question ...
A woman holds a tube of lipstick and walks into the bathroom and a young boy stands on the toilet with lipstick all over his hands and face and she asks him how it tasted and he says "icky" and makes a sad face.
A senior woman sits at a dining room table and an off-camera man says "Who is the actor you found the most sexy and handsome ever," and the woman says "It was John Wayne.... whoa," and a group of off-camera people laugh and the man says "Why," and the woman says "He was a cowboy."
A young girl is asked "what's the opposite of" questions. When she's asked "what is opposite of papa" she replies "Brad Pitt."
A man at the dining room asks a young boy what he wants to be when he grows up. The son answers a ninja-paleontologist-engineer- scientist-teacher. When the dad asks a tot girl the same questions she says, "A candy cane."
A man in his backyard proposes to his girlfriend. Meanwhile, the woman who holds the camera gets distracted by a raccoon and misses the actual proposal.
A dog licks its lips and paws at a bagel on a marble counter top trying to get at it while camera woman questions whether he ordered it. He finally eats it.
A man asks a tot girl "Should I ask mommy a question" and the girl says "No". The man then proposes to the woman as the tot girl walks in front of the camera and records herself while the woman accepts proposal behind her at the beach.
A man with a fresh shave waits in the living room. A tot boy walks in and says, "who are you?" The man says that he is his dad, and he looks different because he shaved his beard. The tot boy asks follow-up questions and finally says, "you look like the mail man now."
"Semi-Bitter Dog Sitter" A man speaks to a woman though a security camera, and he tells the woman that he is a customer service representative who does not recognize her face. He tells her to spell her name, then asks her other questions about her hair and clothes to confirm her identity. He tells her that she is in trouble with the police, then she says that she hears laughter in the background and knows that this is a prank. Security footage.
A man records a video from a car of two ostriches while they mate at a drive through safari and a young boy in the backseat asks innocent questions about what's happening.
"Can't Wait for a Play Date" A young boy rings his neighbor's doorbell and asks "do you guys have any kids yet?" on a front porch. Security camera footage.
A senior woman asks Siri a question, but calls it "Siria" in the car then another woman tells her it's called "Siri".
A tot boy holds a toy hockey stick and falls backwards as his mom asks if he will be a hockey player in a living room.
The man with the camera shows a mess in the living room and kitchen after the garbage cans got emptied. The man calls a dog into the house and the dog walks in through the doggy door. It sees the mess and walks right back out the door. The man calls the dog back and the same thing happens. Another clip plays and the dog lays on the floor and looks away from the man while he questions it about the mess.
A young boy in a kitchen reads a yogurt label and says the amount of cholesterol is "oh my god." The woman with the camera says it's 0 milligrams (0mg).
A woman on a toilet asks a tot girl if she can close the door and she says "yeah". Her mom says "you gotta go though" and the girl says "why?" in a bathroom.
A tot boy hides behind a dining room table and his mom asks him, "are you pooping" and the boy responds, "yeah" then he looks out from behind the chair and raises his eyebrows.
A woman asks a tot girl what different shapes are and the tot girl answers. At the end she asks her what the rectangle is and the tot girl says "A phone".
A chicken bird squawks into a microphone as a woman (behind the camera) asks it questions.
A man with the camera asks his mom if she likes a photo of his brother that she has put up on the wall in her home. He then shows her than she has put up the same photo not twice but three times around the house.
A woman asks a Chihuahua dog if it peed on the wall in the house, and the dog looks away from her as it snarls.
A dad asks his tot girl what she would want to eat if pizza was gone and she says pizza repeatedly in a living room.
A baby shakes its head "no" in the house when a man asks if his mother's cooking is good.
A man plays a trick on his granddaughter and pulls money out of her ear. She is completely confused and questions how did this get in my ear.
A man records a close up video of a snail and asks how it got there while he zooms out to reveal that it's on the blade of a ceiling fan on the patio.
A tot boy sits at a kitchen table and a man asks him math problems and he gets them correct. At first it's really impressive but then you realize the answer to all of the questions is 9 and it's a trick.
A woman ask a dog "do you love mom?" and the dog nods his head "yes" next, the woman asks, "do you love dad?" and the dog shakes his head "no."
