removing ...
A boy lies in a hospital bed in the emergency room and each time he breathes in and out, a dog's squeaky toy is heard. He coughs and the toy squeaks louder before he reveals that he inhaled the squeaking mechanism of a dog toy and is now waiting for surgery to remove it.
"time lapse camera trick" A pregnant woman in bikini does a split & covers herself with blanket. When she removes the blanket, her pregnancy bump is gone and she has a newborn baby. Music rights not cleared.
"Laughably Long Lash Lady" A mother holds up a mirror in her adult daughter's salon and gasps when she sees that she's wearing large fake eyelashes. Then her daughter removes the top layer to reveal regular eyelashes.
"Treadmill Mockery" A man mocks his wife while she uses a treadmill before getting on it behind her. He immediately falls and grabs the woman's pants, pulling them down and making her fall.
A teen girl with wax tape on her armpit screams twice before a young woman has taken it off. When the young woman does take it off, the teen screams louder, and rolls on the ground.
Two young boys play around near patio furniture on a deck. The older boy jumps onto a wicker table, breaking it and falling through head-first. Security footage.
A cat successfully removes a Jenga piece from a tower in the house.
A man and a young girl do a magic trick in the kitchen. The man holds a bottle of water while the young girl puts a towel over it. She removes the towel and the man asks a senior man to look inside the bottle. The senior man leans over and the man squeezes the bottle. Water shoots into the senior mans eyes.
A bird puts food in a bird house for her babies and then removes their waste.
A man removes a drain plug from the back of a camper. Water shoots out towards him, knocking him down in the backyard. Security footage
A man stands on a stepladder and uses a shovel to remove a shutter from the exterior of a house. When the shutter falls away, a colony of bats to fly out from under it. The man steps back and falls off the ladder and onto the driveway, rolling toward the front lawn.
A teen girl stands on a chair to remove something from the ceiling, but she falls down and lands in a laundry basket.
A man removes the front left tire from his car. When the tire is off, the car then rolls back down out of his driveway and into the street, as metal squeals on the pavement. Security footage.
A tot girl and her father perform a magic trick. The girl is behind a blanket but visibly disappears into another room when the man removes the blanket.
A young man and a senior man work to remove a bowl with a mouse underneath in a kitchen. The young man flips the bowl and runs, then they see that it was a computer mouse. Computer Mouse in the House
A woman picks up a tot boy to do the "koala challenge" and holds him at her side in a bedroom, but a German shepherd dog jumps up and takes the tot boy's pants off.
A man pulls and umbrella off of a glass patio table and the table shatters in a yard. Security camera footage.
A young boy uses a net to lift a turtle out of a pool, and the turtle immediately jumps back into the water.
A woman in a living room reads a furniture tag that says it cannot be removed except by the customer, then a tot boy says that he thinks they will "go to jail and get the virus" because they took the tag off of the furniture.
A dog gets a clothes hanger in his mouth and the other end stuck around his head.
A man accidentally gets his shoes stuck to the glue on the floor after removing a carpet. He is measuring and gets stuck so he has to remove his shoes and then his socks get stuck on the glue so he pulls his feet free and then his feet are getting stuck while a woman laughs at him off camera. He has a hard time removing his stuck shoes and socks to the floor but eventually pulls them off the glue.
A teen girl asks her heart rate monitor if it wants to fight with her after a wisdom teeth removal at the dentist. When the monitor skips a beat she says "That's what I thought. Step back."
After having an epidural, a man in a car takes a bite out of a chicken nugget with his mask on. He says it "tastes like paper" then a woman laughs and helps him remove the mask.
A cat pulls Christmas stockings off of their pins in the living room.
A man sneezes repeatedly as he waxes his nose in the house. He screams when he sneezes then stomps his foot as he rips the wax out of his nose.
A man stands next to a bush in a yard and another person in a truck off-screen drives a truck with a rope attached the bush. The rope pulls on the bush then snaps and flies off and hits the man.
A man asks a senior woman to help him drill a screw into a door hinge in a living room and he pretends that his fingers get caught in the door and she panics as she tries to remove the screw. He laughs and she realizes it is a prank and she curses.
