A young girl stands in the living room with her arms held out. A man yells "catch" from off camera and throws a ball. The ball hits the girl and she falls.
A male deer stands in front of a deer statue on the lawn. He pushes the statue with his antlers. The head falls off the statue and the deer runs.
A woman stands on a paddle board on a lake and paddles backwards. The board hits something and she falls into the water.
A woman wears virtual reality goggles while the person holding the camera sprays her crotch from across the room with a water bottle. Eventually the woman touches her pants and, feeling the wet fabric, believes that she accidentally urinated on herself.
A young girl stands on top of a large inflatable slide in the middle of a lake. The young girl attempts to jump and slide down, but she bounces off the slide and falls hard into the water.
A teen girl attempts to run on a treadmill and falls off, sliding backwards.
A bear stands on its back legs and pulls on a bird feeder that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. It pulls the feeder off the branch and then carries it back to the woods.
A goat on a farm stands on hay and hits a man in the head and stands on him then hooks his hat and takes it off his head.
A cat stands up to grab a chandelier but falls off of the dining table.
A woman uses a virtual reality demo in a store and loses her balance and falls on the floor. Her kids pull the headset off her and she she still can't stand up.
A woman stands on a surfboard then a boat takes off to pull her but the board stays behind and she flies into the water arms first
A young girl is cooking with an adult woman when she sees the camera and tries to pose, but falls off of the stool she is standing on.
A woman stands in the front yard with a Halloween decoration, and talks about hurricane Zeta as rain whips around her. The wind picks up, then a branch breaks off a tree and knocks her over.
A man stands on the edge of a pool while he uses a net to clean it. He steps off the edge and falls in the water. He climbs out and dries himself off. Security footage.
While he stands on ladder, a young boy shoots basketballs with his grandpa. He then gets excited after two swishes and topples forward off of the ladder and falls to the ground.
A young boy stands on a diving board at a pool and accidentally steps off the edge and falls into the water.
Two young boys in the living room stand on the couch and a woman tells one of them to jump. Instead, he pushes his brother off of the couch.
A cat stands on a kitchen counter and unravels the paper towels off the holder.
A young boy eats a brownie while he stands in a pile of the other brownies that tumbled to the ground when he pulled them off the counter. Mother films him and asks what happened to the brownies.
A young boy in the kitchen stands on a stool and pours flour into a bowl to help a woman bake. He falls off the stool and is covered in flour.
A man stands on a hoverboard and almost falls and his family off-camera tells him to get off it but he does not listen and he falls in the garage.
A man stands on a chair while he dances with two women in a living room, then he falls off of the chair.
A young boy runs across a balance beam with a video projection of buildings and a river underneath. A younger boy then stands still at the edge of the beam and slowly turns to walk off of it at an exhibit. Featured talent cleared only (the two young boys crossing the beam).
A woman stands on a paddle board in the water at a beach and loses balance and falls off into the water.
A man stands on a porch next to a barbecue grill, then a piece of aluminum foil is blown by wind off of a dish of food, and it covers his face. Security footage.
A cat stands on top of a curtain rod at home, then part of the rod breaks off, and the cat hangs from it while a woman gasps and laughs at him. He falls to the ground and walks away.
A young boy and young girl stand in a large tree, and the boy tries to jump to a lower branch. He jumps and lands, but slips off, and hangs upside down.
Treadmill Mutt A mix breed dog stands sideways on the edge of a treadmill with its front legs off the side of the tread mill. Its back legs walk sideways on the treadmill in a living room.
A man carries a big bucket to a car with Christmas presents in it. Then he stands on a chair and then on a stool to put them into the compartment on the roof of the car. He falls off the stool and all the presents fall. Security Camera Footage.
A man stands on a stepladder and uses a shovel to remove a shutter from the exterior of a house. When the shutter falls away, a colony of bats to fly out from under it. The man steps back and falls off the ladder and onto the driveway, rolling toward the front lawn.
A senior man and a senior woman sit on a paddle board in a lake. When the man stands up off the board and stands in the water, the woman loses balance and falls backwards into the lake.
