A woman in the dining room scratches a lottery ticket and sees that it says, "We're having a baby." At first she's disappointed because that's not a cash prize but then she realizes her son and his wife are pregnant.
A woman asks a tot boy what he wants in the house, and the boy screams "no" repeatedly. She then asks if he wants "an all inclusive vacation in the Bahamas", and the boy agrees.
A tot girl tries to jump to the top shelf in the kitchen to reach the rest of her Halloween candy but she can't get close to it.
A woman talks like an automated voice message to prank a teen boy on the phone and tell him he's won a contest. She pretends to have technical issues despite the teen boy's correct information and disconnects the call.
A man in a hallway tricks a young boy with the credit card against the wall trick. He does it twice and the second time he catches the card.