Dogs squeal and whine as they sit behind a gate when climbs up, topples and flips over to the other side.
A young boy gets pushed to sled down snowy hill and the boy tips over and falls into the snow.
A young boy dribbles a basketball in a basement then attempts to do a backwards dunk when the hoop topples over.
A man attempts to do his "famous butt dive," but as he attempts to bounce off of the diving board, it snaps and topples over him in a swimming pool.
"Accidental Accident Re-Enactment" A man hops out of a front door onto his knee scooter after an injury, then topples over onto a sidewalk when he tries to step down. Security footage.
A young boy attempts to do a flip on a living room coffee table, when he topples over onto his side and says "dad was right." Music rights not cleared.
A young boy and girl pose for a picture on a pony horse and they fall off of its back.
A woman carries a box into a garage and wipes out onto the concrete. Security footage.
A senior man hits golf balls on a driving range but falls over and knocks down the barrier. Featured talent cleared only (the golfer who falls over and the woman who runs over to help him).
A woman stands on a wall by the beach and then she tries to balance but she falls back into a swimming pool.
While he waits to meet Mickey Mouse, a young boy in a Goofy hat runs into a stanchion and topples over backwards in a lobby. Featured talent cleared only (little boy in Goofy hat).
In a living room, a grandpa attempts to show his granddaughter how to use her back-handspring trainer when he leans back and topples over backwards.
A young boy sits on top of a mattress against a wall, when he slips and falls backwards as the mattress topples over in a living room.
A woman picks another woman up from behind to crack her back when they both topple over on top of one another in a living room. Security footage.
A woman attempts to dance for her dog in a dining room, when she slips on the hardwood floor and topples over. Security footage.
A woman came down to a desk in a building and asks for her bracelets then takes it upon herself to lean on the desk when it topples over on top of her and all of the contents spill all over the floor. Security footage.
A man stands on a planter to hang an American flag on his front porch but the planter topples over and the man falls down the steps, landing on a drill tool and he rolls on his back onto the walkway. Security footage.
In a kitchen, a tot child plays with a dog's water bowl, spilling water on the floor then knocking the bowls over. He topples over top of them and toward the wall.
A young boy sets off a domino chain of VHS tapes and DVD cases that fall through the house and down the stairs, then the cases hit a mouse trap and launch a toy soldier into a cup. Multiple clips edited together.
A man walks on a treadmill and then rides it back onto a recliner chair that tips over when he lands.
A tot girl in an old lady costume walks with a walker outdoors and then trips and falls as she looks at her mom. Halloween.
Two young boys and two young girls go down a slip n slide together, then a man crashes into them on the bottom and rolls over two of the small children.
A man and his hammock topple over when he tries to lay down outside in his backyard.
A guinea pig knocks over a mini snowman and eats its carrot arms.
A young boy stacks a bin on top of 3 other bins then pushes it over and two children come out of the bins.
Teen girl and teen boy try to dance on chairs. Teen boy falls off chair.
A dog (yellow lab) is going through an obstacle course. When he jumps off the side of it, a woman tries to catch him and they both topple over.
A baby boy sits indoors and prepares for a large sneeze through a series of breaths before he sneezes and falls over.
Man backing a lawn mower off of a trailer decline falls backwards when the ramp buckles.
In a living room, two women put ornaments on a Christmas tree. One stands on a chair and puts the topper on the tree. She dances, the chair falls over, and she falls to the floor, hard.
"Puppies Topple Toddler" A tot boy plays with 14 small puppy dogs and falls over and gets buried underneath all the puppies.
A surveillance camera shows a man sitting at a desk in a wheeled chair. He tries to get a bag of chips from the top of his desk without getting up from the chair, and the chair topples over and he falls backwards. Office. Work. No Audio
Man backing a lawn mower off of a trailer decline falls backwards when the ramp buckles. Doesn't have more heads than orig. submission - has titles instead. Short tail - camera goes off man after fall
Three adults sit on bench, it breaks, they topple over backward
A lemur jumps around a room and knocks a man's items over and off of things.
Baby boy sits on the floor & laughs at mom blowing raspberries. The 4th time, he flails around and tips over - terrified of the noise. Scared. Surprise. Baby is fine.
Teen boy tries to ride wheelchair down steps on back patio, falls over, knocks over ladder. Bonehead.
Two babies sit next to each other on a blanket outdoors. One of them sneezes and the other topples/falls over and cries.
X-mas - Santa & old woman fall off chair Christmas
A dog sits inside a watermelon with the top cut off and eats it from the inside in the living room indoors. At the end the watermelon topples over and the dog falls out.