A man and woman pose for a picture on the beach with a large pig and the pig turns and bites at the man and he and his wife fall backward afraid. Featured talent cleared (the man and woman posing with the pig).
Two young girls play with pigs in a pen when one girl runs while the other climbs up the fence and falls over the side as she takes the tarp with her.
A young boy cackles and wobbles on a chair when a pig nudges at it in a living room.
A young girl holds a stuffed toy guinea pig and asks Alfonso for more guinea pig videos with a tot girl in a living room.
A pig plays with a toy in the living room and then starts to rub its body against a table. The pig picks the toy back up again and spins in circles with it until it slips and falls.
4 baby pigs wiggle their butts incessantly (11-113, 1324M)
In a lake, two dogs swim and wear life jackets. The Pitbull notices that the Golden Doodle struggles to swim and leads it back to the dock.
A woman tells a pig, as he sits in a kennel that he needs to go potty. It sounds as if he responds with "uh uh," each time.
A senior man on a scooter rides down a hill into a yard accompanied by his family. Around 1:35 he attempts to drive the scooter up a ramp onto a porch but he drives over the porch and crashes through a wooden fence and falls over the other side of the porch.
A pig snorts snot onto a woman on a farm and she screams.
A tot boy straddles over a pig, then it runs around and the boy falls into a metal fence in a barn.
A prairie dog chews on a nut in the yard. A second prairie dog sneaks up on it and tackles it and they fight over the food.
A cat sits on top of a pig and grooms its fur in a living room.
A cow in a pen nudges a teen girl. Then the cow lifts up the girl's leg and the girl falls to the dirt in shock.
A dog sits in a living room with a dinner roll in his mouth when three more fall out to the floor.
A teen boy, a woman, and a pet pig sit in an inflatable kiddie pool together. The pig rolls over against the edge, slides out of the pool and water pours out into the yard.
A boy controls a remote control car that tows a guinea pig on a trailer around a living room.
An English bulldog dog plays fetch with a toy pig that makes a snort noise in a living room, then he sits on the toy and when it makes a loud sound the dog looks around .
A German Shepherd walks up to the security camera and tilts his head when he hears voices. TikTok. Security footage.
A woman knocks on a tot girl's bedroom door and says "Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in. I'm going to huff, and I'm going to puff." The tot girl opens the door, says "this is a brick house," and closes it again.
A cow moos on the side of the road and a man off-camera says "what?" and the cow moos again and he says "I thought that's what you said".
A pig and a goat lie together on a porch. The pig is too close to the edge and rolls off the porch to the ground.
A man walks in a front door. A woman tells the man to help her slide a box with a mouse in it to the front door. Then she kicks a computer mouse out from under the box. The man screams and then laughs when he realizes what it is.
A small pig pounces and plays with a sock on the floor indoors.
A woman yells at a dog who runs around and plays with a bra in a yard.
A woman shakes a bottle of vitamins and guinea pig wiggles its ears along with the sound.
A small dog falls over and wobbles awkwardly as it wears a little sweater in a living room.
A woman talks to a bear and says, "Will you close the door" then the bear closes the front door of the living room.
A tot boy gets on a large pig and rides him. The pig runs around and tosses the boy off his back and he lands in a tub of water.
A teen girl says "7 + 6 is 12." She tells a man you would not say "7 + 6 are 12. She says that would be dumb". They go back and forth and the girl is insistant that you would say "is 12" and not "are 12." The man says, it is 13. The girl is embarrassed.
A woman talks to a pig on a couch in the living room as the pig chews on feathers. An eviscerated pillow is seen on the couch.
A young girl cries and says her dad does not do a good pig voice when he reads her story. She then does her version of a pig voice and laughs.
A woman records a mess two dogs and a pig made from a spilled trashcan in the house.
A woman cuts open a dog bed and pig is inside and grunting in the living-room.
A potbelly pig walks onto the front porch of a house, then a tot girl and a tot boy walk out the front door and scream and run away. Security footage.
A potbelly pig pushes a teen girl on a scooter on a driveway.
A guinea pig wearing sunglasses eats lettuce off of a small plate at a small table. There is also tiny silverware, a tiny glass of water and a tiny vase.
A guinea pig climbs into a young boy's shirt and pees while his mother laughs off screen.
A guinea pig chews on a teen girl's hair and bites a chunk off.
A mom and dad surprise their tot boy and young girl with pet guinea pigs and the girl runs in place and screams excitedly.
A guinea pig rides around a Christmas tree on a toy train in a living room and a young boy and two girls and man with the camera laugh.
A pig grumbles to a woman in the living room as she asks if he wants her to get up. She moves over to make room for the pig, who jumps onto the couch and lays down.
A guinea pig jumps from a bed into a cage in a bedroom and the man with the camera laughs.
A man with the camera comes home and finds that his house has been trashed by a pig and he shows the mess in a living room and kitchen and the pig has a trash can lid around its neck.
A pot belly pig snorts while she chases a remote control car around a yard.
A guinea pig takes another guinea pig's cucumber slice and runs away with it.
A Parrot bird sings Old McDonald, snorts like a pig, meows like a cat. Particularly good at 2:40 in.
A Guinea pig climbs into a box that flips over on top of the her before she struggles to get out.
A pig gets its head stuck in a plastic pumpkin and thrashes around a yard until a man pulls it off.
A young girl plays three little pigs with her little brother inside a kitchen cabinet and as the girl says she will blow the house down, the boy opens up the cabinet door and hits her in the face.
A tot girl hugs a woman in a Peppa Pig costume and the head of the costume comes off in the backyard.
A young girl stands in the living room in a costume and says she is ready for pictures. A pig walks across in front of her.
Several little piglet pigs run to their room and hop in bed when a woman tells them to.
A young girl gets on the back of a pet pig who then runs fast along the sidewalk and the girl rides and hangs on.
Kids splashing in pool are surprised by charging pig.