Two young women play table tennis in the college student center. One of them accidentally spikes the ball into her friend's face who dramatically falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two women playing ping pong).
A man is locked out of his truck with his bulldog stuck inside the vehicle. The man points to the window button and taps on the glass and the dog stands on it, opening the window.
A young girl with make-up all over her face gets upset when her mom tells her it won't come off and she'll have to go to school with it. She points to her older sister and says "It was her idea" while her sister puts a make-up beard on her face.
A man yells the word "magic" after he lights a brick fireplace in the backyard with a roman candle firework.
A teen girl points the garden hose at her face while she figures out how to use it and she sprays herself in the face.
A cocker spaniel dog digs against a plastic bin of dog food at home, and a man points out that her food bowl is already full. She continues to scratch the container, then the man points out her food bowl again, and she eats out of it.
A tot girl points to a door and tells the woman with the camera not to go in that room and she asks why and she says "you will die" and tells her "dada pooped yuck" and waves her hand in front of her face. Graphic text added.
A group of people approach a front door at night. A man points out a large bug on the wall. The insect moves and flies around, and then a woman screams. She jumps back and when she turns around, she hits her forehead on the porch pillar. Security footage.
A man washes dishes in a kitchen while behind him a Dalmatian dog eats from a pot on the counter. The man behind the camera points and says "you have one job, look behind you," and the man turns to take the dog out of the food.
"Riled Up About Rodents" A young girl delivers a warning not to make squirrels angry. She points to a woman's arm with bruises and scratches on it and says a squirrel attacked her mother.
A man asks why a woman bought the "Jack O' Lantern" seeds? The woman points to the picture on the seed package and answers that those seeds will come with the Jack O' Lantern face, unlike other seeds that didn't come with the face. The man explains, "they aren't going to grow that way." The woman patiently insists that they will, and as proof points to the package label that says "Jack-O' Lantern." The man says, "oh, okay."
A woman tells a tot boy she is pregnant and asks him how he feels about it. He points to his tot boy brother and says "we don't need this one anymore." Living-room.
A man cleans up a flooded bathroom in which twin tot boys blame one another for the mess as they point and speak in gibberish.
A young boy sits in the back of a car and cries about leaving his friend. A woman says: "you'll see him tomorrow." The young boy continues to cry until he looks out the window, sees something, points and says: "there's a lambo."
A tot girl holds up a drawing at home and tells a woman that she drew her. The woman asks her to point to the mouth and nose of the drawing, and she does, then the woman asks her why there are lines at the top of the drawing. The tot girl tells her that the lines are her wrinkles.
A man and a tot boy look at a book of planets and the man says one of them is "Uranus" and the boy says "oh my anus, and this one is daddy's anus" and points to Saturn in the book in the living-room.
A young boy shoots a basketball into a toy hoop in the living room. She shoots again and makes it again. Then he throws it over his shoulder and hits a painting off the mantle. He turns and says "sorry dad" to the man with the camera.
The man with the camera asks a tot boy about different numbers and letters in the living room and the boy points to them in his books or on his mat. The man asks him where "P" is and the boy points to his groin.
A teen girl makes a finger gun, then points to her dog and says bang. The dog rolls onto her back in the living room and the girl gives her a treat as she laughs.
In a kitchen, a young girl starts to do dishes but doesn't realize the nozzle is pointed at her. It splashes all over her face.
Two tot girls sit on the couch and a man asks them who took a handful of spoons out of the drawer and they point to each other in the living-room.
"Cheetah Wants to Eetah" A Cheetah paces back and forth in a zoo enclosure, and a man points out that his mother has a giraffe print jacket on and pans the camera over to reveal her as the cheetah stares her down and continues to pace.
A young boy and a young girl sit at a table. Through a series of cards, a man and a woman reveal that the "we are having a baby," but not before the young girl complains, "what is the point of this?" Once she realizes it, she begins to cry. The young boy puts his hand on her shoulder and says "it's okay, they aren't actually going to have a baby," but when he realizes that actually is the case, he too begins to cry.
"Befuddled Brother" A woman tells a young boy that he will have another baby brother. He frowns and asks if she's serious, then he points to his younger brother and says "okay, well I guess i'll have to give this brother to someone else".
A woman points to a man in a truck and tells her daughter that he's cute in a car. Her daughter says "yeah", then the woman rolls her window down and her daughter sinks into her seat and hides.
