A young girl holds up a cheeseburger that she has opened up and complains that there are teeth on the burger. Her mother tells her that they are chopped onions.
A man and a woman light an onion tower on fire on a griddle. The man pours water on it which only makes this worse.
A dad tries to cook an onion volcano and it catches on fire on a hibachi grill in a kitchen and a young girl and young boy look scared.
A man and woman give their kids caramel covered apples in the living room, but then after the kids bite into them, they realize they got onions as an April Fool's prank.
Three teen boys and two teen girls bite into what looks like caramel apples but the boys realize theirs are caramel onions for April Fool's day. Practical Joke.
A girl opens a Christmas present and cheers when she got an onion because it's what she wanted, in addition to staples and tape.