A young boy swings at a baseball, then it bounces under a fence and hits a man in the leg in a field. Slow motion. Featured talent cleared only (the boy who swings the bat and the man who is hit).
A teen boy hits a golf ball at a tree in the yard and it bounces back to hit him.
A man at the golf driving range swings his club but the ball travels only a few inches and goes back into the bucket of balls. He tries again and it goes farther this time. A woman tells him, "Good job!"
A young boy in his house pitches a baseball. A teen boy bats and hits a clock which falls off the wall and breaks.
A man plays tee-ball with a young boy and when he tells him to "run home" the boy runs back to his house.
A young girl takes a swing at a tee ball and unexpectedly hits it directly at the camera, resulting in a direct hit to the camera man's face.
A young boy throws a baseball, knocking a baseball bat off of a tee. The bat is simultaneously replaced on the tee with another ball that had been balancing on the handle of the bat.
A young boy hits a baseball off of a tee in the backyard, and it breaks through the net and breaks a hole in the fence.
A young boy hits a ball on a tee right at the camera.
A young boy hits a baseball off of a tee in a yard, then a Chocolate Labrador retriever dog jumps up and catches it in his mouth.
A woman tees up a golf ball at an outdoor driving range. She swings, misses the ball and the head of the club comes off and flies onto the range.
A young boy takes off his jacket outside. Then he swings a golf club at a ball outside. He flips and falls down.
A man shows a young girl how to hit a ball off a tee in a garage with a bat and she swings right away and hits the ball into his groin. He reacts to the hit.
A senior man hits a baseball off a tee in a backyard with a bat and falls.
A young girl hits a baseball off a tee outside with a bat. The ball hits a man in the groin.
A tot boy swings a baseball bat toward a tee in a yard, but instead he hits a man in the knees with it, and the man falls down.
A dog takes a ball off of a tee before a tot boy hits it in a living room.
A tot boy in a yard hits a ball off a tee with a baseball bat and it hits a man in the groin and the tot boy laughs. Security camera.
A man teaches a young boy how to hit a wiffle ball off of a tee, but then a tot boy walks up and hits it off with his toy bat.
A man stands between trees on a hill off the side of a golf course to hit a golf ball. He hits the ball and it bounces off a tree and goes backwards and hits the man with the camera.
A young boy with a bat swings at a plastic baseball on a Tee. He hits the ball, and the ball hits his father, a young man, in the groin, as his dad stands in front of him. No heads
A tot boy picks up a wiffle ball off a tee and presses it to his face in the yard when his dad tells him to keep an eye on the ball.
A tot boy swings a toy yellow baseball bat and hits the tee but misses the ball, then the tee knocks the ball backwards and the boy falls over in slo-mo
A young boy hits a baseball off of a tee in slow motion in the backyard in order to pull one of his teeth attached to a string tied to the ball.
A man teaches a tot girl to hit a wiffle ball off a tee with a toy baseball bat in the yard, but before she swings, a dog grabs the ball off the tee and runs away with it.
A tot boy hits a ball off a tee that hits his grandfather in the groin. The boy's father laughs while the senior man lays down on the porch.
A man hits a golf ball of the tee and it bounces off two walls then hits him in the head.
A woman tells a tot boy to keep his eye on the ball in the yard, so the boy holds the ball to his face and swings at it and misses.
A teen boy hits a ball hard off a tee with a baseball bat in the basement and breaks a window off screen.
A young boy tries to drive a golf ball on the tee but misses and lets the club go and the club flies into the rough where his parents make him go find it
A woman hits a golf ball off the tee at a driving range then she reaches into her bag for another ball and she finds a box and she asks a man about it and he opens the box and gets down on one knee and proposes.
Tot girl hits plastic ball of tee, ball hits dad in the crotch / groin. Good reaction though not a hard hit.
Young boy hits baseballs off a tee. He hits a ball & it bounces off the wall back into the boy's face.
Woman tries to hit golf ball in yard, lets go of club and tosses it up on house, runs off. Mishaps. Sports.
Tot boy hits a plastic baseball off a tee & the ball hits Grandma in the face. Good recovery. Senior woman.
Boy hits baseball off a tee & the ball flies at mom who's filming. You hear glass breaking O/C & it cuts to broken cup & water on the front porch.
90-year old senior woman poses in bikini tee shirt; good visual
Tot boy hits ball off tee in yard, hits mom filming with bat. Baseball.
A man is teaching his tot boy to hit a ball off of a tee. He says 'put your eyes on the ball' and the boy literally puts his eyes up against the ball.
In a kitchen, a young boy wearing a plastic construction worker helmet tries to hit a toy plastic baseball off a tee with a toy bat. The camera woman tells him to keep his eye on the ball. The boy takes the ball off the tee and holds it up to his eye. .
Teen boy tries to hit a golf ball off another teen boy's groin. He hits him in the groin. Bonehead.
T-ball practicing tot told to keep eye on ball - he holds the ball up to his eye
A little boy plays with a tee ball outdoors and gets confused when the man behind the camera says 'batter up.' The boy goes to his sister and hits her with the bat. Baseball
A man wears a shirt that says "Be nice to me my wife is pregnant" when he greets his parents at his birthday party at home. His dad notices and hugs him, but his mom doesn't notice after she hugs him until she's told to read his shirt.
Golf - Woman tries to tee off, ball hits her in the head. Used in CompuServe 9-95 (CS).
Teen girl hits tee balls in batting cage, a baseball bounces off the net back onto tee.
Teen runs up to golf ball, takes a swing with club and the ball hits the teen who is holding the camera.
Two men horse around on golf course, one hits the other in face with club, sunglasses fly off face.
A teen girl prepares to swing a baseball bat at a ball on a tee when a golden retriever dog walks over, picks up the ball, and carries it to a patch of grass where several other balls are sitting.
A little boy swings and misses ball on tee. He falls and hits the ball with his backswing as he goes down.
Little boy hits golf ball into grandma's face. Dad says, "Don't laugh." Senior woman
Man tees off, golf ball comes back somehow and hits him. He says, "Ow, fuck!" and hops away.
Young girl drives a golf cart into a tree and a man falls out of it.
Young woman tries to hit a softball off a tee in the batting cage, the tee breaks and the ball still lands on the remaining part of the tee. Unusual. Cool.
Guy standing on golf green gets hit in the back with golf ball
Man's new driver golf club slips out of hands and flies into lake when teeing off on golf course, man runs after it. (2103)
A woman does a face swap with the face on her tee shirt in a house.