A cat jumps up on the kitchen counter where tin foil is laid out. When its paws touch the foil it bounces up into the air landing on the opposite counter. Security footage.
A woman sprays a wasp on a deck, but she avoids it and bumps into objects before she throws the can and runs away. Security footage.
A young girl sees a Halloween decoration by the front door and says "I'm not scared of that witch," then screams when a mechanical spider jumps at her. Security footage.
Practical Joke. Man pretends to get electrocuted to scare his friend; with banana BANANA ELECTROCUTION SCARE
A woman uses a leaf blower on a driveway, then there is a loud crash of thunder, and she runs back into the house. Security footage.
A bat flies around a man in a basement, but it takes several seconds for him to notice it, then he screams and falls down. Security footage.
A woman sleeps on a couch in the living room and her family yells "Happy New Year" and scares her awake.
A senior woman opens a birthday present at a table in a home and fake butterflies fly out and she screams and runs away.
A young boy loses control of his hoverboard in a yard, as he sits and spins in circles. Security footage.
A teen girl pokes a hole in a can of soda and the carbonated liquid sprays all over. She recoils and falls out of her chair.
A man jumps and throws his phone in fear when he sees a snake skin that hangs on light on porch.
A man plays a practical joke on his wife, telling her that there's a bat is in the bathroom while she takes a shower. He throws a sock behind the shower curtain, and she screams.
A woman leans over to examine her husband's broken foot. Nearby her teenage granddaughter blows an airhorn. The noise startles her grandmother who accidentally punches the grandfather in the crotch.
A man at work shows a woman a giant teddy bear and she thinks it's cute. The teddy bear stands up, as there is someone inside of it, and the woman screams and runs away.
A baby girl is wide-eyed with shock when she gets startled by a Jack in the Box toy on a living room floor.
A man walks up to the front door then screams with fear when a snake wrapped around the doorframe lunges at him. Security footage.
A teen girl reacts with fear when she pulls the string on a self-inflating life jacket.
A young boy attempts to feed a camel food during drive-thru safari. The camel takes the bowl away then a different camel sticks its head into the car and dumps food all-over the backseat of the car.
Three men swing on play set then it breaks and they fall to grass. Featured talent cleared only (the four men).
A young boy in a Spiderman costume stands behind a wall. A man enters the room. The boy tries to scare the man but the man turns around and moves the other way before he can scare him.
A fireplace explodes behind a man in a living room, and he jumps and says "oh gosh." Security footage.
A senior man delivers a package to the front door of a house, then a Doberman dog runs and chases him into his car. Security footage.
A young girl warns her mom about a spiderweb on a front porch, but the mom doesn't pay attention and runs into it as she shrieks and flails in a front yard. The girl then says, "I told you so!" Security footage.
"Horse Snow No-Go" A horse in the stable looks outside and is scared to go out in the snow. He tries to hype himself up and run into the snow but skids to a stop before he touches it.
A dog jumps when a robot vacuum touches her paw foot at home.
A young woman runs toward a man outside, and he lifts her over his head, attempting the lift from Dirty Dancing, then they both fall down.
A man pranks his wife and hides a scary witch Halloween statue in her closet. The woman walks in her room, opens the closet door, and screams, cursing out her husband.
A senior woman pretends to play piano on furniture in back of truck and she misses the stool and falls backwards.
A man pops out of a box and scares a woman and she falls back onto a dolly.
A man poses by car and a pile of snow from the trees fall down on him outside. Featured talent cleared only (man who gets snow dumped on him).
An armadillo walks through a wooded area and up to a woman then nibbles on her toes as she screams while she poses for a photo.
A man exits a camper at a campground and another man emerges from under the camper and hisses at him. The first man jumps. Social media video. Music rights not cleared.
A woman was riding as a passenger for the first time while her husband drove a car at an autocross racing event.
A zebra at a petting zoo safari sticks it's head in the window of a car and scares the kids in the back seat.
A family poses for a picture indoors as a scary clown sneaks up behind them. The kids turn away after the picture but the woman sees the clown and screams.
A teen girl wears a large stuffed teddy bear outfit and falls down at the bottom of several steps in a house.
Someone let a turkey inside the house. It jumps up onto the kitchen counter just as a family is sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner causing chaos.
A dog runs away in a hallway and hides when he sees an inflatable dinosaur.
A young girl in a hallway wears a scary Halloween clown mask. She opens her teen brother's door to scare him but he's sitting there waiting for her and she's disappointed that her scare failed.
A man leans in through a car window in a yard and starts his car. Without anyone behind the wheel it drives itself forward and crashes into a tree. The car then somehow puts itself into reverse and drives backwards and nearly hits the man and the woman with the camera. The man chases after it and it chases into another tree before the man is able to safely turn off the vehicle.
At a zoo, a puma runs at the glass window of its enclosure. A young girl on the other side of the glass wall falls down as the large cat slams into the glass. Featured talent cleared only (young girl who gets startled and falls).
A young girl screams and runs away from a rooster in a yard. Security footage.
A dog sits in front of a window in the living room and gets scared and falls back whenever a man outside sprays water from a hose at the window.
A praying mantis sits on a porch and when the woman who records the video gets too close, it jumps onto the camera and the woman gets scared.
A woman throws water on the floor in front of her pregnant friend to make a man think her water broke. The doctor jumps up and runs away scared.
A man hides in a dog crate and scares a woman when she moves the blanket covering it.
A girl jumps out of a closet to scare her father and he has a crazy reaction.
A woman sets up a camera to try and scare someone in a living room but she steps off of the couch and wipes out onto the ottoman. Social media video.
A man has passed out on a toilet. He gets scared awake and falls into shower, flushing toilet at same time.
A man hides under a tarp in a kiddie pool in the yard while his girlfriend rakes leaves nearby . He tries to scare her but she hits him with a rake causing him to fall to the ground. Social media video.
A cat paws at a window when a snow ball hits the pane and it scares the cat causing it to fall to the ground.
A young boy sits on a toy motorcycle when a German Shepherd barks, startling him and causing him to fall off.
A woman hides around the corner of a hallway in a building and jumps out to scare another woman as a prank while she walks down the hallway with a vacuum. The other woman gets scared and falls down.
A squirrel climbs out of a wall in an office, then two women scream as it runs up into the ceiling.
A woman says "this is fun" while she plays with a hoverboard go kart on a driveway, then she hits a bump and falls on her face.
An emu gets scared of a robotic weasel ball in a park and jumps and runs away repeatedly.
A man puts a French fry through the sunroof of his car to feed a seagull bird but the bird flies into the car and gets stuck. He screams and a woman screams and laughs and says the bird pooped inside of his car.
A woman rides next to her younger sister on a roller coaster. The girl screams, "Help Me!" Her mother films from the next seat and laughs.
A woman takes a bait fish out of a bucket to feed a tarpon on vacation, then she screams when a pelican bird takes the fish out of her hand. Featured talent cleared only (the woman with the fish).