Three young women stand in the dining room as they light birthday candles but the match drops into a gift bag and the gift wrap catches fire instead. She puts it out in the sink.
A young girl opens a present and it's a phone in the shape of an apple and she gets angry on Christmas morning.
A young boy screams loudly when he gets a video game for Christmas. He gets up and dances beside his sister while she sits on the floor.
A woman gives her mom a birthday present and tells her that she is pregnant. Her mom screams repeatedly and jumps up and down.
A young boy runs right past his toy truck birthday present in the garage and instead sees the empty box it came in. He runs up to it and screams.
A young boy opens a Christmas present. He gets a toilet and looks at it in confusion.
A young girl opens a small gift bag and a senior woman tells her that the gift bag is her own present. The girl says that nothing is inside and tells the senior woman "you guys must have been on the naughty list."
A young girl opens a Christmas present in the living-room and says "Seriously? Santa ordered on Prime? He knows he can just make toys right?" and her family laughs off-camera.
A young boy opens a Christmas gift and says "this is not a toy, I'm disappointed!"
A senior woman opens a birthday present at a table in a home and fake butterflies fly out and she screams and runs away.
A brother and sister see a present on the front door. They see a dog poke it's head out and get excited and dance and scream around the house. AA: Christmas
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A mom gives her young daughter a wrapped paper bag and says it is a surprise and it might be a puppy. The girl gets excited and rips it open but finds her younger brother inside and walks away, disappointed.
A family is sitting around a dining room table and the mother is opening a present. When she sees what is inside she screams and walks around the kitchen while the rest of the family laughs, revealing a positive pregnancy test was the present.
A teen girl gets concert tickets she wanted for Christmas causing her to cry dramatically.
A woman opens her refrigerator to find that everything inside has been wrapped in Christmas paper
A boy shakes his Christmas present toy box over his dad's head in a living room and hits his dad in the head. Short heads.
A man carries a big bucket to a car with Christmas presents in it. Then he stands on a chair and then on a stool to put them into the compartment on the roof of the car. He falls off the stool and all the presents fall. Security Camera Footage.
A young girl and a woman help a tot girl open a birthday gift. When it is revealed to be a stuffed animal, the woman asks if the tot girl likes it. The tot girl says "no" and tosses the gift on the floor of the living room.
A senior man plays "Perfection" at a dining table. He jumps and throws his hat off when the game pops as he loses.
Two young girls open presents on Christmas morning. The man behind the camera then finds his third daughter inside a pantry, eating marshmallows from a bag and from the floor.
A young boy colors a picture of a young girl "pooping on the floor" and the girl explains she is mad about it and she doesn't have short hair like the girl in the drawing.
A woman asks a young boy and a young girl if they are sure that they each want to open one Christmas present early. They take gift wrap off of two large boxes, and they yell and complain when they see that they unwrapped plastic storage containers full of small wrapped gifts. Christmas
"Gifting Granny's Goods" In an edited clip a family opens presents and a senior woman recognizes the things and says they are hers and they say they took all of the things from her house. TikTok video
A woman asks a young girl in a kitchen if she likes her dinner, and she says that she does not like the "butt peas." She holds up a chickpea and explains that it looks like a butt.
A tot boy has opened a shipping box and finds a present before Christmas. His mother asks "So did you did you rip that box open through the tape and everything?" The boy confirms he did.
A man opens a Christmas present in the living room. At first he yells profanities and runs away. Then he looks into the package again and reveals his mom. They hug and he cries.
A dog backs out of a room when a woman asks him about the wedding anniversary cake that he ate in a kitchen.
A young girl and boy find out they are going to Disney World.
A young woman in Christmas pajamas opens a gift of keys in the living room and runs to the driveway, screaming, to see her new car. The car is a gift from her sister.
A tot boy opens a Christmas present and receives a book called I Love Mom. He looks at it and then throws it to the side and looks for a new present.
