she gets to the bottom of the ramp.
A tot girl gets a toy Power Wheels car for her birthday, but she runs right past it towards a balloon in the neighbor's front yard.
A tot girl drives a motorized toy car into a baby gate and looks surprised in a living room.
A young girl and a tot girl ride a car down a toy slide and crash into a tower of blocks in slow motion.
A young girl in a power wheel car spins around and does a power slide on an icy driveway.
A Labrador dog lays in the middle of a toy race car track in a tot boy's playroom and lifts his head whenever the toy car bumps in to it.
A teen girl sits in a car meant for a toddler and struggles to get out and breaks the steering wheel when it gets stuck in her butt.
A teen girl rides a toy car down a driveway and flips over the front and falls down when she hits the grass.
A baby boy spins in circles while watches a toy car drive around a track until his mother stops it with her hand.
Ferret chases a toy car running on a track and catches it. A cat sits and watches.
A tot girl tries to catch a remote control car in a backyard but it drives away repeatedly and she gets frustrated. She puts her baby doll toy on top of the car and it drives away and her family laughs.
A tot boy struggles to climb over the door of a power wheels toy car in the living room. Eventually, he flips over the door and falls on the gas pedal and drives it into a bench.
A tot boy rides a motorized toy ATV car in a house and his tot boy brother chases him and their family laughs. He drives into a glass kitchen stove and it shatters and breaks.
A young boy struggles to control a remote control car outside and the car knocks him over and then runs him over on the ground.
A dad tries to carry a beer on a remote control car and drive it to a woman in a living room but the car crashes into a lamp and it falls over. It burns a mom's hand and the woman laughs.
A tot boy rides a toy car in the backyard, looks at a drink on the arm of a patio chair and hits it onto the ground, then his father stares and says, "Dang son."
A young boy pushes a tot boy on a toy car across the living room and the tot boy crashes into a couch and falls off.
A man stands in a dirt lot and a remote control truck drives fast towards him and hits his legs and flips him over and he falls on the ground.
"Oblivious Gift Getter" - A tot boy looks for his Christmas gift and walks around a large toy car with a bow on it. He doesn't see what is right in front of him.
A tot girl stands on top of a toy car. A tot boy then comes over and pushes the car. The tot girl falls down.
A woman asks her tot son what he ordered on her phone and he admits to ordering an XBox, 102 toy Nerf guns, a race car bed for his dogs, enzyme pills and 5 bags of brown sugar.
A man steps over his young son's remote controlled truck while the boy drives the truck on a sidewalk. The truck hits the man's leg and he falls on top of the toy and breaks it. The boy cries over his broken toy while the man lays on the ground and hugs the boy. ring.com security camera footage.
A young boy drives a toy car in his basement and parks perfectly after a 360 degree drift.
A woman rides a toy car with her boy tot indoors and puts too much weight on the back, making the flip backwards. The woman and the boy fall and she laughs.
A young boy tries to get his toy car to drive on sidewalk but it keeps getting lodged between two banks of grass on either side.
A baby girl sits in a toy car, a real car engine can be heard, she looks excited.
A man stands on a bed and when he steps down, he steps on a toy truck and it rolls out and he falls down.