A family leaves a Thanksgiving party, then one man farts loudly on the porch and mentions that it will be recorded on the security camera. Security footage.
A man slips and falls on ice on a driveway, then farts. Security footage.
A baby boy grunts while he watches a woman roll a toy tractor in a living room, then he farts and falls over backward.
A young girl passes gas when she climbs a cabinet during an Easter egg hunt with a tot girl in the living room.
A young girl starts a video to talk about her pop-it toys at home, then she yells when a young boy walks over and farts on her, and a woman tells her to start a new video.
The person behind the camera farts and a woman and dog look at her in concern in the living room.
A woman says her baby boy is one month old, and then she asks how old her tot girl is and she farts.