A teen girl refers to herself as "the next cheerleader" in a kitchen, then she kicks her leg up high and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A teen boy tries to ski over a jump but falls out of his skis and faceplants on a mountain.
A teen girl sets up a camera then backs up into her dog, tripping over the golden retriever and falling to the hardwood floor.
A teen boy in acul-de-sac rides his bicycle up a small ramp, then crashes into and breaks a mailbox.
A teen girl tries to do a TikTok challenges where she gets her arms around her whole body, but when she bends, over her sister bumps her with her hip and she whacks her head into the kitchen cabinets and falls over.
A teen boy kicks a soccer ball on goal, hitting another teenage boy in the face. When we get closer to the goalie we see they have a bloody nose.
A teen girl attempts to make a vlog in a car, then winces and starts to cry when she spots a bug as it crawls up her hair in a car.
A teen boy carries his grandmother on his back while he crosses a stream in the woods and after he gets across, he trips and falls and she lands on top of him.
A teen boy tosses a baseball up and catches it in his glove, and then he tosses it again but the ball lands on a car's back windshield and breaks it. Security footage.
"Dealing With the Ceiling Prank" A teen girl tells a young boy that she can make a bowl of water stick to the ceiling in a kitchen if he helps her hold a broom, then she puts the broom under the bowl on the ceiling and walks away while he yells for her to come back. She comes back to push him and say that he will be there a while, then he moves the broom and water from the bowl spills on him.
A teen boy walks outside and slips and falls on the walkway and a woman follows behind him and falls right next to him. Security footage.
A teen boy rides his dirt bike into a pile of freshly raked dry leaves.
A teen girl does a gymnastics tumble in slow motion and falls down on her last backflip with a twist.
A young boy in a living room tosses a large bean bag at a teen boy who then throws it harder at the young boy. The young boy falls to the floor.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A woman and teen girl are knocked down by a large wave at a beach.
A teen girl at the beach holds a chip in her mouth. A seagull comes down and takes it. The girl shouts "Ow! He hit my lip!" As another girl laughs. Featured talent cleared only (the two women).
Two teen girls dance on a ping pong table in a basement when it collapses and they fall to the ground. Music rights not cleared.
A teen girl mows the lawn with headphones in not realizing that the lawnmower isn't even on. A woman tells her to take her Airpods out.
A teen boy attempts to do a wheelie trick on a motorcycle in the driveway of a home, but he loses control and falls through a fence. Security footage.
A teen boy repeatedly falls down on an icy front porch, then his dad follows him and falls too. Security footage. Music rights not cleared.
A teen boy attempts a kick flip on his skateboard but the board flies towards the camera/phone and shatters it. It still captures his reaction to the damage. He says "Oh noooo, dude!" Music rights not cleared.
A teen girl tries to lift up a young girl and flip her over her head at a dance studio, but she drops the young girl on her face.
A teen boy and girl drive a four wheeler in a field and tow a teenage girl in a kayak across a lake. The kayak slides out of the water into the field and the teen girls falls out of the kayak onto the grass.
A teen boy slips and falls on ice on a driveway. He laughs and tells the camera "you saw that, dude," then he slips and falls and laughs a second time. Security footage.
A teen girl pets a dog and holds her collar as it tries to jump over a baby gate. Tthe teen girl falls down. Security footage.
A teen boy fails to do a backflip jumping off a box and lands, painfully, on his face.
A man and a teen girl do a TikTok dance and he tries to roll across her back but they both fall to the ground in the backyard. Music rights not cleared.
Two teen boys capture a squirrel in a small animal trap and gloat at their accomplishment and they pull it away from the wall and the squirrel jumps out and runs away and they realize they did not close the trap after the squirrel went in.
A teen girl practices her footwork for discus in the driveway. She launches it, and it goes over the roof. After a loud crash a car alarms start to go off and the teen runs toward the sound.
