A young boy feeds a goat popcorn from a box at a zoo. A man tells him to hold his hand flat. The goat grabs the whole box of popcorn from the boy's hand and pulls it into his pen through the boards of the fence.
A woman records a video of meerkats at a petting zoo and one of them jumps up and attacks the camera.
A zebra at a petting zoo safari sticks it's head in the window of a car and scares the kids in the back seat.
An ostrich runs through a backyard. As it passes the home owner drops a cleaning rag in disbelief. Security footage.
A young girl feeds animals at a petting zoo where a zebra nudges her and she falls.
A young girl feeds hay to a baby goat in a petting zoo. A second baby goat stands up and hits her.
A dog runs down the stairs quickly and barks. He runs outside to a young woman who is home from college. He wags his tail and howls. Graphics. TikTok
A tot girl feeds a cow at a petting zoo, but the cows head butts her and the girl falls over.
An otter follows a young boy as he walks back and forth at a zoo.
Penguins chase a light reflection around their zoo enclosure.
A beaver paws against a display glass as a girl on the other side follows his paws down and back up.
A penguin follows a young girls stuffed penguin when she moves it.
A cute snow tiger licks the glass while reaching for a pink backpack on the other side at a zoo. A man and his tot girl taunt it. No audio.
A man holds up a cutout drawing of Flat Stanley in front of a goat and llama at a petting zoo, and the goat eats it.
A goat eats dry food from a cup on a farm. Slow motion.
A man talks to a goat and it bleats in a deep voice on a farm.
A woman gets chased by a camel at a petting zoo and she trips and falls and it start to attack her.
A man grunts when a sheep hits him in the groin with their hoof at a petting zoo.
A man pets a camel at another petting zoo and another camel bites him in the ribs.
A young girl at a petting zoo holds out some food for some horses. When the horses open their mouths the girl's dad sings so it makes it look like the horses are singing.
A number of baby goats jump and play on top of a camel.
A teen girl puts a coin in a feed machine at a petting zoo and a goat pushes the dispenser knob with its nose to get the food.
A woman feeds llamas at a petting zoo and one spits on her face.
A young girl attempts to feed sheep at a petting zoo. The sheep ignores her hand and sticks its entire face into the bag of popcorn.
A llama spits at a woman as she tries to pet him and feed him at a zoo. She tells him not to spit on her and he does.
A goat eats food out of a dispenser after a man puts a quarter in it at a petting zoo.
A llama spits in a man's face at a petting zoo outdoors.
A camel snatches a bucket of feed from the man behind camera outdoors at a petting zoo.
Young girl holds baby goat & tells it to "say baa." The goat does. Then dad says "Say bye, we have to go" and goat says "Baa" again. Petting zoo, farm.
Goats. In petting Zoo, Goat walks stroller with baby in it.
A man gives peanuts to monkeys at a zoo and when he gets to the third monkey, the second monkey pushes it away and takes the peanut that the man was going to give it.
Little boy pets llama at petting zoo, llama spits in his face.
Sea lion in zoo display makes strange burping/screeching noise. Name that sound
A camel rips out a chunk of a woman's hair and eats it at a zoo.
A llama sticks its head into the front seat of a car in a drive through zoo. It eats a piece of food out of a young girl's hand, then it spits all over a woman trying to pet it.She screams. Short tails.
At a petting zoo, a cow uses its head to knock over a girl holding a baby.
"Llama Spits On Grandma" Llama spits on grandma holding baby . Senior
A sheep makes a very interesting sound at the petting zoo.
A girl hugs a Llama on a farm. The Llama knocks over a woman (girl's mom)
Tot girl at petting zoo looks at goat's butt close up, it farts in her face.
"Befuddled Baboon" A man does card tricks for a baboon at a zoo and the baboon makes surprised faces.
A man pets a sheep and when he stops, the sheep throws his head back towards his back side as if to tell the man to pet him again.
Young boy sits on top of a deer laying on the ground at the petting zoo. Deer bucks the boy off.
Little boy tries to ride a goat inside a pen, he falls off when the goat throws him into a tub of water. Petting zoo, farm.
Tot boy counts deer at petting zoo, a deer jumps & knocks boy down. Short tails - mom turned off the camera.
Camel behind fence tries to reach out and bite man extending his arm to pet it.
"Spunky Monkey" Monkey shows young girl where to scratch his head. He takes her hand and puts it on his head over & over again. Zoo, chimp
Woman walks up to llama to kiss him and llama spits in her face. At the zoo. Woman says "That is nasty."
A goat jumps over a fence at a petting zoo and knocks over a tot girl.
Monkey gets scared when otters chase him for food zoo