A cat hiding in a cabinet opens the door and pulls on the tail of a second cat, startling it and causing it to be wedged between the cabinet door and the floor.
A young girl bounces on the living room couch. She bounces onto her butt and slowly falls off the edge of the couch onto the floor.
A pregnant woman plays with her young son, spinning him around the living room. She puts the boy back on an armchair but he falls backwards over the side. Music rights not cleared.
A man walks on a beam in the living room as he plays a virtual reality game, but he loses his balance and falls against a wall.
A teen girl winds a yo-yo toy in a bedroom and says "I'm good at it, don't worry guys," then she throws it into the air, and ducks when it hits a ceiling fan.
A man plays drums and the baby boy sitting in his lap giggles on the beat.
A dog plays in snow and gets snowballs stuck to all 4 legs outside.
A young boy tries to stick a plunger to his father's bald head in a hardware store, but he just hits him on the head for the first attempt, then it successfully sticks to his head.
A woman asks her dachshund if his face is stuck inside a toy in a living room, then the dog turns to look at her with the toy around his snout.
A pre-teen boy in a yard says that he and his brother will fight with pool cue sticks "which might hurt." The other boy twirls his stick his around in his hand and hits him in the head on accident. He falls down.
A man stands in a living room and tries to get a dog to jump through a hula hoop, but the dog repeatedly runs around it.
A young boy places a small soccer ball on top of a leaf blower in a yard and his father turns it on. The ball levitates above the leaf blower and the boy begins to scream and jump around as his brother appears and screams and jumps with him.
A woman gives a bubble wand to a young boy. She says, "Show daddy how to blow bubbles." The boy sticks the wand in the liquid solution, then puts it in his mouth. The woman laughs hysterically while the boy winces an puckers his lips.
A teen girl attempts to throw a dog toy in the yard and it gets wrapped around her hair causing her pain.
A young boy in the living room swings a golfclub and perfectly hits and breaks a framed photo on the wall with the golf ball. The glass shatters. The young boy looks aback to the man behind the camera. The man says, "Nice job dude. Nice job."
Two young boys walk in a yard with a big umbrella over them to keep them dry from a hose that sprays water. A dog runs up and repositions the hose and gets the boys wet.
A woman stands on a paddle board on a lake and paddles backwards. The board hits something and she falls into the water.
A man in the dining room wears a blindfold and struggles to put any marshmallows into a bowl with a spatula. His family pretends he's doing well and says he must be cheating. The man is disappointed when he takes the blindfold off and realizes he only got one.
A young girl opens a Christmas present in the living-room and says "Seriously? Santa ordered on Prime? He knows he can just make toys right?" and her family laughs off-camera.
A dog with a cone on his head bites a Christmas tree and pulls it over in a living room. Security footage.
A dog outside sits in a tiny pool instead of the regular sized kiddie pool.
Three young boys play baseball outside. One boy pitches and then runs after the ball after it is hit. He picks it up but when he runs back, he gets caught on a swing and takes down the whole swing set. Security Footage
A young girl on a living room yells at Alexa to play Baby Shark. Her mother holding the camera tells her they don't have Alexa and the girl looks confused.
A man tells a young boy to scream at his birthday candles in the dining room, then blows them out while the boy screams.
A senior man accidentally drives a car into the garage with the sunshade still on and runs into a bunch of chairs. Smooth jazz plays. Security Footage. Music rights not cleared.
A man cleans the gutter while he stands on the bucket of a tractor. The woman in the driver's seat accidentally hits the lever and drops the man. He falls, gets back up and stares at the woman who holds her hands over her face. Security footage.
A man dances like Michael Jackson in the garage and he trips and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A young child hides in a shirt behind their dog, and pretends it's taking notes with a pencil.
A pug chases his tail in the yard, then runs after a car while he still runs in circles.
A man plays tee-ball with a young boy and when he tells him to "run home" the boy runs back to his house.
Three women run outside onto a pool deck to fetch a kiddie-pool out of a pool. Lightning and thunder occur close-by and the three women turn around and run inside. Security Footage.
A man jumps on a hoverboard in the living room, and it breaks.
A woman sticks a hotdog in and out of holes in a cardboard box to tease her pet Corgi. Finally the dog snatches the hotdog.
A young girl says "wee" before she slides down a slide in the backyard, then says "wee" again after she hits the ground.
A young boy and young girl ride on a sled pulled by a vehicle through a field of snow, when a dog knocks them both over.
A young girl swings on a swing in the backyard, then falls down when the swing breaks in half. Slow motion.
A groundhog on a front porch has a package in his mouth and walks off with it. Security footage.
A young boy with boxing gloves pretends to do a training montage in the living room while "Eye of the Tiger" plays. He punches the bag, but slips and falls. Music rights not cleared.
A dad has a rough ride down a spiral slide at a playground dumps out onto the ground.
Two dogs play with each other in yard. The larger dog kicks the smaller puppy into the air.
A man carries a play house through the backyard and trips and falls and drops it and it falls apart and he curses. Security footage.
A woman slides down a child's slide in a backyard and stumbles off at the end, eventually falling on the grass.
A man trips and falls into an iron fence, as he tries to get to his ringing phone and says, "wow, that sucked." Security footage.
Two young women play table tennis in the college student center. One of them accidentally spikes the ball into her friend's face who dramatically falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two women playing ping pong).
A woman balances between the pier and a boat. A man tries to push her into the water but he falls in the water instead.
A man attempts to throw a young boy onto a float in a lake when he also falls in, landing on the float.
A teen girl takes out an extender fork at a restaurant and grabs some of her mother's salad across the table, then she and her young boy brother laugh as she feeds him with it. Featured talent cleared only (the girl with the fork, her brother, and the other people at their table).
A golden retriever runs into a living room, but his leash gets stuck on a television table, and the television falls to the ground, breaking. The dog jumps over the couch to run away. Security footage.
A man pulls down a sawed palm tree into a trailer attached to a truck and it slams into it and the hitch pops off and breaks the tail gate off in the front-yard.
A woman scares her husband, as he walks out of a room then says, "god dang-it, you 'bout made me drop my dang pickles!" Music rights not cleared.
A man plays a practical joke on his wife, telling her that there's a bat is in the bathroom while she takes a shower. He throws a sock behind the shower curtain, and she screams.
A woman wears virtual reality goggles while the person holding the camera sprays her crotch from across the room with a water bottle. Eventually the woman touches her pants and, feeling the wet fabric, believes that she accidentally urinated on herself.
A young girl blows a leaf blower full of flour at her mom and makes a mess
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young boy at home, then he says "I wish I had a better cake" before he blows out his candles.
A teen boy opens a can of soda at home, and it explodes all over him. Security footage.
A man in his garage tries to manually close the garage door but he doesn't let go of the handle, is pulled off the ladder, and falls into the door. Security Footage.
A woman tries to help her teenage granddaughter practice a backflip in the living-room but she accidentally kicks the woman in the face.
A family acts out clues while playing the game "Heads Up." The word "backflip" comes up, and a teen boy does a backflip but breaks a ceiling light.