A woman in the dining room scratches a lottery ticket and sees that it says, "We're having a baby." At first she's disappointed because that's not a cash prize but then she realizes her son and his wife are pregnant.
A family is sitting around a dining room table and the mother is opening a present. When she sees what is inside she screams and walks around the kitchen while the rest of the family laughs, revealing a positive pregnancy test was the present.
"Befuddled Brother" A woman tells a young boy that he will have another baby brother. He frowns and asks if she's serious, then he points to his younger brother and says "okay, well I guess i'll have to give this brother to someone else".
A man and woman dressed in all blue wait for a gender reveal. A group of dog puppies in pink tutus run out from a barn behind them. Pregnancy
A young girl opens a cardboard box of blue balloons at a gender reveal and she looks down into the box and says, "no brothers are in there." Then, her dad explains to her that the color balloons means that there is a brother in "mommy's tummy" and the girl says, "I think it's going to be a sister."
A family opens Christmas presents in a living room and a mom opens a bottle of Prego spaghetti sauce and laughs and makes jokes. A woman tells her to read the brand name and her mom asks if she is pregnant and screams excitedly and her dad screams.
"Great News for Great Grandma" A woman and an older woman learn that for the first time they will be a grandmother and a great grandmother when they open a thanksgiving card at the dinner table with a photo of a pregnancy test. The older woman bangs on the table with excitement.
Baby boy sits in high chair with a cake in front of him at his 1st birthday party. Dad says that baby boy can't have his birthday present until October because it's a little brother or sister. Baby boy in high chair starts crying and his head falls into cake.
A man wears a shirt that says "Be nice to me my wife is pregnant" when he greets his parents at his birthday party at home. His dad notices and hugs him, but his mom doesn't notice after she hugs him until she's told to read his shirt.
3 girls sit on a couch and find out mom is having a baby by looking at a pregnancy test. They all scream and 1 cries. Surprise news, pregnant, expecting. Sibling rivalry.
A woman learns her daughter is pregnant while posing for a photo and screams. A man says Mazel Tov and walks off.
Surprise: Woman finds out she's going to be a Grandma by opening gift of floor mat that says "proud grandparents" on it. pregnancy Senior
A.A. big news. Parents find out daughter is pregnant on Christmas from talking picture frame. Good reaction. Scream, yell, thank Jesus. X-mas gift, present, pregnancy. Surprise.