A man and woman pose for a picture on the beach with a large pig and the pig turns and bites at the man and he and his wife fall backward afraid. Featured talent cleared (the man and woman posing with the pig).
A man and a woman hug in a backyard and pose for a picture. A dog runs and jumps on them. They all fall over into the snow. They hit a fence. Security footage.
A young boy in a garage uses a wrench on a tire. The boy says to the man behind the camera, "How about you do this and I take a picture?"
A goat stands on a man's back while the man pets other goats on a farm. A sheep runs over and knocks a woman down.
A man tries to climb down a tree with his head facing down but when he falls, his pants catch on the tree and hold him up. He asks someone to take a picture. Music rights not cleared.
"Bird Wants a Word" An exotic Cockatoo bird shouts and screams on a man's shoulder while it tries to get a man's attention as he works.
A family poses for a picture indoors as a scary clown sneaks up behind them. The kids turn away after the picture but the woman sees the clown and screams.
A young boy and girl pose for a picture on a pony horse and they fall off of its back.
A woman sits on a rocky ledge to pose for a photo at the beach and a wave pushes her over. Featured talent cleared (woman on the rocks).
A family poses for a picture in the ocean, and a fish bites a young boy's nipple.
A teen girl poses for pictures with her cat indoors and says her cat loves taking pictures with her before the cat bites her hand and claws at her face.
A young woman poses for a picture on a rock on a beach. A large ocean wave rolls in behind her and splashes her hard.
A man and woman smile for a selfie picture with an elephant and the elephant turns his head and knocks the man down.
A girl poses for pictures in front of an animatronic dinosaur at a theme park. She turns around to say goodbye when the robot dinosaur roars, scaring her, causing her to fall to the ground.
A woman shows a gorilla photos and videos on her phone through the glass enclosure at a zoo. The gorilla shakes its head and looks at her then back to her phone.
A man stands with his back to the door awaiting his bride and his adult son enters the room in a wedding-dress instead. The groom is amused and they laugh and pose for pictures.
Two teen boys, three teen girls and a young girl stand on a mountain and pose for a picture and one of them falls down.
A teen girl tries to catch a gummy bear in her mouth. She falls back and hits the wall, a picture falls on her head.
A woman poses for a picture in front of the ocean. A large wave hits the woman from behind and she falls down.
A teen boy tries to balance on the hand rails of a staircase and one of the rails breaks and he crashes and falls and knocks down picture frames off the wall.
A woman stands next to a monkey outside. He tries to get near it to take a picture. Then another monkey unexpectedly jumps on her shoulders. She screams. The monkey takes food from the woman's hand. Featured talent only (woman who gets startled).
A woman stands in water at the beach, then a large wave crashes over her and knocks her down.
A group of people pose on a staircase for a picture and one of them in the middle of the line loses their balance and falls and pushes all the people in front of them down the stairs as well. Featured talent cleared only (the eleven people on the stairs).
A man smashes a cupcake in a woman's face while they pose for a family photo on a deck, then she gives it back to him and smashes a second cupcake in his face.
A woman lays on the beach with all her clothes on to pose for a photo, and a wave comes in and soaks her.
A man and woman pose for a photo on a beach when the woman says, "catch me" and quickly tries to jump in his arms but he fails to do so, and they both fall to the sand.
A family makes a "happy birthday" video for a young boy, as a tot boy throws a tantrum and says, "I've been in enough pictures."
A woman and a teen-girl pose for a picture and the woman loses her balance and falls backwards into the mud in the woods.
A young boy colors a picture of a young girl "pooping on the floor" and the girl explains she is mad about it and she doesn't have short hair like the girl in the drawing.
A woman stands in a backyard and describes a large, Taco Bell pool float that she ordered online. She shows the box it came in, with a picture of an adult man reclining on the float. The camera then cuts to her husband as he lies on his back on the tiny, tiny float that they actually received. TikTok.
