Young boys stand next to a 6 foot tall dancing Santa Claus decoration when it falls apart.
A young woman climbs down from a tall stack of plastic storage bins in a storage room at home, but she knocks over several stacks of bins and falls on the floor.
A teen boy rides a tall unicycle while he hula hoops and juggles, then he screams and falls off the unicycle in the yard.
A man crosses a log, then slips and falls onto the ground in a forest.
A man rides on a very tall bicycle outside. Then he attempts to pop a wheelie and he falls backwards.
A cat runs after a bear cub and the bear climbs up a tall tree in a yard.
A man and a woman sit on a hammock between two tall trees in the woods. The woman reaches forward, and the hammock falls on the ground.
A puppy dog sticks his body through a tall bowl stand to eat food from a big dog's bowl.
A young girl and a woman walk around the top of a tall building as their hair blows in the wind.
A woman stands in a tall tree attached to a rope swing. Her husband tells her she won't belly flop, then she falls off the rope and belly flops into the lake.
A young girl puts a baby girl on her shoulders and wears a jacket over her head to make it look like the baby is tall and does a dance with another young girl in the kitchen.
A dog jumps up high, and climbs over the neighbor's fence in the backyard.
A man pushes his adult father into a lake off a tall, wooden deck.
A cat jumps off of a tall cat tower towards the blinds in the living room window and falls.
A man climbs onto a penny-farthing bike in a parking lot and it flips over and he falls down.
Minister brings bride a step ladder so she can reach the very tall groom's lips during the kiss at the end of the wedding ceremony. LOW AUDIO.
A young boy runs outdoors, tries to jump over two chairs and a tall box, and lands on the box on his groin. His family laughs.
A young boy tries to jump over a tall post. He gets stuck on top of the post and hits his face when he falls to the sidewalk.
A teen girl stands before a tall box and prepares to jump onto it but misses the box and falls over to the other side beside a garage door outdoors.
Man climbs up a very tall rock cliff on a beach & jumps down to where a teen boy stands spotting him next to a crash mat. The man falling misses the crash mat and lands hard on the sand. The man lies on the ground in pain.
Yacht sails under bridge. Boat is too tall & the top is crushed down by the bridge, parts break off when they hit bridge.
A woman falls doing gymnastics on a tall bar right when her spotter turns around.
Two dogs leap / jump through hay field, pop their heads up. Grass is very tall, can't see the dogs until they jump. Silly pet trick.
Boy has tall black homemade hat on his head for an Abraham Lincoln costume, the cylinder is stuck over his face. Dad tries to lift it off, boy yells. Hat finally comes off. Long for edit.
Tot girl gets a tall glass of water. She has to reach high to pour the water. As she tries to take the glass/ cup away from water spigot. It spills in her face. Funny reaction
Girl on woman's shoulder with a dress over them, looks like one tall girl.