HVL Publishing Date: 2025-03-03 Upload Date: 2018-12-30

A man and woman pose for a picture on the beach with a large pig and the pig turns and bites at the man and he and his wife fall backward afraid. Featured talent cleared (the man and woman posing with the pig).

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-02-28 Upload Date: 2023-01-02

A man and a woman hug in a backyard and pose for a picture. A dog runs and jumps on them. They all fall over into the snow. They hit a fence. Security footage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-17 Upload Date: 2024-01-23

A goat stands on a man's back while the man pets other goats on a farm. A sheep runs over and knocks a woman down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-14 Upload Date: 2019-09-10

A woman does yoga in the living room and her dog gets in the way and begs for attention.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-20 Upload Date: 2021-02-15

Five generations of women, from toddler to elderly, walk through a doorway in succession and pose together.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-05 Upload Date: 2006-09-25

Big family sits on a dock posing for a photo. The dock collapses and people fall into the lake water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-29 Upload Date: 2021-11-24

A teen girl tries to do a yoga pose but hits her foot on a chair and falls in the living-room. No audio.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-22 Upload Date: 2024-02-02

A man poses by car and a pile of snow from the trees fall down on him outside. Featured talent cleared only (man who gets snow dumped on him).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-22 Upload Date: 2024-02-27

An armadillo walks through a wooded area and up to a woman then nibbles on her toes as she screams while she poses for a photo.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-15 Upload Date: 2015-10-18

A family poses for a picture indoors as a scary clown sneaks up behind them. The kids turn away after the picture but the woman sees the clown and screams.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-30 Upload Date: 2019-10-22

A young boy and girl pose for a picture on a pony horse and they fall off of its back.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-24 Upload Date: 2021-04-06

A woman records a selfie while she poses with a man in the yard. A young girl stands on a slide in the background and throws an egg and hits the man in the head.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-17 Upload Date: 2021-07-26

A woman sits on a rocky ledge to pose for a photo at the beach and a wave pushes her over. Featured talent cleared (woman on the rocks).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-22 Upload Date: 2020-11-15

A man lifts a woman up with his legs, and she flips then falls off when she tries to balance as "My Heart Will Go On" plays in the living room. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-21 Upload Date: 2021-08-05

A family poses for a picture in the ocean, and a fish bites a young boy's nipple.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-15 Upload Date: 2022-11-11

A young boy uses a leaf blower to blast his sister's hair while she poses.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-14 Upload Date: 2021-03-02

A woman does a head stand in the living room, and a dog nudges her over.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-14 Upload Date: 2012-03-31

A woman falls while four bridesmaids try to do a leaping pose for a photo.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-07 Upload Date: 2020-04-01

A man kicks a hole in the wall as he tries to do a yoga pose while balancing on his head.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-07 Upload Date: 2015-03-03

A teen girl poses for pictures with her cat indoors and says her cat loves taking pictures with her before the cat bites her hand and claws at her face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-26 Upload Date: 2011-10-11

A young woman poses for a picture on a rock on a beach. A large ocean wave rolls in behind her and splashes her hard.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-23 Upload Date: 2022-11-26

A young girl copies her mother's yoga release pose while in a living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-15 Upload Date: 2016-03-13

A girl poses for pictures in front of an animatronic dinosaur at a theme park. She turns around to say goodbye when the robot dinosaur roars, scaring her, causing her to fall to the ground.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-01 Upload Date: 2015-10-11

A young girl is cooking with an adult woman when she sees the camera and tries to pose, but falls off of the stool she is standing on.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-17 Upload Date: 2021-04-22

A senior woman sits and poses for a photo with a giant teddy bear, and someone inside the bear moves and scares her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-29 Upload Date: 2023-08-14

A woman does a handstand with her chest on a small box at a yoga studio, then screams and falls on her face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-28 Upload Date: 2022-10-25

A man stands with his back to the door awaiting his bride and his adult son enters the room in a wedding-dress instead. The groom is amused and they laugh and pose for pictures.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-23 Upload Date: 2021-01-05

Two teen boys, three teen girls and a young girl stand on a mountain and pose for a picture and one of them falls down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-25 Upload Date: 2017-12-09

A woman poses for a picture in front of the ocean. A large wave hits the woman from behind and she falls down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-11 Upload Date: 2022-06-15