At :26, a man tries to pull a wax Q-tip out of his nose but it stays stuck. At :54, he pulls the Q-tip out but the wax stays stuck in his nostril in a bathroom.
A teen girl talks about the gauze in her mouth after a wisdom teeth removal in the car and says "God is in my mouth I have to be real careful not to chew him up because then he can't help us." Her mother tells her it's "gauze" not "God" and the girl asks if that's God's brother then says "apparently Janette is not doing a good job at Sunday school."
A horse leans its head over a gate and lifts the lid off a bucket of crawfish, then drinks the water from it in a yard.
A man removes snow from the roof and it slides off, completely covering him.
A horse removes a hose from a water bucket and drinks directly from the hose.
A woman removes a Jenga game block from the tower and it falls down and breaks the glass table it is on.
A teen girl rides in a car after wisdom teeth surgery and cries because there's holes in her mouth and she holds a milkshake and says to her mom "AND ALL I GET IS THIS?! MY TEETH GRINDED UP?!"
A woman her teenage daughter go to move a large TV out of an entertainment system in the living room and they drop it and it falls on the floor and pulls a shelf out with it.
A man and woman have locked themselves out of the house. They coach a dog to remove the cardboard block that is blocking the glass sliding door and it bites it and moves it so they can get back in.
Two men try to retrieve a lizard that is stuck in an office light and capture it in a trash can. The lizard falls from the light and lands in one of the men's pockets. He walks stiffly and takes the lizard outside. He pulls it out his pocket and it jumps away and runs back inside the office.
A man does the water bottle prank on a young girl in the kitchen, but when he removes the towel she squeezes the bottle to play the trick on him instead.
A teen girl waxes her grandmother's lip in a kitchen. At :55, the girl rips a piece off halfway, and the woman screams. A man comes over to rip the rest off and she screams again.
A young boy pulls a block out while he plays a giant jenga in the living room and the tower tips over and falls on him.
A man films himself as he takes an air conditioner out of a window but it falls through the window. He closes the window and says "all done".
A teen girl is upset in the car after her wisdom teeth were removed. She yells, "I need some chap stick my lips are dry like the Sahara Desert!"
A man tries to remove his young son's loose tooth with a string and a door, but smashes his fingers in the door when he tries to close it.
A teen boy after his wisdom teeth removal says that his dentist punched him and knocked him out.
A teen girl cries after dental surgery to remove her wisdom teeth because her grandma mentions the anesthesia and the girl says that she promised her mom that she would never do drugs then she looks over and sees her mom and says "she was here the whole time."
"Blast with the Laughing Gas" - A woman tries to help a teen boy across the room to the couch and he stops to dance and sing because he is on anesthesia after wisdom tooth removal surgery
A woman removes an umbrella from a table and breaks the table.
A teen girl cries on her way home from her wisdom teeth removal. She thinks they took her tongue and says "Now I can't kiss."
"Wax On, Wax Ouch!" Man gets his chest, stomach, and armpits waxed. Hair removal.
Boy screams and calls his sister an idiot after she pulls his loose tooth out. Sibling rivalry.
Fishing man catches a fish, removes the hook with pliers but throws the pliers back into the lake instead of the fish. Bonehead.
Man gets his chest waxed, leaving only the letters "AFV" in hair. Waxing, hair removal.
A woman walks through a screen door that's had it's window screen removed but her dog won't go through it and paws at the non-existent glass until someone opens the door to let him through. He does this repeatedly until he realizes there's no glass and walks through.
Senior man has his back waxed and yells "Fart" in reaction to the pain.
A woman shows how to use a dent remover and falls over. Action at :30.
Woman on ATV tries to tow / yank bush out of ground in back yard, bush finally comes out and woman runs over fence on. Mishaps. Tractor
A teen girl tries to climb onto a top bunk bed in a cabin. The mattress collapses because the board underneath has been removed and the girl falls through. Practical joke.
Man loading a jet ski onto a trailer falls backwards and slams his butt
Dad helps boy remove his loose tooth by pulling it over the shower rod. Boy smiles, sees the blood, and cries