"Romance at First Glance" A woman has a bunch of pink and red balloons above her head. She says her husband is the sweetest and got her all the balloons to ask her to be his Valentine. Then she lowers the camera and says she is just kidding and is at the dollar tree.
A young boy tries to stick a plunger to his father's bald head in a hardware store, but he just hits him on the head for the first attempt, then it successfully sticks to his head.
A man throws a bottle of Windex over his shoulder and it gets caught on a ceiling fan cord.
A pigeon is on a woman's shopping cart in front of a store. The pigeon won't go away even though she spins the cart around. Then the bird flies up onto her back. Featured talent cleared only (the woman with the pigeon).
In a department store a young boy holds up a bra over his face like a mask and says he's a "ninja."
A man tries to run quickly down a store aisle in cleats and immediately trips and falls.
A woman uses a virtual reality demo in a store and loses her balance and falls on the floor. Her kids pull the headset off her and she she still can't stand up.
A young woman does somersaults across several beds in a department store before she falls in between two beds.
A young boy punches and kicks a dummy in a sporting goods store and he tries to kick the head and slips and falls.
A young man dances and sings as he mops a floor, then he falls out of a door while he works at a dog groomer. Security footage.
A young boy laughs after his Croc gets stuck in an escalator at Michael's, and his mother says "I'm not happy".
A dog falls through the ceiling of a store. A man and a woman watch confused. Security Footage. Featured talent cleared only (woman behind the counter).
A woman in a store grabs a young girl and runs with her through the store. The mom's pants fall down and her face becomes bright red as she laughs. The daughter runs away again and the mom chases her again.
A young woman carries a large oversized stuffed bear in a store and struggles to put it in a box. It tips over and falls on her and she gets stuck underneath it.
A woman wears heels and walks through a shoes department of a store and falls.
An adult woman falls off a skateboard as she rides it inside a store.
A teen girl falls at a department store when she climbs into a toy ball storage shelf and it breaks.
In a kitchen, a man shows how he stores his eggs since "everyone is going crazy over eggs." He opens a refrigerator and unlocks a safe, where they are stored.
A man attempts to push the squeaky toys in a store aisle when the box breaks and he falls in. TikTok.
A young girl in a store speaks to the camera and says she broke up with her husband. She says she got another husband and shows a shirt. She also says to never call her husband.
A pointer dog touches a woman's purse on a kitchen counter, and the woman asks her if she wants to go to the store. The dog pulls on the purse's strap and it wraps around her body so she wears the purse.
A woman pushes a shopping cart and a tot boy lies on the floor behind it and holds on and is dragged through the store.
A woman tells a man how to fill a bag with ice from a machine at a store, then a bag of ice falls out of the machine's chute, and he throws his bag at her. First person POV.
A mom holds a halloween mask over her face to scare a baby boy and he laughed in a store.
A woman thinks she puts a trial lotion on her face but really puts a shaving cream all over her face in a drug store.
A senior woman on an electronic shopping cart at Target runs into the bras.
A young boy struggles to pull a plunger off of a bald man's head in a store.
A man tells a tot girl in a hardware store "you've got to keep your head up when you're walking, you don't want to run into anything," then he walks into a window.
"Fast Food Pharmacy" A man and woman go to a drive through pharmacy after the woman has had tooth surgery, and she tells the pharmacist her McDonald's drive through order.
A young girl plays with a jack in the box in a Halloween store then screams and runs away when a zombie head pops up suddenly.
A hamster runs and spins a fellow hamster in a wheel repeatedly.
A man dances in a store and stops when he sees that a woman films him.
A young girl panics before she gets her ears pierced, but then it happens and she says "oh."
A man pulls a young girl out of a shelf at a hardware store as she pulls an item out for him.
A teen girl and a young girl dance in a grocery store and the teen girl knocks the young girl into the chip display.
A man starts a golf cart in a store that reverses then crashes into a glass door. He pushes the cart away from the door, and it crashes into a display of golf bags. Security footage.
A teen girl roller skates down a store aisle. She then runs into a stand, falls down and the stand falls on top of her. Short tail
A girl tot plays grocery store but every time an item is asked for, she is out of it. Snapchat video.
A teen girl in a large bear mask runs down an aisle in a store and then slips and falls into a sign.
A teen girl wears a large baby face mask in a Halloween store and floss dances.
A woman jumps on a pogo stick in a store and loses balance and falls into a large box and knocks it down.
A teen girl stands in an aisle of a grocery store, and another teen girl jumps on her back. Another teen girl jumps on their back, and they fall to the ground. Another teen girl stands behind them, and falls with them.
A tot boy whispers and tells his grandfather that he knows what his grandfather's Christmas present is but can't tell him until Christmas. His grandfather asks what store it is from and the boy says it is a new golf club, but not to tell anybody.
A tot boy stuffs a shopping cart full of candy while he is at the grocery store with his father.
A boy tot rides on an horse ride at a grocery store. He lays across the saddle flat on his stomach.
A tot boy in a shopping cart says he sees his grandma in a store and his mom turns the camera to show a Halloween decoration.
A tot boy sits on a female mannequin at a store as his mother tells him it's not Santa. The boy starts to babble that the mannequin is Santa but it falls and so does he.
A young girl dances inside of a coat as it hangs from a rack in a clothing store and the coat falls down.
A man has pulled over at the side of a road and says he decided to give his tot boy son some Nutella after he behaved well in the grocery store. He opens a car door and turns the camera around to reveal a tot boy in a car seat that is completely covered in Nutella and the boy licks himself.
A man screams and waves his arms in the air while he walks away from the front of a store when he looks outside and lightning strikes in the parking lot.
A man falls into a shelf of clocks at a craft store when he loses his balance after a woman picks him up.
A woman falls through a hole in the floor of a store.
A young girl approaches a scarecrow decoration in a store and it pops up and scares her and she runs away.
A teen girl climbs into a ball container in a store and pushes the balls out when she falls to the bottom. Snapchat caption: "When you lose a bet."
A young woman dances around in a liquor store aisle as she holds two bottles of wine. The wine bottles bump together and one bottle breaks.
A tot boy uses his tot brother as a stool to select DVDs at a store.
A young girl dances in a dressing room stall. Her mom tells her to hurry up and she yelps.
A boy approaches a Halloween decoration of ghost girl in a store and gets scared when its skull / head pops up and screams at him.
A young girl learns that the Poop-emoji is poop when she holds up a poop pillow in a department store.