A teen girl in the kitchen signs the brand name of a bottle of seasoning. She then accidentally pours too much of it on her food.
"Silly Willy Salts the Chili" A mother and her young son make a pot of chili. The woman gives two tablespoons of salt to the boy to pour into the mix. When her back is turned, the boy dumps the entire jar of salt into the pot.
A woman asks a young woman "what is a V-H-S?" The young woman responds that it is Vinegar House Salt. Later when the first woman shows her what it is, she says, "oh one of the box movie players."
A woman tries to do a "salt on ketchup" prank on her young boy so she can smash his hand in it, but he smashes hers in it.
A man combines ketchup with salt in the kitchen and says it will create heat. The boy puts its hand over it, and the man smashes it to the plate.
A cat licks a bag of salt and vinegar chips on a living room couch and makes a funny face after they taste it.
A goat repeatedly sneezes on a woman on the patio after the woman feeds her salt and vinegar potato chips.
"Two-Prank Performance" A woman drinks coffee with salt in it in a kitchen, spits it out, and her husband laughs. She turns on the sink and it sprays her. He laughs more. Practical jokes.
"April Fools In Love" Practical joke on April Fool's Day. Woman puts salt in man's coffee and then tape the faucet on the sink so it squirts him when he goes to rinse his mouth out.
Clam eats salt off plate with his foot. (lick, tongue)
Teen boy puts salt & ketchup on a paper towel & tells 2 young kids to "feel the heat" coming from the ketchup. Teen slams their hands into the ketchup. Practical joke.
Teen boy puts salt & ketchup on a paper towel & tells 2 young kids to "feel the heat" coming from the ketchup. Teen slams their hands into the ketchup. Practical joke.