Two women laugh as they struggle to lift a heavy dog into a carrier attached to one of the woman's backs.
A senior man holds a dachshund puppy in a backyard and says that she will go to the bathroom in a fenced enclosure that he made. He puts the dog into the enclosure and she immediately squeezes through the posts in the fence.
A dog stands behind a wall of toilet paper in the hallway while the woman with the camera calls it to her. It climbs through the stair railing and goes around the wall.
A woman in the house squeezes a dog toy. A dog on the front porch hears it and repeatedly rams into the window.
A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.
A baby girl in a high chair is completely covered in purple colored food. Her mother asks if it was tasty and the baby girl smiles.
A woman tries to squeeze through her broken wooden gate. The gate is stuck so she forces it and when the gate breaks and falls down she falls with it and into the driveway. She raises her arms in triumph. Security footage. Inappropriate language.
Two young men and a young woman squeeze raw eggs in their hands in a kitchen, then the woman behind the camera screams when egg explodes toward her. The camera turns to show that a young man has egg in his hair. First person POV.
A tot boy plays with a hose on the back porch. He squeezes the trigger and squirts himself in the face and can't stop it.
A small goat squeezes through a baby gate to get food, but is too short to reach the food that is in a bucket indoors.
A man calls for a Terrier dog, and the dog struggles to squeeze itself through the opening of a doggy door in the house.
Two Poodle dogs crawl out from a hole underneath a fence and run into the neighbor's yard.
A water balloon explodes onto a tot girl's face in a yard. Slow motion.
A young girl squeezes a bottle of paint, then the lid pops off and paint shoots onto the ceiling in a kitchen.
A tot boy looks at a young girl's book and laughs while he squeezes a drink cup until the lid pops off and smacks him in the face.
A dog squeezes herself through a small cat door at the bottom of a door in a hallway.
A woman tells her Goldendoodle dog he has to figure out how to get through the doggy door with his bone. The dog drops the bone and goes through the door, then reaches through to grab his bone.
A French Bulldog dog lays in a large dog bed and a Bull Mastiff dog squeezes into and sits in a small dog bed meant for the Bulldog.
A large husky dog fits through a small cat door in the living room.
A tot girl get lotion in her nose when she squeezes a tube of lotion after her mother tells her to smell it.
A senior woman attempts a magic trick with a water bottle for a young boy. The young boy squeezes the water from the bottle into the senior woman's face.
A young girl explains her science project to the camera. She says she made an egg become rubber and squeezes the egg but it breaks and spills onto the floor.
Two young girls eat whipped cream out of plastic wrap in the kitchen. When one girl squeezes her whipped cream, it sprays into the other girl's face.
A man cracks a raw egg in the crease of his elbow and it explodes onto a teen girl's face in a kitchen.
A man does the hidden object trick to his young boy and girl in the living room. He lifts up a cup and squeezes the laundry cap hidden underneath, then his young boy says "I've figured it out you're squeezing it."
A young girl struggles to do the vanishing ball trick with a lemon that rolls out from underneath the cup repeatedly in the house. AA: The vanishing ball trick
A young girl cries in the living room when a slime toy pops in her face as she squeezes it.
A tot girl locks her dog in the yard with a gate and the dog crawls through a gap in the fence next to the gate.
A man does the water bottle prank on a young girl in the kitchen, but when he removes the towel she squeezes the bottle to play the trick on him instead.
A young girl plays at an indoor playground park and falls through 5 floors of netting.
A man tries to prank his tot son with the coin in the water bottle trick, but when he squeezes the bottle, the water goes in his face.
A boy does a commercial for a stress ball in the living room and then the ball explodes.
A woman tries to do the coin in the water bottle trick on her young girl daughter but her daughter squeezes the bottle and splashes the mom.
A dog holds a ball in its mouth in the living room and squeezes its lips to pop the ball out of its mouth to throw it to a young man across the room.
A young boy gets his mother to look into a water bottle and he squeezes the bottle to spray her with water.
"Water Bottle Backfire" - A woman shows a man a magic trick with a coin and a water bottle in the kitchen and he doesn't believe her, so she leans in to show him how to look at it and he squeezes the bottle and squirts the water in her face.
A young girl does an instructional video of how to make a magic potion. She squeezes several different paints into a bowl and one of the bottles explodes on her, covering her face.
A girl squeezes a glue bottle, and it explodes on her head.
A boy does the water bottle coin prank on his sister in the kitchen, but she won't fall for it. He leans in to show her how to look into it, but she squeezes the bottle and sprays him instead.
A girl does a tutorial on how to make slime in the kitchen and squeezes the glue bottle to get the glue out and it shoots all over her face.
A tube of blue food dye explodes on a young girl when she squeezes it too hard as she tries to color a blob of slime on the dinner table. Assignment America: Slime. Action starts at 1:20.
Around 13 small dogs come through the doggy door after their owner calls to them.
A large guinea pig struggles to get into a play house for guinea pigs when a girl lets him go.
A dog sticks its tongue out each time a woman squeezes a squeak toy.
Hamster crawls through small hole in cage and escapes.
A Siamese cat stands on its front paws then shimmy squeezes itself into a door way through a sliding glass door.
Man puts on his old high school sweater and it's very tight. Man struggles to get the sweater off & is stuck in the shirt. Bonehead.
"The Great Escape" 2 Chihuahua dogs sit behind a doggy gate. 1 squeezes through the fence and pulls the gate down. He is stuck in between the bars and flails around.
Man lays on the ground and fits himself all the way through a small doggie door. Man has a big belly too.
Three turkeys walk around a front yard. A woman grabs a white turkey that's feathers are all puffed up. She squeezes the turkey and the turkey lets out a loud fart/burp like noise. No tails.
A pregnant woman sits in the driver's seat of a truck parked too close to another car. She tries to get out but can't, blaming her big stomach. The man behind the camera laughs at her.
A calico cat paws at a cabinet indoors that has rubber-bands holding it shut. She opens it just enough to fit through and squeezes through to the inside.
Teen girl squeezes through the small door of a Barbie play house. Funny visual.
A Boston Terrier dog's lips move every time someone squeezes a dog toy and it squeaks.
GIRL SQUEEZED BRIDE Wedding reception, little girl squeezes bride's breasts.
ADAM AND THE CAT Kid's head is stuck in a cat house with cat inside, as he tries to get his head out, cat comes out 1st.
Dog escapes from three pens. Jumps over one, squeezes through another, and climbs over the third. Other dogs watch.