A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.
A group of kids jump up on a trampoline in a yard while they spell a word. When a man shouts the last letter and jumps on the trampoline, the trampoline breaks and they all fall through.
A man tells a knock knock joke to a young girl on a deck. He says "knock knock," she says "who's there," and the reply is "spell." When she asks "spell who," he says "W-H-O," then she pronounces this "whoa" and tells him that she does not get it.
"Semi-Bitter Dog Sitter" A man speaks to a woman though a security camera, and he tells the woman that he is a customer service representative who does not recognize her face. He tells her to spell her name, then asks her other questions about her hair and clothes to confirm her identity. He tells her that she is in trouble with the police, then she says that she hears laughter in the background and knows that this is a prank. Security footage.
A tot boy spells the word "fox," and his mom asks what it spells and he says "raccoon."
"A Spell-Balanced Dinner" A man spells out the word pizza to reveal to his son what they will have for dinner, but when the man asks what that spells, the young boy says, "Tacos!" in the bathroom.
"Can't Spell Machine Queen" A woman asks another woman what "M-A-C-H-I-N-E" spells and she mispronounces machine it in a doctor's office. says Mac-hiney. Joke, riddle.
A tot girl receives a kiddie pool for her birthday in the kitchen, and says "I wish I could play with it, but I can't, because we don't have any kitties."
A tot girl sings her ABC's in the kitchen as she closes her eyes and repeats "H-I-J-K-M-N-O-P".
A young boy spells out the letters for "JET" in the house, says it was easy and the word is "airplane."
A tot girl in a restaurant touches engraved letters on a trash can that spell "thank you" and tells her mom it spells "trash can".
A young boy on a living room couch wants to watch SpongeBob SquarePants and in order to find it he has typed "SBUNJBOBSQWRPANS" into his smart TV but it did not work.
A young boy looks at spelling words and tries to read the word "guess". His father tells him to "guess what it sounds like".
A woman tells two men a riddle. She asks them what "y-e-s" spells, then asks what "e-y-e-s" spells. They both don't get it until the end.
A tot boy reads letters "M-i-n-n-e-s-o-t-a" off of something off screen, and when his mom asks him what that spells he says "baseball."
A woman (off-camera) asks a man "What does Y-E-S spell? What does E-Y-E-S spell?"
"Invisible Girl Gag" A man and woman pretend to put a spell on a young girl on the patio to make her disappear. They pretend to take a picture with the man next to her but they already took one without her and show it to her and she believes that she disappeared. She gets scared, so they cast another spell to bring her back and then take a new picture to prove she's back.
A mom asks a teen girl and a young girl what Y-E-S and E-Y-E-S spell. The teen says "eyes" is not a word, and the young girl thinks it spells "e-yes". The young girl gets it right and the teen laughs.
Girl sings a song about how she loves to spell, then mispells the word "Spell" in the song. Video shot sideways.
Girl sings a song about how she loves to spell, then mispells the word "Spell" in the song. Video shot sideways.
"Misspelling Safari" A young Boy spells out the names of animals in an animal book. He gets "mouse" & 'fish" right but makes mistakes with complicated words. He properly spells them out and then says "Lion" or spells out Toucan and says "Crocodile." Long for edit.
A little boy learns how to read and gets frustrated when he asks 'What does W-H-A-T spell?' and his parents reply 'what.'
A tot girl uses scrabble letters, "O B A Z N A T S S D A V N K N R P W Z V O," and announces to her mother it spells, "Grandma," indoors.
Three pumpkins spelling out AFV get smashed with a giant hammer.
A.A. Funny Signs: Under New Management. Management is spelled incorrectly : magament
A.A. Funny Signs: Under New Management. Management is spelled incorrectly : magament
A man gets frustrated when his wife asks him repeatedly what "E-Y-E-S" spells in the car.
Tot girl with pom poms does a cheer and spells cat. Then says what's that spell? Dog! Cheerleader.
Mom shows little girl in car seat sheet of paper that says "Disney," little girl spells it out, mom asks if she knows where they're going, girl says "Alaska!" Surprise trip. UGC-EP experienced an error.
Girl sings a song about how she loves to spell, then mispells the word "Spell" in the song. Video shot sideways.
A boy stands in a kitchen and tries to spell stupid for the man behind the camera. He keeps spelling it incorrectly.
A young boy spells out "thank you" as he reads it on a trash can and thinks it spells "trash can."
"We Love You Bob" girls spell it out with their hair.
"We Love You Bob" girls spell it out with their hair.
"Yes Man" A woman tells a man a riddle asking what e-y-e-s spells and the man can't figure it out.
Girls (via mirror) spell out "we love you bob" with their hair.
Girls (via mirror) spell out "we love you bob" with their hair.
AA: Funny Signs. Street signs spell AFHV WILL BE RIGHT BACK.