A teen girl sneaks out of her house and tries to duck to avoid the security camera but fails. Security Footage.
A teen boy practices his baseball throw but while it's meant to go into a net, one ball flies into a neighbor's window which shatters (heard not seen). The teen boy crouches down in disbelief.
A woman sits on a swinging bench on a front porch. A teen girl sits next to her and the whole ceiling comes down. Security Footage.
A teen boy in a bedroom tries to do a cartwheel but he falls and makes a hole in the drywall. He says that this isn't his house.
A teen girl raises her pillow over her head as she puts a pillowcase on then smashes a ceiling light fixture as it breaks and shatters onto the bedroom floor. Security footage.
A teen girl opens the trunk of a car parked in a road. A teen boy jumps out of the car dressed in a clown costume. The teen girl screams and runs away into a house.
A teen boy watches a basketball game on a TV and screams excitedly and runs through a living room, but slips and falls.
A teen boy sleeps on the couch and an off-camera woman squirts shaving cream on his forehead and he tastes it thinking it is whipped cream and makes a grossed out face.
A teen girl winds a yo-yo toy in a bedroom and says "I'm good at it, don't worry guys," then she throws it into the air, and ducks when it hits a ceiling fan.
A grandmother sits at a dinner table and a teen boy and his mom sing her "happy birthday". The older woman blows out the candle on her cake but a dog jumps up next to her and starts to eat it but she laughs and pushes him away.
A teen boy reaches into the top of a mailbox to get the mail on a porch, but his hand gets stuck inside. He gets the mail out and continues to struggle with his hand while he complains and calls himself an idiot. Security footage.
A teen girl feeds a baby. The baby spits on her and the teen falls backwards in her chair. Security footage.
A teen girl turns on a car and drives it forward into another car on a driveway, and the front car crashes into the porch. Security footage.
"Driver's Training Terror" A teen girl learns how to drive a car for the first time with her father in the passenger seat on a driveway. She tries to reverse the car but instead rolls it forward into another car and screams.
A pre-teen boy in a yard says that he and his brother will fight with pool cue sticks "which might hurt." The other boy twirls his stick his around in his hand and hits him in the head on accident. He falls down.
A teen girl scares her dad on various occasions and captures his startled yell that he lets out.
A teen girl in the kitchen signs the brand name of a bottle of seasoning. She then accidentally pours too much of it on her food.
A teen boy hits a golf ball at a tree in the yard and it bounces back to hit him.
A teen girl outside drives a four wheeler and pulls a teen boy on a sled. The sister makes a sharp turn, then stops. The brother keeps going, the rope wraps around the four wheeler, and he slams into the four wheeler.
A teen girl attempts to throw a dog toy in the yard and it gets wrapped around her hair causing her pain.
A teen girl tells a woman "I've drunken four bottles of water today" and the woman corrects her saying it should be "I've drunk." Then the teen girl says that she actually means "I've dranken four bottles of water" and calls this "past tense."
A woman tells a teen girl that she watered her plant for three weeks but the daughter tells her the plant is fake. The mom swears that it was growing as the daughter congratulates her on keeping it alive.
A young boy in his house pitches a baseball. A teen boy bats and hits a clock which falls off the wall and breaks.
A teen boy does a wheelie on a four wheeler through a parking lot and then loses his balance and falls off of the four wheeler and the four wheeler crashes into a dumpster.
A teen boy rings the doorbell on the front porch. A dog opens the door and the screen door smacks the boy in the face as the dog runs out. Security Footage.
A teen girl does the whipped cream challenge in the kitchen, and the whipped cream gets stuck on the ceiling.
A teen boy attempts the whipped cream challenge, but the cream explodes, and gets in the clothing and hair of all the assembled family members nearby.
A teen girl smacks a volleyball, it bounces off a basketball goal and smacks her in the face.
A teen boy climbs a bunkbed in the bedroom but it collapses. Security Footage