A man in a bar runs and punches a speed bag. Then he falls and knocks over a claw machine. Music rights not cleared.
A man in his house does a boxing workout that involves a ball and a string attached to his forehead. The man punches the ball into a clock and it falls and breaks.
man tries to punch an inflatable penguin decoration on the front-porch but he misses and punches another man in the face. Security footage.
A young boy with boxing gloves pretends to do a training montage in the living room while "Eye of the Tiger" plays. He punches the bag, but slips and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A woman leans over to examine her husband's broken foot. Nearby her teenage granddaughter blows an airhorn. The noise startles her grandmother who accidentally punches the grandfather in the crotch.
A man in the living room wears a virtual reality headset and fights something. He accidentally punches and breaks the chandelier.
A man shows a young boy how to tackle a foam bag, then he falls forward in a field.
A dog stands in front of a punching bag and hits it with its nose repeatedly, knocking it over.
A man slips and falls as he practices a kick on a punching bag.
A woman falls down when she kicks a punching bag in a gym.
A young boy hits himself in the face with a punching bag outdoors.
A man punches a ceiling light as he dances to music and pretends to be a DJ in a kitchen.
A man and a woman pull the strings on a gender reveal piñata but it doesn't deploy. The man punches it and it hits the woman behind the camera in a yard. Featured talent cleared only (man and woman at the piñata)
A young boy runs through the house with a boxing glove and punches the camera right out of his father's hand.
A man attempts to kick a punching bag on the wall. He falls and then the bag falls.
A young boy punches and kicks a dummy in a sporting goods store and he tries to kick the head and slips and falls.
A woman plays a VR game and waves a game controller in front of her, then she punches her son as he walks by her in a living room.
A young woman tries to kick a boxer punch game at an arcade, but when she hits it she falls backwards and laughs.
A man jumps and kicks a punching bag game in an arcade and falls on the floor.
A teen boy punches a body opponent bag in a home gym but slips and topples to the floor after he tries to kick it. Security footage.
A young girl wears boxing gloves and punches a teen boy in the kitchen and then she falls.
A man pushes another man in wheelchair towards the punching game at a bar. Featured talent cleared only (people sitting at the bar in the background not talent released)
A man wears a virtual reality headset and a tot boy runs by him and punches him in the groin in a theater room.
A man and a young boy perform the tortilla challenge, but at :31, the boy punches the man in the face.
A tot boy and his grandfather play fight in a living room as they pretend to punch each other. The man tells the boy to punch his stomach, the boy does then kicks him in the groin and he falls over.
A young man tries to kick a punching bag at an arcade, but he misses and kicks a game machine.
A man punches the air with virtual reality goggles on in the living room. Then a dog barks at him and jumps on his groin.
On an outdoor deck, A Hulk themed party goes on. A tot boy punches a cardboard wall of bricks with his Hulk gloves. A younger tot boy babbles and sits down on one of the fallen cardboard brick walls and falls right through and cries.
A woman mops a living room floor and a kitten cat stands on its hind legs and punches the air.
A man punches his arms into the air as he plays a virtual reality game in a living room. Then he punches his computer monitor and breaks it. Security footage.
A grandmother hits a punching bag in a house. She slips and falls backward and breaks a glass cabinet.
A teen girl wears Virtual Reality Goggles in the living room. She punches the air and screams. Then something scares her and she runs and trips over a step and falls.
A teen boy and his off camera father test his strength in a kitchen. The boy makes a fist and the father pulls on his hand to try to get it to touch to the countertop, the boy pulls back but the dad lets go and he hits himself in the face.
A young girl tells a man in a living room that she needs to test his strength, then she gives him two gallons of juice on a rope, books, and a plate of whipped cream. Then she cuts the rope, and the plate of whipped cream hits the man in the face.
A man falls down when he kicks a punching bag with his foot.
A man punches the air with Virtual Reality Goggles on and kicks and breaks something in the living room.
A teen boy wears a virtual reality headset and punches a television in the bedroom.
A teen boy wears a virtual reality headset and punches a television in the bedroom.
A baby boy wears a 'Creed' boxing costume, and the baby boy swings his arms.
A man hits at a pi̱ata in the backyard, and punches the man who helps him in the face.
A cat smacks a Pinscher dog on the face and then continues smack even harder with both paws.
Two young boys practice kicks and punches in a living room and when he third young boy walks by one of them he gets kicked in the groin as he holds a dog.
A German Shepherd dog kicks a man in the throat when the man tickles his paw and he laughs in a bedroom.
A cat swats at a flap that covers a vacuum system in a wall. She gets the flap to stay open and a vacuum sound is made, then she punches is closed.
A man hits a punching bag repeatedly. On his last punch, he misses the bag completely and falls down.
A woman in a car records a video out the window of two jack rabbits in a field that stand up on their back legs and punch at each other.
A woman sings "Happy Birthday" to a black dog indoors, holds a small cake with a candle in it up to the dog, and the dog knocks it out of her hand with its paw.
A woman runs and leads a horse around a training stable then she stops and the horse stops then kicks her in the butt and runs away.
A man boxes in a garage and the boxing bag falls down and the ceiling falls down. He curses at the end.
A woman plays with a VR headset. Another woman tries to punch something and falls through a curtain and crashes on the floor.
A tot boy tries to go down a slide on a skateboard, but he scoots back and sits on the end of the board and it tilts back into his face.
A young girl hits her younger brother in the face with an inflatable boxing glove and he falls backwards and they both laugh. He gets up and they do it again.
A young boy punches a punching glove while he mom holds it, and then he lets her try and when she hits it it hits him in the face.
A young girl punches her teen sister in the head as she makes a video in the kitchen.
A group of teen girls practice a dance routine in a school classroom but one girl accidentally punches another girl in the face and she looks surprised.
A young girl and tot girl sit on a kitchen table. A man tries to smash a gingerbread house but when he punches it the house doesn't break and he hurts his hand.
A teen boy sets up couch cushions on the floor in front of a punching bag. He runs towards the bag and does a dropkick but both his feet miss and he hits his groin on the bar holding the bag up.
A teen girl waxes her dad's large stomach on the couch in a living room. She laughs and films on her phone. She pulls off the strip and hits him in the nose with her hand.
A woman tries to trick her teen daughter with the penny water bottle trick. The girl takes the towel off the b ttle and then beats her mother to the punch by squirting her mother with water. Prank backfires. The woman is shocked and says "She lied to me!" to the camera as she dries off her face. Practical joke