HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-26 Upload Date: 2023-10-02

A young woman pretends her long hair is a horse's tail while her mother stands behind her creating the impression that she's a cowgirl riding a horse. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-21 Upload Date: 2021-10-11

A wild turkey pecks at a security camera in a yard with its beak. Security camera footage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-19 Upload Date: 2023-03-04

A dog shakes and jumps back with excitement each time his snack bag is popped open. Compilation of several videos.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-12 Upload Date: 2023-03-10

At a restaurant, a baby girl does not want to share her corn on the cob with her mother. The baby shouts at her, takes it back then shakes her head at the woman. Featured talent clear (the woman and the baby in her arms).

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-07 Upload Date: 2022-02-12

A man and a woman dance near the pool in the backyard and they fall off a ledge into the shrubs and disappear. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-03 Upload Date: 2023-04-04

A dog sits in a chair at a mechanic's shop. A man walks up to the dog and tell her that all four of her tires are unfixable, so he will sell her new ones. He says, "Deal?" and holds out his hand. The dog shakes his hand.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-02-27 Upload Date: 2023-01-09

Adults offscreen sing "Happy Birthday" to a young boy who sits in a chair with a cake in front of him. He blows out the candle and falls out of his chair.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-02-27 Upload Date: 2023-01-16

A man and a teen girl do a TikTok dance and he tries to roll across her back but they both fall to the ground in the backyard. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-02-04 Upload Date: 2021-11-25

A woman dances in the kitchen and falls into the refrigerator. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-31 Upload Date: 2023-12-20

A young boy outside pours baking soda into a bottle full of vinegar and shakes it. It explodes in his hand and gets in his mouth. He says it hurts.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-21 Upload Date: 2023-10-01

A woman asks her dog to "shake" on a deck, and he puts his back paw behind his head. She shakes it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-21 Upload Date: 2023-09-10

A baby boy shivers and shakes with excitement as his dad feeds him a bite of ice cream in his highchair.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-10 Upload Date: 2023-09-05

Two young boys walk in a yard with a big umbrella over them to keep them dry from a hose that sprays water. A dog runs up and repositions the hose and gets the boys wet.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-18 Upload Date: 2020-11-20

A man dances like Michael Jackson in the garage and he trips and falls. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-16 Upload Date: 2021-05-16

A woman asks her dog about a mess of ripped up magazines in the house, and the dog waves her paws and shakes her head in pleading her innocence.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-11 Upload Date: 2021-02-19

A teen girl dances on the edge of a hot tub and slips and falls onto the patio. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-11-04 Upload Date: 2022-08-13

A man dances in a dining room and falls down. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-30 Upload Date: 2021-11-04

A young girl dances with an exercise ball and tries to land on it only to slam into the ground. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-28 Upload Date: 2020-03-29

A teen girl stands on a tree swing and rocks back and forth in a yard. She loses her balance and falls forward, then the swing hits her in the head.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-08 Upload Date: 2021-03-10

A man dances with a tot boy in the living room and accidentally bumps into a young boy with his butt and knocks him down. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-07 Upload Date: 2023-01-08

A young boy dances on a hover board before he eventually falls to the ground. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-02 Upload Date: 2021-03-09

A young girl dances in the living room. Her brother suddenly falls off a couch and kicks her in the face and they both fall. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-16 Upload Date: 2018-03-19

A dog crawls on the living room floor in front of a baby and the baby shakes its limbs to copy it, but can't move.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-28 Upload Date: 2021-04-05

A group of men and woman dance along to music at a wedding, when the family dog walks up to them and shakes his hips. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-05 Upload Date: 2023-05-08

A raccoon holds onto a bird feeder fastened to a window by suction cups and eats out of it before losing his grip and falling to the ground.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-27 Upload Date: 2021-04-10

A teen girl dances on the counter, and when he tries to get down she slips and her shorts catch on a cabinet door giving her a wedgie. The door flies open and she hangs in the air for several painful seconds.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-14 Upload Date: 2020-04-10

A man drops his phone as he talks on it in his backyard and it lands on a net over a koi fish pond. The man shakes the net as he tries to grab the phone and it falls in the water. Security footage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-10 Upload Date: 2014-10-27

A young boy laughs at another toddler at home when the second boy shakes his head and pretends to hit it on a table. The second boy then actually hits his head and begins to cry.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-07 Upload Date: 2021-11-17

A teen girl leaps around the living-room and dances and her foot hits the table and she falls.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-05 Upload Date: 2022-01-16

