A man runs and jumps into a dragon chair at a festival, which he thinks is soft and inflatable but quickly finds out that it is not.
Three dogs slip and slide down the same icy patio steps as they go out to potty.
A man slips and falls then slides on his back on icy steps, as he walks out of a door. Security footage.
A woman slips and falls down the front doorsteps. Home security footage.
A woman runs outside and trips on a power cord connected to nativity scene decorations and she falls. A man runs out to check on her. He also trips and falls. Nighttime, Security footage, Christmas
A woman dances in front of a security camera, then walks straight into the glass front door and two other women laugh at her. Security footage.
A woman trips and falls forward when she walks out to her car in the driveway. She lands with her aims splayed out, then stands and unlocks her car. Nighttime. Home security footage. No audio.
A man falls asleep on a couch as he plays video games on a TV. A woman wakes him up and he looks scared and asks what time it is. He says he was supposed to go to work and gets scared, and the woman laughs and says it is still the nighttime.