A young girl sits in a height chair and sips from a bottle and an off-camera woman says "I think you're getting too old for you baba," and the girl says "Aw, cmon."
A mom shows a portrait drawing that her young daughter told her she had drawn of her. Then the mom says how the daughter corrected her and said, "no that one is not you....this one is," as she reveals a drawing of a haggard old woman beneath it.
A teen boy attempts the whipped cream challenge, but the cream explodes, and gets in the clothing and hair of all the assembled family members nearby.
A woman carries a giant birthday cake over to a one year old in a high chair in the living room as guests sing "Happy Birthday." When she gets to the baby, she drops the cake on the floor.
An old dog slowly licks a glass door while waiting to be let in.
A senior man struggles to walk in deep snow and falls down while trying to walk into the house. He and his wife laugh.
A man films himself in his car as he listens to "Old Town Road" on the radio. He reveals a horse in the back of his truck. Music rights not cleared.
A twenty-month-old girl stood at the end of the slip-n-slide. Her father thought he would be able to slide right up to her but the man couldn't stop and plows into her.
An elderly woman moving an old toilet to the curb rides it down a snowy hill before falling off near the bottom.
A one-year-old baby girl uses the family dog as a step stool to climb onto the couch.
A man opens a front door and inside the house is a Boston Terrier riding on the back of a rocking horse to Old Town Road (music rights not included).
A man uses a sledgehammer to smash an old piano in a field. On the second swing, some wood panels break and bounce up and hit him in the face.
In a living room, a man asks a tot girl what the gray scruff on his beard is called, as she replies "old age."
A woman asks a young boy for help with the dishes and he tells her "You're 40 and I'm 4, so I think you're old enough to do it by yourself... I believe in you" in the dining-room. Kids say.
A tot girl wears a granny costume and says her back hurts.The woman with the camera asks how old she is and the girl says "thirty three."
A tot girl in a living room tells her mother that she needs to get a new mother, "because you're getting old."
A teen boy puts on an old man mask in a bathroom. He walks then into the living room. He scares a senior woman who sees the boy. She screams and throws the drink in her hand.
Young girls play football with their grandpa, he runs after the girl with the ball but falls face forward in the chase.
Young girls play football with their grandpa, he runs after the girl with the ball but falls face forward in the chase.
A young man and a young woman rock back and forth on a see saw. Then the young man falls off and lands on his face.
Two young boys try to trick a senior man in a yard with the water is coming out of the bathroom prank. The senior man doesn't fall for it and says "We might be old but we watch YouTube!"
A young girl, young boy, and a tot girl open themed T-shirts on Christmas morning to reveal that they will get a fourth sibling soon, and the tot girl cries.
A tot boy cries. He shows wrinkles on his hands. A woman asks "why are you crying?" He says "because I don't want to get old."
A young girl walks up to a mailbox with a letter in her hand and struggles to understand how to place it inside.
A woman says her baby boy is one month old, and then she asks how old her tot girl is and she farts.
A tot girl in an old lady costume walks with a walker outdoors and then trips and falls as she looks at her mom. Halloween.
A woman tells her young boy and girl she traded in her old dog for a new puppy in the front yard. The boy starts to cry then looks at the dog and says "wait a second, you gave him a new haircut."
A tot boy tells his parents that he is fourteen years old repeatedly in the car.
A young girl tells her mother what she want for her adult birthday. They will drink wine an beer, eat pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Her mother asks how old the girl will be when this happens. The girl says 5. Her mother tells her she has to be 21.
A Parrot bird sings Old McDonald, snorts like a pig, meows like a cat. Particularly good at 2:40 in.
A senior woman tries to blow out her birthday cake candles and her dentures fall on the cake.
A young boy points out his mother's wrinkles and his father's pimples when he puts on his new glasses.
A puppy dog takes a senior woman's dentures and the senior woman tells the puppy dog to give them back.
A man tries to do a back flip off of an old washed up boat, but gets scared and just jumps backwards and lands on his back in the water.
A group of boys record a video greeting for their grandma in the living room and say they hope she feels better. They say they'll see her in a couple months and one of them says "if you're still living."
Man hands a woman a Christmas present wrapped in bubble wrap & pulls out an engagement ring & proposes to her. She screams, hugs him, and tackles him to the floor.
A teen girl in a yard at a high school attempts to ring a large old bell and it breaks and falls.
An old dog in a car leans his head out towards a rolled down window and the wind runs through his jowls and neck rolls.
A man jumps on an old pogo stick on the driveway and it breaks and shoots a piece up into his groin.
A young girl struggles to open a container of old tomato soup on the back deck. Her mother opens it and the soup explodes all over her.
A tot girl says she is old enough to go on a date to the zoo, but her mom doesn't want her to because she is still her baby. She says she will be back in six months and comforts her mom.
A young girl asks her mother how old she is repeatedly and doesn't believe that her mother is 45. The woman asks the girl how old she looks and the girl says 50.
A man rides a skateboard attached to a lawnmower with a bungee cord and then he does a deep split then falls over on his chest. He screams "ow" several times really loud.
A man steps on a kayak and falls back then the kayak spins and he falls into the water.
A robotic scary old man Halloween decoration stands outside a front door. The wind blows, and knocks the decoration over, and it falls in front of the doorbell. The eyes glow red, and the wind makes it move and shake. Home security camera.
A robotic scary old man Halloween decoration stands outside a front door. The wind blows, and knocks the decoration over, and it falls in front of the doorbell. The eyes glow red, and the wind makes it move and shake. Home security camera.
Two young girls and a boy watch AFV and their mom asks them who's their favorite and the boy says Alfonso then his sister says the old guy
A man uses a leaf blower to scare out a rat from under an old fridge in the garage and when it runs out the man screams as his dog runs after it
A senior man falls over and does a split as he plays basketball with another man.
A senior man stands in the middle of a green field. A young boy flies a drone over his head and lowers it over his head then drops it by the side of his face and the drone blades slash at the old man's neck and throat.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets confused because the bike that he got is the same as the bike he already has. His dad realizes that he brought up the wrong bike from the garage to give as a present.
A woman asks a tot girl how old she is in the living room and the girl says "two." The woman asks how old she'll be on her next birthday and the girl says "too much."
A man sings "Old McDonald" with a tot girl in the living room and she says "cow" each time he leaves a blank for a different animal.
Pick up truck is tied to an old house to help demolish it. Instead a single piece of wood is ripped off house and hits the truck with a thud sound. Boneheads.
Man is dressed in costume as an old lady looking for a lost dog, she has a dog stuck between fake butt cheeks. Halloween.
Dad sets it up to spray his 8 year old boy. Sink faucet. Prank / practical joke
Four-year-old boy skateboarding, falls and then the board rolls into his crotch / groin / balls.
Three snowmen stand on a snow covered road. Three men sled down the road on old rail sleds, crash into and destroy all snowmen at the same time.