A young boy opens a Christmas present. He gets a toilet and looks at it in confusion.
A young boy is stuck inside of a toilet with one leg sticking out. He holds up a bottle of liquid soap.
A port-a-potty is blown across a parking lot by the wind.
A young boy in the house explains to a man that he put all of his mom's makeup in the toilet. The dad asks his son "What do you say?" The boy says, "Cheese!"
A young boy rides his toy motorized car through the garage, then crashes it into a toilet and breaks it.
A man has passed out on a toilet. He gets scared awake and falls into shower, flushing toilet at same time.
A young boy puts several towels in the toilet then gets his foot stuck in the baby potty in the bathroom.
An elderly woman moving an old toilet to the curb rides it down a snowy hill before falling off near the bottom.
A teen boy take shelter in a port-a-potty during a severe rain storm when a strong gust of wind knocks it over with him inside.
A construction worker leans against the door of a port-a-potty preventing his coworker from exiting. He then hides in the next toilet allowing his confused coworker to escape.
Two men rock a port-a-potty back and forth as a woman sits inside it and yells at them to stop.
A woman follows a trail of toilet paper through a house that leads to a dog with toilet paper in its mouth.
A man sits on a toilet and asks a young girl to bring him toilet paper. She enters the bathroom and he smears chocolate on her arm. When she realizes it she screams and runs out of the bathroom.
A dog stands behind a wall of toilet paper in the hallway while the woman with the camera calls it to her. It climbs through the stair railing and goes around the wall.
A woman leaves the house through the front door and the toilet paper stuck to her pants does too. The toilet paper trails behind her as another woman comes out to let her know of the mishap. Security footage.
A young boy tells his dad that he put his car keys in a potty and flushed them.
A man drops his electric razor in the toilet as it flushes and the razor is now stuck inside as it makes a loud buzz noise.
Tot boy wears onesie / baby clothes on his head. He closes a toilet seat on his thumb in the bathroom and makes a funny pained face.
"2-Ply Surprise" A woman laughs as she follows toilet paper that sticks to a man's waistband into the bathroom.
A man sits on the toilet in a bathroom, and a cat sits on his shoulder. He says that he cannot go to the bathroom without the cat, then shows that a second cat also followed him into the bathroom and sat in his underwear.
A cocker spaniel dog digs against a plastic bin of dog food at home, and a man points out that her food bowl is already full. She continues to scratch the container, then the man points out her food bowl again, and she eats out of it.
A smoke alarm beeps in a living room, and a senior woman holds up a toilet seat and opens and closes it quickly in an attempt to stop the smoke alarm. The smoke alarm continues to beep.
A dog barks at a cat that is sitting in a toilet bowl. When the dog gets too close, the cat repeatedly swats at the dog.
A tot boy sits in the toilet. The seat is at his waist. A woman comes in and finds him.
A tot boy pretends to fix a bathroom door with a screwdriver before he throws it into a toilet and flushes it.
A man cleans up a flooded bathroom in which twin tot boys blame one another for the mess as they point and speak in gibberish.
A young girl reaches her arm around behind her and scratches her head and there is a toilet paper tube taped to her wrist that makes it look like a dismembered hand in the dining-room.
As a prank, a woman tries to pour a pitcher of water over the top of the shower curtain in a bathtub. But when she leans on the shower curtain rod, the rod collapses and she falls and breaks the toilet seat.
A woman tells a tot boy that he did a good job while he cleans a toilet in a bathroom. Another young kid yells that he used their back scrubber on the toilet.
A teen girl films as water erupts out of a bathroom toilet and shoots onto the ceiling as an adult man is spotted at the end under the cabinet attempting to stop it.
Two men carry a toilet down a flight of stairs to a driveway, but one man trips and falls, and the toilet breaks. Security footage.
A tot girl tells her mom not to look as she and another tot girl play with toilet paper, and then the woman walks into the room and sees dozens of rolls of toilet paper. She gasps and asks what happened, and the two girls hide in a closet.
A baby girl puts her hands in a toilet and wets a baby boy's hair indoors. She has wet hair as well.
Three Boston Terrier dogs stand on the edge of a bathroom toilet and stare at their ball that's stuck in the toilet.
A produced video with music and graphics of a man who does a magic trick in the living room with a young girl as his assistant. He puts out seven rolls of toilet paper and draws on a white board that "1 = 4." He and the girl cover the rolls with a blanket and then when they move the blanket, there is a stack of 28 rolls.
A woman scares another woman when she hides in the work bathroom with a Chucky mask on. The scared woman screams then hits her in the head with a large roll of toilet paper.
A young boy triggers a chain reaction that brings him a roll of toilet paper in a bathroom.
A baby boy cries inside of a toilet while his mother asks a tot boy about what happened in the bathroom.
A young girl takes a selfie video with her sister in a bathroom, then she drops her phone in a toilet and tells her mom.
A woman on a toilet asks a tot girl if she can close the door and she says "yeah". Her mom says "you gotta go though" and the girl says "why?" in a bathroom.
A pet raccoon moves a toilet bowl brush around inside of a toilet at home.
The woman with the camera explains that every morning she gets her shower ready in the bathroom and then moves the curtain to show her cat in the tub. The cat stands on its back legs and licks the water.
A man in a bathroom places pop snaps under a toilet seat lid. He goes outside and waits for his wife to go to the bathroom from outside the bathroom we hear her scream then yell his name and he laughs.
A man stands in a living room and hits a golf ball into a roll of toilet paper that hangs in the air from a bunch of balloons.
A woman does the Smoking Toilet prank on her dad, and he turns around and glares at them.
A man tries to move a toilet down the front porch steps, and the toilet falls on top of him as it spills rust water. Home security footage.
A man and woman finds their baby girl tangled up in a roll of toilet paper, and they ask who did it and she points at a dog.
A man asks his tot boy to bring him toilet paper but the boy brings him a roll of paper towels. The man tells him it is not toilet paper, but the boy brings in several more rolls before he finally brings in a package of toilet paper.
A man drops a toilet that shatters in the front yard, and walks away form it. Security footage.
A young girl dumps a tadpole into a toilet for its funeral and it starts to swim, then she and her mother realize it's not dead.
A young boy lifts a toilet seat to pee and screams when he sees a witch mask.
A young boy and girl walk into a dining room that has toilet paper strewn around it. An elf on the shelf sits in the corner on a tower of toilet paper. The young girl says "How are we going to wipe our butts?"
A tot boy learns that his fish has died and he cries before his aunt explains that they have to flush him down the toilet and the boy gets excited. He says "Let's do it."
A cat drinks from a toilet and is startled when a woman asks "what are you doing?" Falls off the seat. Short Tail.
A dog sits in a bathroom, surrounded by torn up toilet paper. When asked if he did it, he hides behind the toilet.
A man says that his toilet is haunted in the bathroom and it makes a sound like a person that screams after he flushes it.
A tot boy takes rolls of toilet paper out of a closet and throws them over a baby gate and down a flight of stairs.
A woman sneaks into the bathroom while a man showers and she stands on the toilet with a bucket of ice cold water but she slips and pulls down the shower curtain rod.
A man asks his tot girl and tot boy about where the toilet seat is in the house. The girl takes it off of his door handle and puts it around her head, then her father says he just bought a new one and she broke it for the second time.