A baby girl tastes lemonade and grimaces then shakes in the restaurant. Featured talent cleared only (the baby).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-04 Upload Date: 2021-09-28

A woman shows a gorilla photos and videos on her phone through the glass enclosure at a zoo. The gorilla shakes its head and looks at her then back to her phone.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-17 Upload Date: 2021-02-22

A young boy shakes baby powder off his body in the house, then opens his bedroom door to reveal his younger tot brother surrounded by a cloud of baby powder.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-16 Upload Date: 2022-02-05

A young boy holds an electric toothbrush and it vibrates and he shakes vigorously and groans in the living-room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-13 Upload Date: 2024-01-18

A dog tries to steal a young boy's sled away from him while the boy sits on it. The dog takes the sled and sleds on it for a minute in the snow before he shakes it around.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-07 Upload Date: 2023-12-22

A woman dances in her bedroom but her wig falls off.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-02 Upload Date: 2017-12-31

A woman shakes out a fake tree. It falls on her. security footage

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-24 Upload Date: 2023-07-14

A teen girl in her bedroom tries to jump from the bed to the dresser but she misses and hits her knee against the dresser.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-18 Upload Date: 2022-12-13

A baby boy puts an electric toothbrush in his mouth and winces, shakes and giggles at the vibration.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-15 Upload Date: 2022-11-25

A woman shakes her butt and dances in the living room. A tot girl runs into the woman's butt and falls down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-11 Upload Date: 2017-03-20

A man shakes a tree branch covered in winter snow in the yard and the branch breaks and falls on him.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-10 Upload Date: 2022-12-15

A woman washes her hands in a public bathroom. Then she attempts to shake the water off in another person's face. She slips and falls as she does.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-10 Upload Date: 2022-12-22

Two young girls dance in front of the pool and one steps backwards and falls in the water in the backyard.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-02 Upload Date: 2024-02-21

A teen girl in her bedroom dances with a mannequin head on top of her head. A woman walks in on the daughter and laughs.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-27 Upload Date: 2024-01-30

A woman in a bedroom sings and dances for a baby boy. The mom screams when she notices a man at the door filming her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-25 Upload Date: 2023-01-17

In the living room dog has a plastic container stuck around its head. The people try to help the dog out but it shakes aggressively and runs away until they finally are able to get it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-21 Upload Date: 2023-04-30

A Maltese dog holds a baby toy that vibrates in her mouth at home, and two women laugh at her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-20 Upload Date: 2024-02-27

While she tires to steal her lambs' food in a barn, a sheep gets stuck in between the fence posts and tries to wiggle her way out.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-02 Upload Date: 2011-12-30

A boy shakes his Christmas present toy box over his dad's head in a living room and hits his dad in the head. Short heads.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2023-01-23

A woman tells a tot girl in the living room that she has a spider on her pants. The tot girl screams, cries and shakes her legs. She asks the woman to get the spider off of her leg. The woman pushes in on the tot girl's pants to reveal that the pants have spider prints on them. The woman says, "They're Halloween pants. It was a joke. Was it a bad joke?" The tot girl says, "Oh... It made me cry."

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2021-01-13

A woman tries to pretend a spoonful of food is an airplane and her tot son takes the fork and drops it on the floor. He then shakes his head and finger at his mom.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2022-07-29

Two teen girls toss a bag of flour back and forth and shake it in a kitchen. Then one of them does a spin and knocks a painting off of the wall.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2022-07-07

A dog uses her back foot to scratch against her plastic cone collar at home. The plastic makes a noise as it shakes.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2022-10-18

A woman plays with a dog and shakes a toy around. Then she gasps and the dog looks up. Gasp at Your Dog Challenge

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-07-12

A person holds up a Chihuahua dog and it repeatedly shakes his head and makes a scream noise indoors. TikTok video.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-06-03

A young girl tries cheese cake for the first time. She shakes and crosses her eyes in a living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-01-27

A sandpiper bird shakes his butt outside. No audio.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-06-08

A tot girl spins in circles and falls down onto a container of protein shake. The protein shake explodes beneath her and splatters all over a dining room wall. Messy

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2021-11-06

A young boy walks up to a scarecrow Halloween decoration at the front door of a house while he trick-or-treats. The scarecrow shakes at him and the boy screams and falls. Security camera screen recording. Halloween

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2023-02-06

A woman calls to a small dog who stands quietly near the front door to the house. She opens the door, and he runs out into the yard to aggressively shake a package on the doorstep.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2021-11-09

A woman sings "Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet" to a young girl on a porch, and the young girl shakes her finger and says "that's not polite." Halloween