A woman holds a tube of lipstick and walks into the bathroom and a young boy stands on the toilet with lipstick all over his hands and face and she asks him how it tasted and he says "icky" and makes a sad face.
A young girl is asked "what's the opposite of" questions. When she's asked "what is opposite of papa" she replies "Brad Pitt."
A young boy rides a bicycle and a girl follows, talking to the camera when the the boy hits a metal pole.
A young girl shoots glue in the air, and it gets in another girl's hair.
In a living room, a man asks a tot girl what the gray scruff on his beard is called, as she replies "old age."
A man tells a knock knock joke to a young girl on a deck. He says "knock knock," she says "who's there," and the reply is "spell." When she asks "spell who," he says "W-H-O," then she pronounces this "whoa" and tells him that she does not get it.
A young girl says she is thankful for "love, my mommy and daddy and my house" and a boy asks, "What about me?" and she says, "Um, I don't wanna be thankful for you" in the living room.
A tot girl plays hide and seek and she tells dad where she hides then he find her in that spot in the living room.
A woman talks to another woman and laughs as she does the mouse trick challenge then reveals the computer mouse and the woman falls back and yells in the living room.
A woman asks a tot boy what he wants in the house, and the boy screams "no" repeatedly. She then asks if he wants "an all inclusive vacation in the Bahamas", and the boy agrees.
A tot girl walks up to a front porch and says, "Hey house, I'm here... hello." A man replies through a security camera, "Hello" and she screams and runs away. Home security camera.
A man counts to ten while he stands in front of a closet his tot daughter hides inside. He says, "Ready or not, here I come" and his daughter replies, "I'm in the closet, daddy. Come and find me". He opens the door and his daughter yells, "You found me!"
Whenever a mother gives her tot girl a compliment, she replies, "No I'm not, I'm gorgeous".
A little boy learns how to read and gets frustrated when he asks 'What does W-H-A-T spell?' and his parents reply 'what.'
Three boys and a little girl play in the aisle of a toy store. The little girl wears a helmet designed to look like the character "Thor." The man behind the camera asks if the little girl is Thor and she replies, "no, I'm five."
Dad asks young girl "Where are you right now?" & girls says "Your Ami." Man replies "It's Miami" & girl repeats "Your ami." Summer vacation. Beach. Kids say.