A young boy runs up to the house and yells "Mom open up, I have to go poop! OH, I already went," and then the door opens and his mother lets her son into the house. Security footage.
A young girl sits in a height chair and sips from a bottle and an off-camera woman says "I think you're getting too old for you baba," and the girl says "Aw, cmon."
A man stands in the living room and places a penny on his forehead with a funnel in his pants. He begins to let the penny slide down his face and then a young girl runs up to the man and pours water down the funnel into the man's pants.
A teen boy and teen girl are on a slingshot ride and the girl gives the peace sign and says "deuces," and then the ride tils back and the girl says "hold my hand," and the boy says "no," and the ride slings up and the girl passes out for a moment and the boy says "that's awesome," and the girl passes out again and her arms go everywhere and then the girl wakes up and screams for a moment and then passes out again and then the girl wakes up and says "I'm not doing that again!"
A young boy shakes a Christmas present in the living room to guess what's inside it. Then he turns and makes a strange face at the camera while he continues to shake the present.
A woman teaches an online class from home with a purple top hat. She gets distracted by her daughter and yells at her for interrupting. She then switches from angry to happy and continues her lesson.
Three kids are dancing indoors. A boy pushed a girl and she falls to the ground. She gets revenge by pushing him and he falls down.
A man surprises his family in an Easter bunny costume outdoors and a tot girl runs away screaming and crying. The kids freak out. A baby girl screams and cries.
A Rottweiler dog plays the pie face game and gets pied indoors.
Young boy at event. Weird music playing. young boy turns to camera and makes funny face. Short clip
Tot girl is crying, says the dog bit her. Camera pans to the "dog" and it's a lawn ornament carrying a lantern.
A boy and a tot girl fail to spray silly string cans outdoors. While a man helps the girl with her can, the boy shoots himself in the eye and runs off crying.
A girl presents her made up dad and says "Eat your heart out Alfonso" indoors. AA: Makeup your dad
Tot boy walks out onto the porch, man asks if he's been throwing stuff off the porch. Camera pans to reveal tons of toys on the ground. In trouble, mess.
A boy plays a game of Perfection indoors. The timer goes off and the boy gets scared and falls down backwards.
"Who's Foolin' Hula?" A tot girl holds a hula hoop in a dining room, drops it, and dances like the hula hoop is still around her waist. Cute.
"Hula Oops" Tot boy cannot figure out how to hula hoop. He moves his body first and then moves the hoop around him.
A tot girl gets surprised and scared by her dad who is dressed up like a Mime indoors. He mimes a response and pretends to run away. AA: Halloween
Tot boy holds fishing pole with fish at the end, wants to reach out and grab it but his arms aren't long enough to get to the end of the line. He walks while reaching but never gets it.
A boy shows off his beautifully decorated Christmas cookies and then sneezes on them indoors. His mom says they have to throw them away and he whines.
A boxer dog bares his teeth in a smile for the camera indoors while a woman and girl laugh at him.
Young boy gets his arms stuck inside his shirt with only his elbow sticking out. He freaks out that he can't move his arms.
A boy practices swinging a bat indoors and accidentally shatters a light overhead. His mom comes in and asks what he did and the boy cries.
REVEILLE SHOW-OFF Reveille, goofy boy dances to reveille bugle.
Family - Kids have shaved their heads to look like bald grandpa / senior man
Boy pushes face against balloon, it pops, he says "oh my gosh"
boy puts a lightning bug in grandpa's belly button & his belly button lights up. Funny image Senior man
Girl swings on a swing seat next to her brother and tells her mom that she has nightmares about Tom Bergeron because he's creepy. Long for edit.
Tot girl says the days of the week are Saturday, Apartment, Root Beer, Spider Web, Winnie the Pooh, Jessie Mott, and PSR. She then waves goodbye and leaves.
Tot girl says the days of the week are Saturday, Apartment, Root Beer, Spider Web, Winnie the Pooh, Jessie Mott, and PSR. She then waves goodbye and leaves.
Tot boy and girl sing "Jingle Bells," at the end her brother says he farted. Sibling.
A girl goes down a spiral slide and when she reaches the bottom, her hair stands on end from static. Her sister goes down after her and does the same.
A boy tries the mentos and soda experiment outdoors and is joined by his two jumpy dogs. The soda container knocks over and sprays him with soda and the dogs run around wildly.
A tot boy catches a frog outdoors. He shows it to his parents and puts it in his mouth.
A man and a woman put rubber bands on a watermelon until it explodes outdoors on lawn chairs.
Five children push a snowman into a hole they've dug in the snow as a grave.
Scott Storey's kids and neighbor kids introduce Tom Bergeron. They spray one kid with silly string. Cash, Pilot, Luke & Michael
A tot boy annoys his older brother by making noises after he sips from his orange juice. His brother asks him to stop.
Tot girl falling asleep in a chair almost falls out of it. She is surrounded by little kids but stays asleep. They laugh as she keeps nodding.
AA sleep: Baby boy is asleep in dresser drawer with head on top.
Funny signs: At White Castle - silly putty in out kids meals.
Boy acts silly, singing too loud during school performance.
Little boy sniffs / smells Grandpa's butt while they're playing football.
Tot girl puts pencil down the back of little brother's shorts. He walks around with it sticking in his crack. Good Visual
Two boys stand on a vibrating exercise platform and vibrate rapidly as they make silly noises in a living room.
Cute tot boy and girl run around with nylons on their heads and then their mom takes them off. Funny faces.
Kids say: Kid with lipstick all over face says "What?" (like she doesn't see anything) when mom says look at yourself
A boy goes over a snow ramp while sledding on an inner-tube down a hill outdoors. He flips and falls down face first in the snow.
Tot girl sits on a stool in front of the door. When the stool begins slipping, she gets funny wide eyed look on her face until Dad helps.
Boy pours water on his head in bath tub and makes funny faces.
Boy says "I feel sick" when asked how he feels about baby sister's birth.
Dad slides two girls across the tile floor and into bowling pins. Kids are having a lot of fun
A boy sits on an electric skateboard and it slides back into a table indoors. hoverboard
Kids kiss pictures of girls in magazines, get caught on camera & are surprised
"I Don't Want To Grow Up" Tot boys at kindergarten/preschool graduation are asked what they want to be when they grow up. One says vampire bat and One boy says "I don't want to grow up."