A man attempts to sit back into a folding chair in a living room and topples backwards to the floor. He says "who put this together" and his daughter says she did. He says "I don't think you set it up right." Security footage.
A woman yells "go" and starts to race her Labrador retriever and terrier down a flight of stairs but she trips and falls, breaking the railing off of the wall.
A man builds a dive board out of a ladder and a plank of wood, then falls into the backyard swimming pool when the plank breaks.
A man jumps on a hoverboard in the living room, and it breaks.
A young girl swings on a swing in the backyard, then falls down when the swing breaks in half. Slow motion.
A woman finds a turtle on the side of the road, and she goes to pick it up to help it but it snaps at her and she says "I don't like it, I can't do it."
A teen girl climbs a tree outdoors and hangs from one of the branches. Her older sister walks behind her as the climbing girl says "It's gonna break" and asks her sister "You gonna catch me?" before the branch breaks and she screams as she falls to the ground.
A man attempts to do his "famous butt dive," but as he attempts to bounce off of the diving board, it snaps and topples over him in a swimming pool.
Three men swing on play set then it breaks and they fall to grass. Featured talent cleared only (the four men).
A woman buys resistance bands for her husband who had a recent stroke. She attempts to show him how to use them, when they snap back at her and hit her in the mouth. Security footage.
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A young boy pulls on a retractable leash and unlocks it when it snaps back into his groin. Security footage.
A man sits on a porch swing and slowly swings on it. The swing breaks and the man falls on the ground. Security footage.
A woman tries to run through a ribbon finish line but it doesn't break and she snaps back and falls to the ground.
A woman climbs on a porch swing and then another woman climbs on and it falls away from the ceiling, breaking and they both fall to the ground.
A boy sits on one end of a log and a man stomps on the other side to break it and it doesn't break. He jumps on it and the boy gets launched up and the man trips and falls backwards.
A young boy walks across a creek on a tree branch and it breaks and he falls into the water.
A young man lists off some safety tips before he zip lines in a yard, then the rope breaks, and he falls down.
A man tries to jump onto a boogie board in a swimming pool, but it breaks and he falls in.
A man climbs on a playground zipline and it breaks. He falls on a tire on the ground and then bounces off and falls on the ground.
A man hits a piñata with a broom in the yard, and a young girl tells him to "put some back into it". A young boy then says "more back", and the man snaps the broom.
A woman attempts to swing from a branch on a trail before it snaps and she falls to the ground and laughs.
A girl in a witch hat snaps her fingers before a large roll stack of hay falls and breaks a pumpkin.
A man sits in a broken plastic lawn chair on a patio. A woman asks him how he will get out of it, and he says "slowly," then he falls on the ground as it breaks further.
A man hits himself in the chest with an elastic band when he does a workout in the yard.
A young girl and her dad ride on a zipline when it breaks.
A woman goes down a zip-line outside and falls off at the end. A woman off camera says, "Oh, snap." Featured talent cleared only (the woman in red on the zipline).
A plastic table breaks when a young boy stands on it.
A girl holding a bungee cord at home loses her grip and it snaps back, hitting her in the face.
A man uses an ATV to pull a tree stump out of the ground in the yard and the rope snaps off the tree and hits the man in the back.
A dad yells at his teenage daughter to use a rope swing but she refuses. Her dad then tries but the rope snaps and he falls into the water.
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
Two women sit in a hammock. A dog climbs into it and it breaks and they all fall out.
A man jumps on a diving board and it breaks and he falls into the pool.
A man jumps on a diving board next to a swimming pool in a yard and the board breaks and he falls into the pool.
A man tries to sit on a round indoor swing and it breaks from the ceiling and falls down.
A woman climbs on a plastic lawn chair in a yard, then she falls down when it breaks.
Two teen girls swing on a wooden swing set in the backyard, but a rope breaks, and one teen girl falls on the grass.
A young girl climbs onto a man's shoulders, and he tries to zip line with her but falls immediately when the handle snaps under their weight (featured talent cleared only: man and young girl on zipline)
A man breaks a diving board as he dives into a pool in a yard.
Two men pull a tree down in a yard, and it lands on a shed and breaks it while another man says "oops."
A woman rolls on top of a table and it collapses underneath her in a living room.
A woman swings in a hammock to try to get out of it, but one of the trees it is tied to collapses.
A senior man films a tutorial on how to change a filter on a house, but he breaks a pipe, and water sprays onto the camera.
Two dogs lick and press their noses together in a living room. It's a sweet moment, until one places its paw on the other and he snaps at him with his teeth.
A teen girl sits on a swing attached to a dead tree branch, then it collapses and she falls down in the backyard.
Two teen girls sit on a front porch swing when one sings, "just a swangin'," and it snaps and they drop to the ground.
Three women ride kids' bicycles through a garage, then one of them falls down when her bicycle's handlebars snap off of it.
A man swings on a vine that breaks and he falls to the ground.
Three young boys have a contest to see who can jump the farthest over the deck fence, and the second boy accidentally hits the fence and breaks it.
A man holds onto a bar and stretches in a hallway at work, then the bar breaks off of the wall, and he looks around. Security footage. Secondary source.
A teen boy tries to balance on the hand rails of a staircase and one of the rails breaks and he crashes and falls and knocks down picture frames off the wall.
Two men hold a wooden plank and run at a tree in an attempt to break the plank but it doesn't break and it hits one of the men in the face and he falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two men holding the board).
A young boy looks at a pelican on a pier. A woman holds a fish out for the pelican. A young girl in the background says how the pelicans can attack humans. At that very moment, the pelican turns his beak and snaps at the boy. Featured talent cleared only (young boy and bearded man taking photographs).
A young boy climbs on a tree branch above a river and his mom tells him it is not sturdy. The branch snaps and he hangs onto another branch but it breaks and he falls into the water.
A teen boy pushes a woman on a swing that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. The rope snaps and the woman falls on the ground.
A young boy on the porch tries to open the front door. He pulls and pulls and finally the handle breaks off. He stares at it, tries to put it back on then walks away. Security footage.
A woman tees up a golf ball at an outdoor driving range. She swings, misses the ball and the head of the club comes off and flies onto the range.
A man picks up a trash can and puts it down on a driveway in heavy wind, then the lid snaps up and hits him in the face. Security footage.