A young girl jumps in slow motion into a leaf pile and she jumps too far and face plants on the ground.
A young boy and his friend play with a football. The boy runs into a tree while he runs away from his friend.
Two young boys play in a mud puddle when one faceplants into the puddle, spitting up water as he gets back up.
A senior man pushes three young boys on a large swing and falls over. Featured talent cleared only (older man and the three children on the swing).
A kitten cat climbs onto a dog's back as it tries to eat in a living room.
"Can't Wait for a Play Date" A young boy rings his neighbor's doorbell and asks "do you guys have any kids yet?" on a front porch. Security camera footage.
"Can't Wait for a Play Date" A young boy rings his neighbor's doorbell and asks "do you guys have any kids yet?" on a front porch. Security camera footage.
A Pug dog paws at another dog on the living room couch and won't stop even when the other dog snaps.
A man plays peekaboo with his tot girl with a towel over his face and makes her laugh, but then he pulls the towel down to reveal his beard is gone and she gets sad.
"Four-Legged Frenzy" Cat fights with Rat Terrier. Dog runs all over while cat sits in 1 spot waiting to scratch dog when it gets too close.
Cat Dancer. Man has cat crawl onto his head, they dance.
Tiny little puppy dog runs crazy circles around big fluffy white cat, cute
FTT of projected1963 clips. Cat rides on hood of car & sits on man's shoulders while on a boat. Footage is sped up in places.
A puppy dog barks at a cat hiding in a box indoors and each time the cat pops up, it scares the dog. The cat jumps out and the dog growls.