A teen boy holds a large pillow while he stands over a treadmill in the living room. He sets the pillow down on the belt and lies down on the pillow. But the pillow gets rolled back and he hits his face on the belt and gets pushed off the back as well.
A tot girl stands on stool on treadmill to press the buttons then she pushes the go button and treadmill moves, she falls off stool but holds and hands off handles.
While standing on the top of a bunk bed in a bedroom, a young boy puts his foot into the hood of the sweatshirt he wears. The sweatshirt pulls him forward and he falls off the bed. TikTok video.
Two young girls stand on a table with a toy guitar and a microphone and they talk to the camera. One girl calls the other girl weird and she pushes her and the girl slips and falls off the table.
A man cleans the side of a garage with a broom. A squirrel stands behind him. The squirrel runs up the man's back. The man shakes the squirrel off. No Audio
Sleet falls outside the house and it pours off the roof onto the ground. A man stands under the stream of sleet and laughs.
A woman laughs and says "oh no" while she stands on a sled that a man drives through snow with a tractor, but she falls off of it into a yard. Selfie video.
A woman stands on a porch step and tries to take a photo of a teen girl on the porch but the woman steps off the step and falls down on a bush. Security footage.
A dog stands in the hallway holding a bag of "Garden Veggie Straws" snack sticks in his mouth. A man off camera asks the dog where he is going. The dog stops to stare at the man for a moment. Then the dog slowly walks away.
A tot girl stands on a window sill and waits for the mailman, whom she calls "PMS Man." She waves at him and says, "Hi PMS man" as he drops off a package.
A woman steps on a Segway, then she falls off of it hard in a front yard. Her husband stands still and says "please be on Ring". Security footage.
A man stands on a boat as he fishes. He pulls the fishing line back in and falls off of the boat. He climbs back into the boat still holding the line and catches the fish.
A man stands on a chair on a front porch to spray a wasp nest and falls off. Security Camera Footage
A woman moves a television stand forward, then the television falls off of it in a living room. Security footage.
Two tot boys stand on plastic bins. One of them spins in circles and spins and falls off, but keeps singing.
A man and a young girl stand in the kitchen. The daughter attempts the whipped cream challenge, but she cannot get the cream off of her arm on her first two attempts. On her third try, she launches the cream over her head. It lands on the floor behind her.
Two teen girls stand on a paddle board in a lake with a dog. The dog jumps off and the teen girls fall in the water.
A woman stands in a tall tree attached to a rope swing. Her husband tells her she won't belly flop, then she falls off the rope and belly flops into the lake.
A woman and two young boys see who can stand on a slack line the longest outdoors. On the second attempt the woman falls off and hits the ground.
A woman stands on a kitchen counter to scare a young boy when he walks into the room, and she does, but her shorts get stuck on a cabinet door, and it breaks off when she gets down.
A woman stands on a stool on top of a chair to decorate a Christmas tree in the living room. A young girl and a senior woman stand on the floor to support her. The stool slips off the chair and the woman falls down. She pulls the tree down with her. Her daughter cries because she is scared for her mom but the woman says she is okay.
"Chihua-Wanna-Piece of Me?" A Chihuahua dog growls while he looks at the back of another Chihuahua dog. A woman turns the other dog around and both dogs growl louder at each other.
A man stands on a roof and saws branches off a tree, then a branch hits him and he falls.
A man stands on a ladder and uses a chainsaw to saw off part of a porch roof/awning. The wood beam the man cuts hits his ladder, he falls, flips and rolls off the porch with his legs bent over the back of his head. Security camera.
A man rolls out a large carpet in a parking lot and stands on it. A strong wind blows the carpet up and the man falls off. Security camera with no audio
A dog stands on its back legs and pulls on the net of an inflatable soccer goal on a counter top on the porch. It pulls the goal and other objects off the counter and they all fall on the dog. Home security camera
A woman tells a tot girl to wipe her feet when she stands on a mat at the front door. The tot then bends over and wipes off the top of her shoes.
A man tries to get a Santa Claus decoration to stand up in the house and when it falls down the head rolls off. A boy tot sees it and runs away.