A woman in a living room tells a tot girl that her grandmother was once a baby, and the tot girl says "she's a big one." Then she tells the woman that her grandmother was always a "fully big grown up," and there is no evidence that her grandmother used to be a baby. The woman says that they do have pictures of her grandmother as a baby.
A man asks why a woman bought the "Jack O' Lantern" seeds? The woman points to the picture on the seed package and answers that those seeds will come with the Jack O' Lantern face, unlike other seeds that didn't come with the face. The man explains, "they aren't going to grow that way." The woman patiently insists that they will, and as proof points to the package label that says "Jack-O' Lantern." The man says, "oh, okay."
A young boy flexes his muscles in a bathroom and makes a funny face and says "take picture now, you'll miss my muscles" and a man laughs and tells him it's a video and the boy makes a surprised face and says "What?" Animotica video.
A teen boy dangles a fishing pole with a bug on it over a teen girl as she sits outside. The girl screams and runs.
A young teen boy poses for a picture next to a sea lion at a theme park, but the sea lion yells/barks next to him, and the teen runs away.
Two teen girls play volleyball in a living room but the ball lands on a table, shattering a picture frame.
A man holds a fish that he caught and poses for a picture next to a lake. Then he drops the fish and it slides back into the water. The man tries to catch it but he fails.
A dog barks at a picture of a cat in a vet's office.
A woman behind the camera tells two women on a large lawn chair to slide back, then they slide all the way back into the chair.
A dog barks at a picture of a dog on the side of a building.
A young girl cries and says her dad does not do a good pig voice when he reads her story. She then does her version of a pig voice and laughs.
A man in a living room tries to do the What the Fluff prank and as he throws the blanket up he accidentally hits picture frames off the wall and they break on the floor.
A young girl pushes a gym mat up a flight of stairs at home, but she pushes picture frames off of a wall, and they break.
A young girl holds a cicada bug on a deck, then puts it on her nose and tells a woman to take a picture while it walks on her face.
A tot boy slides down a picture of a slide on a cardboard box in a living room.
A group of young boys and girls pose for a photo on the Fourth of July, then a person dressed as a corn monster emerges form a corn field and scares them. The kids run away from the person, then run back and tackle them.
A young girl reads a book to the camera, and her dog rolls over and hits her with his paws. She tries again, but his feet get in the frame again. She tries a third time, but he steps in front of the camera.
A man and a woman try to take a photo with their dogs in the yard. The man throws a stick for the dog, then the dog runs and pulls the woman along with it.
A teen boy films his chameleon on his back in the bedroom, and when he says "smile for the camera" the chameleon opens its mouth.
A baby boy in a living room plays with a picture frame on a table. The woman with the camera tells him no and he turns around and gives her a cheeky look. He accidentally knocks the picture frame over and turns around and looks shocked.
A dog barks from inside of a car at a picture of a dog on the car parked next to them.
A young girl tells a man to do a handstand in the living room. She makes fun of him while he gets ready to do it. He finally jumps to do a handstand against the wall, but he kicks a table behind him and knocks picture frames on the floor. The woman with the camera says "I'm going to kick your ass."
A man with the camera asks his mom if she likes a photo of his brother that she has put up on the wall in her home. He then shows her than she has put up the same photo not twice but three times around the house.
A woman shoots a mini basketball at a hoop in a kitchen but accidentally hits a picture frame. It falls down and shatters on the ground.
A tot boy babbles and yells when a woman shows a picture of him as a baby in the bedroom.
A tot girl names animals in a children's book and when she gets to a picture of a hen she says it's a chicken nugget.
Two young girls pose for a picture and a very loud truck horn sounds behind them. The girls scream and run. scare
A young boy runs on a treadmill. He poses for a picture when he stands on the sides of the belt. He jump back on the treadmill and immediately falls down. Short tail.
A young girl swaps faces with a picture of a senior man.