A woman asks a teen girl "thirty cows twenty ate chickens, how many didn't" and the girl guesses two then figures it out and laughs.
A tot girl and a tot boy swing on a backyard tree swing and a man tells them to raise their hand if they want to swing high. They raise their hands but fall out of the swing onto the ground.
A young boy counts to six in the kitchen and his mom asks if he can go higher and he takes her literally, so he stands up on his chair and holds up his hands.
A dog walks towards a man in the living room repeatedly, and he asks if she pooped. The dog turns away and walks back to her bed every time the man asks.
A woman asks a young girl and boy a series of questions related to Thanksgiving in the kitchen and at 2:10, a woman accidentally starts a fire on the stove while she cooks and a man takes the pan and brings it outside.
A woman questions her tot daughter in the bedroom after she made a mess with Vaseline jelly and rubbed it on herself and her doll. The camera turns to show that she also rubbed it on her sleeping dad's face and the girl continues to rub it on his face. Spanish audio.
A woman opens a gift and yells when she finds out that she is going to be a grandmother. She then asks the woman when it's due, how she feels and if she needs anything.
Cat dressed as Santa Claus nods his head yes and no to holiday-related questions. Christmas.
Cat dressed as Santa Claus nods his head yes and no to holiday-related questions. Christmas.
"Sheepish Shepherd" German shepherd dog hides in shower stall, ignores man after tearing up bed sheet. Looks very guilty while man questions him.
Dog wags its tail when owner asks him questions. Dog stops wagging for "do you want to go out" and wags for "are you hungry?"
A baby girl raises her hand when her father says, "raise your hand if you made a poop."
Woman asks pug, "Do you want a walk?" or "Do you want a treat?" and dog moves its head side to side listening to her.
A yellow lab dog and a chocolate lab dog are asked a series of questions from a man and they nod their heads twice simultaneously to answer each one.
A woman lies in a hospital bed indoors and tries to stick a straw into her mouth, but she keeps missing. A men off camera asks her basic questions, and the woman answers slowly. She doesn't know the date, and she doesn't remember having a colonoscopy. She complains "my mouth doesn't work!" She burps three times in a row and says she doesn't know where she is.
A tot girl asks her dad repeatedly what he's doing as he puts frosting on a cake and answers her each time, then starts asking her the same question.
Westie dog tilts her head from side to side when woman asks if she wants to go camping or play ball. Hallway.
Young girl holds small fish she caught while ice fishing. Mom asks her questions, girl says "Take the damn picture."
Cute beagle dog in a car tilts its head when a man asks it questions
At a baptism a priest asks a girl a series of questions and when he asks where she's going, instead of answering "Heaven" she answers "Disney World."
Tot girl answers questions about government, who the president is, NSA, Secretary of Defense. Smart little girl
A tortoise repeatedly nods while a woman asks it questions while eating.
Man woman play word game at dining room table. Woman guesses the sentence man pulls out a ring proposes. Woman yells "Shut up!" and says yes. Engagement, wedding proposal.
Pug dog tilts his head from side to side while woman is talking to him.
"Messiah Math" A pastor man asks his grandchildren each a math question, to which the answers are always "20" but when he asks his tot granddaughter what 4 times 5 is, she answers "Jesus."
Black and white dog with one ear cocked tilts head mechanically as woman asks questions in living room.
A woman tells a man the 30 cows, 20 ate chickens riddle. He doesn't understand what she is saying and repeatedly says "how many didn't what?" and guesses 2. She repeats the riddle multiple times until he finally answers 10. AA: Tell someone a riddle.
A woman questions her tot boy what he did to his hair in the bathroom indoors after he buzzed part of it off. He tells her that he cut it himself and he likes it this way.
Tot boy runs in circles around dad holding the camera in the bedroom. He answers state capitol quiz questions. Very long for edit.
Tot boy runs in circles around dad holding the camera in the bedroom. He answers state capitol quiz questions. Very long for edit.
A man answers questions from his wife's riddle with a pink man in a one-story pink house where everything is pink but he can't figure out what color the man's stairs are because his wife says they aren't pink. He asks if they're purple or brown before he realizes it's only a one story house so there are no stairs.