A woman tries to assemble a Christmas tree in a living room by herself without instructions. She points to the tree after she finishes the install, then the tree collapses.
A woman with the camera in a yard shows a 7-person inflatable pool on her phone that she bought. The camera pans to the pool that they received and it can barely fit a young boy and young girl inside. A man behind the camera points out that it says no diving.
A man points a leaf blower at a Great Dane dog's face and the air blows through his jowls in a driveway. Slow motion.
A man and woman finds their baby girl tangled up in a roll of toilet paper, and they ask who did it and she points at a dog.
A tot girl points to a lizard and calls it a crocodile in a yard.
A tot boy sitting at the kitchen table seems frustrated by a tablet computer while pointing at the screen and tapping on the keyboard. He babbles, closes his eyes, sighs repeatedly and finally closes the lid.
A tot boy points to a mess of cracked eggs on the kitchen floor and asks who will clean them up. The boy's mother asks who will clean the mess and he says she will.
A tot girl points to the Empire State building outside and calls it the "vampire" state building.
A boy points out a marking on a dog's ear that look like another dog's face.
A boy points out a marking on a dog's ear that look like another dog's face.
A young boy points out his mother's wrinkles and his father's pimples when he puts on his new glasses.
A father asks his tot girl what happened to her carpet, and points to colored marker stains. She tells him that their dog "turned into a human" with magic powers, drew on her carpet, but is now back as a dog.
A kitten cat raises its paws in surrender whenever a boy points a finger gun at it and tells it to "stick 'em up."
A tot girl points to her twin sister in the living room and says, "Dada" when her mother asks them who pooped.
A woman asks a tot boy where different parts of his body are and he points to them. When she asks where his belly is he lifts his shirt up and yells, "Boobies".
A woman draws angry, high-pointed eyebrows on a baby boy's face, and the boy smiles and looks crazy.
A young girl describes the figures on her a Halloween shirt. She points at the Grim Reaper and says "I got a killer on my shirt."
A woman repeatedly asks her cat, "Which way did he go?" and she points her paws in different directions.
A boy plays skee ball at an arcade and the ball hoots up the ramp and hits the light in the cage and breaks it.
A tot boy in a living room carries a saran plastic wrap box to his mom and points to the strawberry picture on it and tells her that it's a snack. He opens the box and gasps and says "no strawberries!"
A man lies face down on a bed in a bedroom and a woman points a laser pointer on his underpants. A dog bites the man's underpants and pulls them and gives the man a wedgie.
A tot girl says her dad has her toy monkey, then she turns around and points at the door and the monkey hangs from her pony tail, then he mom tells her it is on the back of her head and she gets excited.
A man lays on the living room floor next to a baby boy and wiggles on the floor to dance. Then he points to the baby and the baby does the same thing. They do this three times.
A tot girl cries in the living room because she wants a ball. Her parents ask her what ball she wants and she points out the window at the moon.
Three teenage girls play a tennis video game with Wii. The game says "15 points" after one girl accidentally hits her friend in the head and knocks her down.
A man and woman kiss in their wedding ceremony indoors before their son walks in front of them and makes a funny face as he points at them and walks through the frame.
A young boy plays ping pong with a woman in the living room. He misses the ball each time it comes to him, but his dad stands behind him and hits the balls back across the table. The boy doesn't realize this and thinks he scored all those points.
A woman talks to her twin young girls to make sure that they have everything they need for school and one of the girls doesn't have pants on. Their mom asks if they have their pants and they both say "yes." Then the other girl points to her sister and says that she doesn't have pants and the girl gets embarrassed.
A man tells his tot grandson to point to his different body parts. When he tells the tot boy to point to his hair, the tot boy touches his bald head and says "Uh oh, all gone".
Jack Russell terrier dog chases laser pointer in the kitchen, boy points the laser pen at dad's butt. Dog jumps up and bites man's butt several times.
Woman holds her cat & sings "Rockabye Baby." Cat meows at specific points.
"Go Kart Curmudgeon" Dad buys go cart for daughter. Girl is excited, young boy says "You spent all your money on that?" points at camera.
Viper roller coaster fun - camera points at man's head throughout ride
A woman pops the cork off a champagne bottle in the kitchen and it shoots up and breaks a light on the ceiling fan, right after a man told her not to point it at the light.