A young boy in a living room tosses a large bean bag at a teen boy who then throws it harder at the young boy. The young boy falls to the floor.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A young boy plays a virtual reality video game when he runs forward and hits the television, breaking it with his controller. Security footage.
A young boy does a somersault while he plays with his brother on a living room couch. His feet hit a lamp and knock it over, and their mother laughs and says "oh no."
A cat hiding in a cabinet opens the door and pulls on the tail of a second cat, startling it and causing it to be wedged between the cabinet door and the floor.
A young girl bounces on the living room couch. She bounces onto her butt and slowly falls off the edge of the couch onto the floor.
A pregnant woman plays with her young son, spinning him around the living room. She puts the boy back on an armchair but he falls backwards over the side. Music rights not cleared.
A man walks on a beam in the living room as he plays a virtual reality game, but he loses his balance and falls against a wall.
A young boy in the living room swings a golfclub and perfectly hits and breaks a framed photo on the wall with the golf ball. The glass shatters. The young boy looks aback to the man behind the camera. The man says, "Nice job dude. Nice job."
A young girl on a living room yells at Alexa to play Baby Shark. Her mother holding the camera tells her they don't have Alexa and the girl looks confused.
A young boy with boxing gloves pretends to do a training montage in the living room while "Eye of the Tiger" plays. He punches the bag, but slips and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A woman wears virtual reality goggles while the person holding the camera sprays her crotch from across the room with a water bottle. Eventually the woman touches her pants and, feeling the wet fabric, believes that she accidentally urinated on herself.
Two cats play on a tiered structure and one of them falls on the ground in a living room.
A man plays a virtual reality video game in the living room and runs into a window and falls back.
A man records a selfie in the living room and says he noticed his twin daughters turn to look at the TV whenever the theme song for "The Office" plays. The man turns the camera to show the baby girls on the floor and then they turn to look at the TV at the same time when the theme song plays. Music rights not cleared.
A dog gets tangled up in the lights on a Christmas tree in the living room and plays with another dog. The two dogs pull on the lights so hard that they knock ornaments off the tree and eventually knock the tree down as well.
A man lifts a woman up with his legs, and she flips then falls off when she tries to balance as "My Heart Will Go On" plays in the living room. Music rights not cleared.
A dog with borrowed hands plays cards with a young boy. When the dog wins it's fed a treat.
Two men in a living room play with a ball and balance it on a plastic a bat. An older woman takes a turn and she accidentally hits the television with the bat, shattering the screen.
A young boy plays with a baseball when his pet dog jumps up and pushes him to the ground.
A woman and a young girl play the Pie Face! game at the dining room table. The woman takes her turn, spins the mechanism and avoids the pie slap. The young girl takes her turn, spins the mechanism and the pie is propelled into her face. She immediately starts to cry. Suddenly her younger brother. off-camera, starts to cry as a reaction. Both cry uncontrollably as the woman laughs.
A woman in her living room plays darts. When she pulls on the chain to turn off the ceiling fan, the whole fan falls and breaks. Security Footage.
A woman plays a VR game and waves a game controller in front of her, then she punches her son as he walks by her in a living room.
A young boy is pushing his young brother on a toy rocket ship and says "blast off" before pushing his brother along the floor directly into the wall and the boy hits his head.
A young boy plays Monopoly with his family in a living room. He cries because he loses his money to taxes.
A woman screams as she plays a virtual reality game, then she runs into a wall and falls in a living room.
A pig plays with a toy in the living room and then starts to rub its body against a table. The pig picks the toy back up again and spins in circles with it until it slips and falls.
A young girl and a young boy play the egg smash challenge on the dining room table. A tot boy watches. The girl smashes the egg.
Two young boys play the egg smash challenge in the dining room.
A woman and a man play the "Center of Gravity" challenge in the living room. The woman tricks the man into falling on his chest. Everyone laughs. Christmas.
Two young boy play the egg smash game and the boy breaks the egg in the living room.
In a living room, a large dog sits on a couch and plays with a kitten as he gently paws at her. The kitten paws back and jumps at him but the dog paws again and knocks her off of the couch.
A tot boy and his grandfather play fight in a living room as they pretend to punch each other. The man tells the boy to punch his stomach, the boy does then kicks him in the groin and he falls over.
A young boy plays with a squishy ball and it explodes all over him and the living room.
A senior man plays a rollercoaster game on a VR headset and falls backwards into a wall in a living room. TikTok.
A young boy and a senior woman each hold a tortilla and face each other in a living room. They play rock, paper, scissors and the senior woman loses. A young girl offscreen says, "Don't slap her too hard please." The young boy slaps the senior woman across the face with his tortilla. She staggers and says, "That was hard."
A Sphynx kitten cat watches an adult Sphynx cat's tail while they are on a cat tree in a living room, then she climbs on him and plays with his tail. They fall off of the cat tree together.
A rabbit plays with a balloon in a living room, before it pops underneath it and the rabbit startled.
A puppy dog and dog play on a living room floor. The dog kicks the puppy across the room.
A woman crouches down as she plays a virtual reality game in a living room. Then she loses her balance and falls into a lamp.
An English bulldog dog plays fetch with a toy pig that makes a snort noise in a living room, then he sits on the toy and when it makes a loud sound the dog looks around .
A young girl plays drums in a living room while off-camera a young boy shouts "you're terrible!" The girl shouts back, "I can't hear you."
A tot girl plays with a headset game where food rotates around her, and she begins to laugh before she says, "Oh my god, I'm peeing my pants," while in a living room.
A man dedicates a song to his dog in the living room. The man sings a song and plays guitar for the dog while the dog chews a toy next to him. The dog starts to cough in the middle of the song. The man starts to laugh and says, "We've got to do that again."
A woman pushes a tot boy down a toy roller coaster in a living room, and he stops short at the bottom. The woman pushes him back up to the top, the woman tells a man to catch the tot boy at the bottom, and the tot boy crashes into the camera. First person POV.
A man punches his arms into the air as he plays a virtual reality game in a living room. Then he punches his computer monitor and breaks it. Security footage.
A tot girl in a living room plays with cash that her grandma gave her. She walks across the room and stuffs the cash back into her grandma's bra.
Two teen girls play volleyball in a living room but the ball lands on a table, shattering a picture frame.
A dog and a cat play and the dog sits on the cat in the living-room.
A baby girl acts shocked when a Jack in the Box pops out.
A tot boy gets a pony for Christmas but he ignores the horse in the living-room and plays with toys instead.
A woman and a young boy play Rochambeau in the living room. The young boy wins. He picks up a tortilla and slaps the woman hard. She laughs.
A man plays with a baby girl and trips on a dog bed mat near the fireplace and falls in the living-room.
Security footage of a woman that plays VR game for the first time in living room and she runs into table and falls to ground.
A cat plays with a drawstring that hangs from a man's shorts in a living room, then she jumps up high and grabs his butt, and he screams.
A dog sits in a living room and appears to play a banjo. Dogs with Human Hands.
A woman and young girl play the egg smash challenge then the girl smashes the egg and yells in the living room.
A cat paws at a man's hand as he plays a marble game in a living room. The cat then bites the man's hand.