A woman stands in water at the beach, then a large wave crashes over her and knocks her down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-08 Upload Date: 2017-10-15

A woman pretends to model with a bowling ball and then falls down when she actually bowls the ball down the lane.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-04 Upload Date: 2016-11-02

A group of people pose on a staircase for a picture and one of them in the middle of the line loses their balance and falls and pushes all the people in front of them down the stairs as well. Featured talent cleared only (the eleven people on the stairs).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-04-01 Upload Date: 2023-01-09

A man smashes a cupcake in a woman's face while they pose for a family photo on a deck, then she gives it back to him and smashes a second cupcake in his face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-26 Upload Date: 2020-09-21

A woman lays on the beach with all her clothes on to pose for a photo, and a wave comes in and soaks her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-03-13 Upload Date: 2022-04-19

A man and woman pose for a photo on a beach when the woman says, "catch me" and quickly tries to jump in his arms but he fails to do so, and they both fall to the sand.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-13 Upload Date: 2021-11-12

A woman and a teen-girl pose for a picture and the woman loses her balance and falls backwards into the mud in the woods.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-13 Upload Date: 2022-05-03

A woman poses beside a barbecue on fire, then it pops and she flinches in a yard.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-02-05 Upload Date: 2018-08-17

A woman in a backyard tries to do a yoga pose, and puts her phone in the grass to film. A chicken walks through the video, looks at her phone, and walks away.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2023-01-12

A woman records a video while another woman pulls her wrinkles back for a photo as they pose.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2022-09-04

A man falls on his face in a living room as his wife has him perform a hand and arm pose on the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2021-06-09

Two women and a man dance on a table at a wedding. The table collapses and they fall on the floor. No audio

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2021-10-20

A group of three women in costumes pose for a Halloween photo outside while a man in a Michael Myers costume creeps behinds them. When one of the women notices him, she screams and runs inside the house.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2020-05-13

A teen girl poses with her cat in a room and the cat smacks her in the face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2020-11-14

A teen girl dances in a living room and she accidentally hits a light on a ceiling fan. The lamp breaks, falls and smashes on the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-09-24

A teen girl poses with one leg on a chair at home. Then her foot slips off the chair and she falls down a flight of stairs.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-11-07

Two young girls and a young boy pose for a photo in front of a tree covered in snow in a yard. A man kicks the side of the tree and snow falls on the kids. TikTok video.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2021-04-11

Two teen girls pose for a photo on the rocks at the beach. A wave then knocks over both of them.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-05-16

A young teen boy poses for a picture next to a sea lion at a theme park, but the sea lion yells/barks next to him, and the teen runs away.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-05-21

A baby boy poses in front of a birthday cake, then the backdrop falls on top of him in a living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-07-07

A family shoots off fireworks as they pose for a photo. One of the fireworks backfires on a man and he yells when it hits him in the groin area.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-12-31

Three young girls jump from an inner tube into the lake water. Then a man tries it and he slips on the dock and rolls into the water. Dogs watch.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-09-23

Two teen girls attempt an airplane yoga pose on a bed but lose their balance. One girl falls over into the side table and lamp before she hits the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-16

A young woman carefully stacks rocks on a beach. She then puts her head next to them to pose for a photo, and the brim of her baseball cap knocks down the stack of rocks.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-08-29

A man holds a fish that he caught and poses for a picture next to a lake. Then he drops the fish and it slides back into the water. The man tries to catch it but he fails.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2022-01-03

A woman behind the camera tells two women on a large lawn chair to slide back, then they slide all the way back into the chair.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2020-08-02

A teen girl sits on a waterfall and slides forward and falls and crashes and lands on her butt.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-10-18

A Labrador dog lies on the living room floor with a fidget spinner that spins on his paw.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-03-17

A young girl gets on another young girl's shoulders in the backyard, then a Boston terrier dog jumps up and knocks them over. Slow motion.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2020-11-01

Two women sit on a couch and pose for a photo and a fake spider drops down and scares one of the women and she screams.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2021-01-03

A group of young boys and girls pose for a photo on the Fourth of July, then a person dressed as a corn monster emerges form a corn field and scares them. The kids run away from the person, then run back and tackle them.