In first-person POV someone rides a bicycle very fast down the street. A couple deer run alongside them when one of them stumbles and falls in a driveway.
At a gender reveal party, a young boy kicks a football which explodes blue powder in the face of a toddler.
A man's living-room has pillow stuffing all over the floor and he pans to a dog and says "I wonder who could be the culprit" and a the dog has fluff hanging from its mouth and the dog lays on the floor.
A young girl sits in a height chair and sips from a bottle and an off-camera woman says "I think you're getting too old for you baba," and the girl says "Aw, cmon."
Two dogs tilt their heads simultaneously when they listen to a person's razor buzz in the bathroom.
A woman wears virtual reality goggles while the person holding the camera sprays her crotch from across the room with a water bottle. Eventually the woman touches her pants and, feeling the wet fabric, believes that she accidentally urinated on herself.
Large dog catches carrots in mid air thrown by person off-camera. Baby girl in walker laughs hysterically. Living room.
A person in an Olaf costume falls while they twirl around with a young girl at Disneyland.
A woman sprays a bug on the living room ceiling to kill it but it jumps at her instead. She screams as loud as a person could scream and runs out of the room.
A woman accidentally flips over the plate and knocks a pot roast onto the floor.
A group of boys work together to dunk a basketball in a swimming pool, synchronizing their jumps so they can pass the ball from one person to the next.
A man and a young girl play Skee-ball in the garage and the girl accidentally throws the ball to the side and hits the person with the camera.
A person in a life-sized bear suit waits for a young boy to get off of a school bus, then they chase the boy down a road and crash into a pole. Social media video.
A squirrel jumps into a security camera and knocks it over in a yard. Security footage.
A man tries to slam a pickup truck's tailgate shut on a driveway, but it reopens and hits him in the groin. Security footage. Person across the street not talent released.
A young boy throws a basketball while a woman stands in front and films him at a park, and it hits her, then she drops the camera. Slow motion.
A drunk man dances while a man plays can drums and sings outside, then he trips and falls and knocks over one of the cans. Featured talent cleared only (the dancing man and the person who helps him up; drummer not cleared).
A man pushes a lawnmower through the yard and a tire rolls down the street after it comes off a car and it rolls up to him and hits the lawnmower. Security footage. Featured talent cleared only (the man pushing the lawnmower and the person who comes out of the house).
A man records a woman as she cuts down a tree when it falls on top of him.
Nine golden retriever puppy dogs pounce on a vacuum cleaner.
A dog jumps in slow motion to catch a snowball that a person threw from off camera. The dog does not catch it and comes back down and falls in the winter snow.
A senior man swings a golf club and misses the ball at a golf course, then he swings the club again, and the ball hits the camera.
A young boy runs through the house with a boxing glove and punches the camera right out of his father's hand.
A man tries to use his new bidet but sprays himself in the face then slips and says "Turn it off" to the camera person in the bathroom.
A woman washes her hands in a public bathroom. Then she attempts to shake the water off in another person's face. She slips and falls as she does.
A woman in her front yard walks two dogs and one wraps her in her leash. When the dogs bark and chase a person, the woman falls and the dogs drag her along the ground. The woman gets up and takes the dogs back in the house. Security Footage. Featured talent cleared only (the women walking the dogs).
A young boy lays facedown in a large snow shovel to create a larger plow while the person behind the camera shovels the driveway.
A woman hits a softball in a batting cage, then it hits the camera and knocks it over.
A young girl zip lines in a yard and knocks the woman behind the camera over.
A person films off the side of a boat until a tree branch hits the camera.
A mom tells a tot girl that her new teacher is on the phone and wants to meet her. As the tot looks into the phone, it reveals a spooky photo of a scary person. She stops in her tracks and stares blankly ahead with her mouth open. She then runs away and yells, "not my teacher!" TikTok.
A man cracks an egg in his fist. The egg flies into the camera and onto the woman behind the camera. First-person POV.
A person holds a scarecrow up against a window at home, and a cat hisses, meows, and attacks it from the opposite side of the window.
A tot boy drives a remote control car at a park. The woman behind the camera yells when the car drives into her feet and knocks her over. First person POV.
As a game, a woman carries two potatoes between her thighs and tries to drop them into slippers on the floor. She misses, loses her balance and stumbles backward, knocking over a shelf of collectibles in the living-room.
A man blows leaves outside. Then he walks backwards and he falls over the logs behind him. No Audio.
A young woman sits on the backyard deck fence and prepares to jump off into the snow. She slips and falls face first into the snow.
A woman attempts to sled down a snow hill on her stomach. She cannot do it. Then she flips over in frustration. She she slides down the hill on her back. A dog comes to check on her.
Woman with the camera follows a young boy running alongside a dog as they cross a wooden bridge. The woman yells, "watch those steps!" Then she herself, trips, stumbles and falls over the steps.
A hound dog stares at a frog in a yard. A woman tells the dog to leave it alone. Then the frog hops toward the woman and she screams and runs.
A tot boy stacks some blocks in a living room before he trips and pushes them all down. Action can start around 30 seconds.
A person holds up a Chihuahua dog and it repeatedly shakes his head and makes a scream noise indoors. TikTok video.
A young boy is startled/scared when he comes in through the front door. He falls to ground then ends up throwing his water bottle at his dad.
A man uses a small weighted hula hoop in the living room. When he pauses, the weight hits the man in the groin. He falls to the floor. Another person laughs.
A man films a praying mantis bug in a yard, then it jumps off of a table and lands on him.
A woman hands a banana to a man who sleeps in a living room and tells him to answer the phone. The man says "hello" into the banana repeatedly. Then he tells the woman that the other person does not want to talk to him and asks her to take the phone back. Prank
A man dressed in a Spider-Man costume walks along the top of a concrete wall. He jumps onto a table, and falls down in a yard while adults and kids laugh.
A man lies on the floor of the house. He pretends to struggle to sit up. A baby lies on the floor next to him and makes a noise to struggle to get up. Video Rotates Sideways
A young boy runs down a hallway with a helmet on and holding a broom. He says, "I am a ninja" over and over. Then he runs into the wall, falls, and says he is OK.
A man grunts while he carries a suitcase up a frozen street and onto a steep driveway. Then he falls and slides back down the driveway.
Security footage of a man who slips and falls into the splits while walking on ice on the driveway. He struggles to stand up again.
A tot boy swings on a playground while a young boy stands in front of him and dodges the younger boy's feet. The tot laughs and the young boy drops to the ground. Then the tot launches out of the swing and hits him in the groin.
A cow in a pen nudges a teen girl. Then the cow lifts up the girl's leg and the girl falls to the dirt in shock.
A dog tries to walk on an icy driveway. A young boy behind the dog falls. At 29 seconds, the dog moves his paws but does not go forward. He slides backwards.
A man stands on an unstable chair while he tries to fix an outlet on a front porch when it breaks and he falls through the chair and onto the ground. Security footage.
A teen boy sits on a rope swing in the front-yard and two other boys push him. The rope breaks and the boy falls to the ground.
A puppy dog and dog play on a living room floor. The dog kicks the puppy across the room.
A man slowly walks across an icy driveway. He has trash in his hands. He slides down the driveway like he is on a skateboard and then falls in the street. Security Camera
"Fighting Like Cats and Corn Dogs" A young girl reaches under a couch and tries to get her corndog back from a cat that growls and hisses and slaps her in the living-room. First person POV.