A tot girl opens up her Christmas present and gets underwear, and shouts out she got underwear, and giggles.
A cat jumps on a large gift, then falls inside of it in a living room. Security footage.
A young boy walks into the kitchen with holes all over his pajamas and sees an Elf on the Shelf on the floor with the cut up pieces of his pajamas. He asks if the elf cut up his sweater and goes to his room to bring back a sweater, but it is not cut up. He picks up a piece of the clothes on the floor and says "whoa" when he realizes the piece was cut out of his pajamas. He says "that's why I felt something at night."
A woman opens a t-shirt with a target logo on it at the kitchen table, and when she holds the target up her family sprays her with silly string.
A woman opens a Mother's Day package and screams when a cockroach crawls out of it in the bedroom. She laughs then smashes the cockroach with her shoe while the woman behind the camera screams.
A young boy shakes a Christmas present in the living room to guess what's inside it. Then he turns and makes a strange face at the camera while he continues to shake the present.
"Spoiled Shirt Secret" A tot boy tells his father that a shirt came for him in the mail, but he can't tell him about the present because his "Mom will be so mad."
A tot boy sits in a woman's lap and unwraps a present and when he sees it's a banana he yells, "banana banana" and runs around the living room and kitchen to celebrate then he asks the woman to open it.
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young boy in the kitchen and his younger brother blows on his candles before he does. But the younger brother does not blow hard enough, so it takes a while to do it. The camera turns to reveal the younger brother.
A teen girl gets a literal nose ring for her birthday in the kitchen.
A tot boy opens a Christmas present and gets a glass Christmas ornament but he throws it on the floor in a kitchen and it shatters.
A man takes a selfie video of himself as he drives and tells his sister that he got his skirt, then he holds it outside of his car window and it flies away.
Two teen girls open a Christmas present in the living room that makes the sound of a goat. A woman comes out of the present and surprises them.
A dad tries to ride a hover board in a living room, but falls backwards. He lands on a pile of presents under a Christmas tree and breaks and shatters ornaments.
A young girl and boy start to open a Christmas present in the living room, but get distracted by their elf on the shelf on the Christmas tree. While they're distracted a puppy dog crawls out of the box they were in the middle of opening and then they get excited when they see their new dog.
A young girl closes her eyes as her grandpa walks down the stairs behind her with a new dollhouse but he drops it and it breaks apart then the girl's mom tells her to keep her eyes closed.
Two young girls unwrap a large box of dolls in the living room on Christmas, then one of them asks, "How much money did you waste on this?"
Two young boys open a Nintendo Switch for Christmas and they run around the house and out of the room as they scream. There is a brief moment and then they run back into the room and continue to scream.
A tot girl says that a toy is "exactly what she wanted" in the living room. She then asks her mother what it is.
A tot girl gets a toy Power Wheels car for her birthday, but she runs right past it towards a balloon in the neighbor's front yard.
A tot boy says the Easter Bunny will bring him candy and "a new mommy" in the living room.
A car runs over a young boy's birthday present in a street as a parade of cars drive past his house to celebrate in quarantine and his mom yells and laughs.
A girl gets excited and screams in the living room because she got an iPhone as a Christmas present. Then she gets up and runs to the kitchen, but slips and falls.
A group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to twin tot girls in the living room and the camera turns to show them both asleep in their highchairs.
A young boy opens the front door of a house and sees a new bike that a woman got him on the stoop. He says that he doesn't like bikes and then closes the door and goes back inside.
A woman records a video of her kids for a birthday greeting for their dad. The two older girls wish their dad a happy birthday in the beginning and then their younger brother says it on his own at the end. The girls get annoyed because they don't want him to have his own part.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets excited because he got an iPhone. He leaves the room to scream and then comes back to take it out of the box. He pulls the small iPhone box out of the big box, and the top comes off and the phone falls on the floor.
A black cat gets his head stuck in a gift bag on Christmas and walks backwards until he's able to get it off.